Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint


Download available within 1-2 hours. How to test newsfeed ads. side bar ads. Mobile vs non mobile. International traffic, Segmented age groups, CPM, CPC models, landing pages, various CPA offers, different CPA networks, fan pages, using youtube videos, promoting physical items on Amazon.

Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint


Re: Your Wake Up Call…

From the desks of Andrew Fox & Peter Parks
Dear Marketing Friend,
I’ll ‘cut to the chase’ immediately.
If you’re losing money ‘hand over fist’ with your Facebook advertising
If your product launches are doing 5% – 10% of their potential while others soar around you leaving you angry, frustrated and annoyed
I think I have the solution for you.
Internet Marketing is in for a rude awakening.
“Be Honest – Are You Hitting 7 Figures a Year With FaceBook Marketing, Product Launching and Affiliate Marketing?”

If your struggling with Facebook pay per click advertising… if you don’t know how to track your advertising, where to find the hottest offers, how to optimise your campaigns for mobile, split test, target international offers, scale and automate then this if for you…
If your launching products that are hitting $3, $5k or even $20k+, while you see other people hit $100,000+ like clockwork and wondering what your doing wrong this is for you…
If your a great programmer with amazing products but can’t seem to ‘break the code’ and are struggling to get the products the exposure they deserve this is for you
If your struggling to write red hot sales copy that converts like gangbusters every single time this is for you
If your failing to get the affiliate support you need to successfully launch your products in the marketplace this is for you
If your unable to create killer sales funnels that generate massive EPCS while making your customers love you… this is for you.

14 Years of Proof Below – Dominate ANY Market. Clickbank, JV Zoo, CPA Offers, Your Own Merchant Account, Independent Affiliate networks – Tired And Tested
(Income Disclaimer: Below are what we have achieved from several years of hard work, dedication, study and perserverance. We in no way imply or promise any sort of income at all.)
“On A Cold & Crisp Wintry Day In Stoney Vill, Canada A Life Changing Event Would Occur To Change The Life Of A Lucky Few”
As the wheels of my Airbus 319 hit the tarmac, with that all too familiar ‘chrip’ I pulled a warm sweater over my head.
Spending the previous 3 weeks in sunny Cancun, Mexico and Miami Florida, Canada certainly was a shock to the system with the near sub zero tempeatures.
I was flying to meet my long time friend and future business partner Peter Parks.
Peter one of the most underground high 7 figure marketers, collected me from the airport in an executive town car and I welcomed the warmth inside
“Dude – Welcome to Canada man, cold eh ? “ with an evil chuckle
“ Ha ha– yeah man – hard to believe I was out running on the beach this morning”
So as soon as we arrived at Peters’ house – as most obsessed laptop entrepreneurs do we fired up the laptops
“Dude – Check this Out – I’ve made Over $3,000,000 ($3million) this year from one of my smaller accounts using

FB Traffic – This is where it’s at!”
Peter then started unelinging some mind blowing numbers,where he got the traffic from, how to tracked everything, ad copy.
Then I asked him the burn questioning on the tip of my tongue…
“Peter – Where the Hell Did You Learn

All this From, These Numbers Are Insane”?
“Well man I’ll be honest – I bought every damn course under the sun but most of them were crap or very basic.
I went back to some of the product creators and asked…
“Did you actually test any of this information before you released it’? And many people said No!”
How crazy is that!
So I spent literally months dude and lost a *TON* of money figuring this all out….
How to test newsfeed ads. side bar ads. Mobile vs non mobile. International traffic, Segmented age groups, CPM, CPC models, landing pages, various CPA offers, different CPA networks, fan pages, using youtube videos, promoting physical items on Amazon. I freakin tested everything!
Peter then asked me
“So Foxy I’ve Always Wondered… How Do You Hit 1# and Smash Records on Every Network, Clickbank, JvZoo, Blow Up Merchant Accounts And Hit A Home Run Every time?”
I’ve been launching products from 1999.
I’ve sold everything from $7 lead generation offers, $97 ebooks, $1997 Affiliate Training courses, $997 Multi Media Info products, $17-37 WordPress Plugins, Licensed my own products from $297 – $997 , purchased resale licenses for as little as $197 and made over $25,000 back (Did this with one of Ryan Diess Adsense products).
So what I’ve trying to say is this…
“Peter I’ve tested every freakin damn price formula and type of products there is and I’m come to a conclusion that no one really ‘gets”
Peter says “Go on dude let me hear it”.
Pay close attention because this one sentence is going to change your life if you “get it”
You Need To Know When To Sell the Right product, At the Right Time, At the Right Price And Most importantly Know What Direction The Market is heading In.
I’ve been doing this all my life – and trust me I’ve a red hot sniffer nose for what the market wants.
In fact I’ve bucked the “trend” so many times I’ve lost count of the number of the times the ‘guru’s jaws have dropped while they frantically scramble to pick up the pieces…
And in 2011 I took the biggest ‘leap of faith’ yet and
“I Took A Massive Gamble In December 2011… The Bet No One Thought I Could Win”
2011 had been filled with a ludicrous amount of income screen shots in sales letter
To try and get “one up” on the last product launch, creators used more extreme income claims and in many cases the quality of product was decreasing rapidly.
A recipe for imminent disaster!
So I went a different route….
“I’m Gonna Write A Sales Letter With
ZERO Income Screen Shots And I Bet It
Does Over A Million Dollars Revenue!”
The uproar was INSANE!
“Dude – I wouldn’t try that. it’s not going to convert”
“Seriously you need more Proof on the page other wise its doomed”
But I didn’t listen to them…
I went back to the ‘old school. Match an in demand product, with a ‘step by step’ transparent sales letter.
Then we went LIVE!
Sales started pouring in immediately.
Affiliates were going FREAKIN NUTS sending wave after wave of buyer hungry traffic. We shot up the charts in Clickbank with tsunami like force
“By the end of the month we had done over $700,000.00 In Sales”
‘I Then Sold The Business For An Undislcosed High
Six Figure Sum – And More Importantly I’d Discovered
The EXACT BluePrint To Sell For 7 Figures”

“What he teaches works”
PROOF: History Repeats Itself – Two #1’s on JV Zoo In September And November 2012 Within The Space of 12 Weeks
Analysing the market I could see huge holes and massive opportunity.
JV Zoo had a very active up and coming marketplace.
Great customers, great affiliates and it was just getting started. But I could already see mistakes that could be capitalized on.
Pricing, sales page design, video presentation, sales funnel, affiliate management.
….Some offers had GREAT products but poor sales copy
…… Others had great sales copy but products that didn’t have much market appeal.
Using the “blueprint” we

released Content Gorilla
“Introducing DNA Wealth Blueprint –

The Ultimate ‘Step-By-Step’ Mentoring

& Coaching Program To Dominate Paid FB Advertising, Product Launches

and Affiliate Marketing”
DNA Strand 1: FB DNA Blueprint By Peter Parks, A.K.A “Mr $100k /Day” – Over 15 No Fluff ‘Look over my Shoulder’ Video Modules Showing You How to Apply The Same Methods That Peter went from a $50/day sales to $100k/day
Intro Module: Mindset about what is required to win at the world of affiliate marketing and paid traffic
-The one thing that will crush your success before you even begin and how to avoid it like the black plague
-How the real money is made in CPA & Affiliate Marketing and why no one knows about it
Module 1 – Setting up Tracking To $20K A Month
How to split your campaigns up for maximum reach of audience
how to split test your images, headlines, age groups
Why you need to split test, if you get this part wrong all you will do is burn throughout your ad spend and be further behind in the game
The number one reason people fail online is because they refuse to follow instruction

and track the variables needed to be successful.
We’ll show you how to do all of that in a simple easy to follow format. Watch the videos at least 2 to 3 times to let the info set in and you’ll be up and running.
Module 2 – Picking The ‘Money Rich’ CPA offer
-Why some offers are not all created equal and reasoning why they are not created equal – this will shock you when you find out what the real reason is because it shocked me when I found out.
– When you should use universal offers and the psychology behind the offer. What makes it that special
– ever wonder why niche offers may not be the niche offer you thought it was and why it bombed to a perfectly suited crowd? Well I’ll reveal why that is. Trust me you don’t want to miss this because no one is talking about this.
Module 3- Big Money – International CPA Offers
-If you get this right, you could run international offers all day long and never need to run a North American offer again. I explain why. Only the top 1% of CPA and Affiliate ninjas knows this for a fact.
-Here’s the deal if you set up an international offer like any other offer you will be doomed from the world get go, I’ll explain to you how to set it up and why you have to set it up this way to please Facebook™
-International offers are money in the bank (Full Income Disclaimer) you may not make a dime with international offers if you blow this one important technique. I’ll share with you what it is so you can laugh all the way to the bank.
Get immediately download Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint
Module 4 – Spilt Testing the Right Way
Split test like the pros, what you need to have in your arsenal and why. if you don’t have the proper tools to play you’ll never get the pay off you’re looking for. Its easier said than done because only the top marketers, affiliates, and CPA guys and girls know how to do it right.
I’ll show you two tools that will get you to six figures (Full Income Disclaimer you may not make it to six figures heck you may not make it out of the gate, it will totally depend on you its 100% accountability time)
I’ll show you when you really need to split test and how its important to do it at this exact time and why
Module 5 – Becoming A FaceBook Jedi
There are only really a handful of strategies and techniques you need to incorporate into your facebook™ marketing, I’ll walk you behind the scenes and let you know what they are so you shouldn’t screw up.
Watch as I set up a campaign that is set to bring in bank from the word get go and how you should set up your campaign like this each and everytime
Module 6- Like, Shares & Comments – Which is The Most Important and Why?
If you get this right, your ad cost is literally pennies whether it be CPC or CPM I’ll walk you through how to dial this tricky part in when it comes to facebook™ and why it so important to get it right.
Most people really do not pay attention and figure if I can get a bazillion “likes” the money will come pouring in. Guess what I’ll show you why that may not be the best move in the play book to make, and I’ll show you when its the right strategy to play.
Stick around get in to see this module you’ll “like” it.
Module 7 – Amazon & Facebook Guerilla Marketing
You’ll see how do Men and Women think differently when it comes to buying on Amazon® and why you have to factor that into your affiliate marketing, and even more importantly your CPA stuff
Why many people can’t figure out how to track Amazon properly. I’ll explain it in about 30 second and when I do you’ll know how to combat the biggest issue facing most affiliates and why Amazon® has a “hard on” for it

Module 8 – CPA Preselling for Sky high Conversion rates
When you buy our program you’ll have made your investment back 1000X because when you see how this CRPL is broken down it will pretty much be game over you can replicate and move into any niche market with some minor adjustments

Module 9 – Mobile CPA Marketing
How to effectively make sure you’re mobile clicks are authentic clicks when they land on your site and what to do about it if they aren’t when you’re in the CPA landscape.

Module 10 – Competitive Intelligence For Profits
The almost sneaky technique which is (free) that no one is using to find out what your ideal demographic is and how valuable it is to have.
Use this resource and you’ll be able to better define your facebook™ demographic easier than a thief steals candy from a fat school kid.
Also you’ll learn another dead easy strategy to get the advertiser to reveal their most intimate details about their market that no one uses or talks about, I’ll explain to you this common sense approach tactic and why it will actually help get you a “bump” in your commissions done right.
Module 11 – CPA List Building
Also learn how not to move into these markets and why you shouldn’t use certain “spam or trigger” words in your account that will get you shut down retroactively even if it was something you used or promoted 3 years ago it will still be your downfall today.

Stick around and get this module it will save your account.
Module 12 – Advanced CPA Tracking Secrets For Facebook
Also learn how to make sure when you learn what the most important metrics are how to build a real campaign around those metrics, you’ll save yourself a ton of headaches
You want to know why you shouldn’t use more than one pixel on any given page?
I’ll share with you what happens and why it could destroy your ad spend.
You can take this module to the BANK and cash it (see Full Income Disclaimer)
Module 13 – Optimzing Your Ads and Scaling
Also when its not a good thing to rotate out your images (many people don’t talk about this but I will, the answer may make you think twice about doing it)
Hint: “Think Strategy of Preeminence”
I gave away a real jewel here but still many will miss the boat on this one.
Get the course and let me explain it to you so you “GET IT” because once you “Get It” you “GOT IT”
Module 14- How To Monetize a CPA Lead Multiple Ways Before The Advertiser
This is one of the most darkest plays in the CPA book that a handful of wealthy guys and girls are doing. Some may say its not right, some will tell you its how to extract maximum visitor value. Either way if you do it right its a win win for everyone.
This is not for the faint of heart and is very controversal. I’ll walk you through how its done and explain the way I do it so you can make the call.
Either way you are 100% accountable for your actions, if you do not want to implement this strategy then you are under no obligation to do so. Its not black hat, but it is EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE.
Matter of fact you shouldn’t even buy the course only some of my $25K clients use this aggressive stuff so just stop reading and be on your way.
Module 15 – CPV Labs Tracking – The Key To 7 Figures+ a year
Because this is a script and not my product or service I cannot offer any technical support with regards to install, maintenance, upgrading, etc etc etc CPV labs has full blown customer support and extensive videos online and at youtubeâ„¢ for setup and install. please contact CPVLabs for support questions.
As I write this its necessary because I know what will happen if I don’t come right out and say it.
Matter of fact any tools that I go over in the course I have not created them so I cannot offer any type of support so please be mindful and respectful of that fact.
My support rest with DNA Wealth Blueprint members who buy and going over strategies and techniques to help them succeed.
LIVE Training With Andrew Fox: Creating $100,000 – $1,000,000+ Figure Product Launches Like Clockwork On Top Networks Including ClickBank, JV Zoo and your own merchant account
“This is Eric Owens, CEO of, one of the top brokerages for internet and mobile app businesses. I’ve been around the internet game a long time and have known Andrew for 10 years.
We recently brokered the sale of some of Andrew’s businesses to the tune of multiple six figures. Seeing the inside of his businesses with all the nitty gritty financial details we have to obtain to sell a business, I know firsthand that what he teaches works. In other words, what he does produces stable and consistent profit!
On at least one acquisition, the buyer did the deal largely for the chance to work with Andrew. If you ever have the chance to learn from Andrew I highly recommend you take it!”
– Eric Owens,

Live Training Week 1: Tuesday 8th January. Picking The Right Type Of Product To Sell & Create

The free tools I use to study and analyse a market before any sort of creation (If you don’t get this right there is NO WAY you will do over $100,000.00 in sales)
Why understanding how to ‘read a market’ is peoples greatest downfall but when you learn to do it the right way you crush it every time.
““You can’t polish a turd” concept – you need to make sure you don’t fall into this category.
The UGLIEST website that made me $100,000’s because I understood how to spot the opportunity – I’ll teach you how to do this.
Tiger Marketing – Timing is everything! You could have a great idea for a product but the timing for the market must be right.
Our secret source to get software developed for just pennies on the dollar by TOP level programmers (We have paid less than $1000 to develop a product that does over $100K )
The RIGHT way to test a product.. If you ever see people claiming “I got a 23% conversion rate” chances they are in for a BIG fall.
How to carry out the ultimate ‘Litmus’ test to ensure you know you are on course for a six figure plus launch.
What to structure and implement in your product to help you sell it for up to 24-36 months profits . (A $5,000 profit/month website could be worth nearly $200,000 if you do this right)

Live Training Week 2: Tuesday 15th January: Sales Funnel Optimization + Pricing

The number of upsells and downsells you should use in a sales funnel for optimum “Visitor Value” without making your customers hate you.
How to get up to a 70% uptake on your first upsell by twisting the knife with the missing piece and make your customer thank you for it.
The HUGE mistake I made that lost me over $30,237.45 on a recent product launch by “giving away the farm” to early on (I need to share this with you so you don’t make this horrific error.
Why pricing in certain market’s is INSANELY sensitive and if you don’t have a ‘Plan B” people won’t even get to see your sales funnel.
How to use “special offer” pre launch webinars with select JV partners to bring in an additional 40% in revenues (We did over $67,467,45 employing this technique)
The pricing structure that never fails and why you MUST use downsells correctly or again your launch could fall on it’s knee’s.
Using time scarcity within sales funnels to boost sales a further 34.8% . Do it right it works, but do it wrong and your customer will get confused and chances are refund!
The Number 1 Flaw with clickbank and “1 click upsells’ that could destroy any launch (Even the guru’s don’t know about this)
How I I accidentally discovered the “Good Cop – Bad Copy” Upsell/downsell” personality hack that brought in an additional $16,546,27 in revenue.
The split testing software that kicks every other piece of software’s ass out there. Do you know what it is?

Live Training Week 3: Scorching Sales Copy That Will Convert Like A Thunder god. Wednesday 22nd January

While some sales letters convert like gangbuster’s the majority fall flat on their face…
Most people think their sales copy is awesome – in many cases they suck and not realizing or admitting that is going to hinder your progress even further. In this mammoth training I cover..
The “Double Yes” Engagement factor to decrease your abandonment rate by as much as 327%.
Why you must address “2 Core Elements” no matter what niche you are in, within the opening 60 seconds of your sales copy.
Why the wrong use of colours will sink your website faster than the Titanic no matter how good your product is.
Leveraging Brand names like Amazon, Forbes, Ebay using the “power of association” (Do this wrong and you could get sued!)
The Use of bolding, italics and underlining the right way to make keep your prospect engaged.
Understanding how to use external market conditions and 3rd party sources (Its free!) to double the conversion of your offer.
Why you MUST attack and overcome “Trust” objections early on or people will never buy from you.
What’s the optimum time for “screen demonstrations” are (Get this wrong and it will KILL you)
How to ‘Align’ your self with the viewer which will dramatically increase the chance of them handing you over their credit card details.
Tapping into “Primal Motive” to twist the knife into super sell mode (The most powerful psychological factor of them all and nobody uses it)
How to Leverage the “Better than your peers” angle to make it hard for a prospect to refuse your offer.
Using scarcity and timers on a page the RIGHT way (Most people do it wrong, which results in less sales! Do it this way and you could QUADRUPLE your revenues.
How To Close a sale and which factors play the crucial point in getting the prospect over the finish line (You’ve done the hard work – now make the sale!)

Live Training Week 4: Unleash the Affiliate FireBall And Getting Affiliates to Promote Hard. Wednesday 29th January

Affiliate’s are here to make money – Why greed is the #1 motivator for many affiliates and how to leverage that to make your launch a massive success.
How to use pre launch webinars to “spring board” your launch into high gear and make affiliates go BONKERS.
How I have 1000’s of visitors from affiliates before the website even goes live.
Why most product vendors SCREW up trying to attract high level affiliates with poor marketing (They think they are doing great but are in fact destroying their launch – are you doing this?!)
How to attract HIGH LEVEL affiliates by knowing which “buttons to push”
The email swipes I use to get a response to over 90% of super affiliates I contact. (I’m going to hand you the EXACT emails I use)
The best social networks and forums to use to attract SUPER affiliates? (Is it Facebook , Skype or something totally different…. the answer will SHOCK you)
Super Affiliates will want higher commissions. How to negotiate, barter and make it win/win (Do it wrong they will take you to the cleaners)
How to follow up with affiliates to make sure they are constantly promoting your offer and exactly WHAT to say to them to keep them promoting.
What kind of prizes and rewards should you offer affiliates to ‘turn them on’.
People are motivated by three things in life. Money, Opportunity and Recognition Understanding what type of affiliate you are dealing with is KEY in getting them to promote

Get immediately download Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint
“Death May Be The Most Terrifying

Thing In Life But For Me There’s

Something Even Worse…”
As a I was boarding my Upper Class Flight from Miami to London I took a brief moment to stare at the faces around me…
Some young, some old and withered and it sent a “raw chill” shooting down my spine.
Imagine living your life till your grey and old and not seizing the opportunities you should have taken.
Traveling to over 4 different countries over the last 5 weeks something became overwhelming apparent…
Time is your most

valuable commodity
I recently heard one of my mentors say “Bill Gates may be the richest man in the world but he can’t buy 28 hours in a day”
The question I have for you today is… How do you really want to spend your life and what do you want to do with the time you’ve been given?
I’m 32 years old and have owned all the “fancy things” you could ever dream off and the best has still to come..
Four Ferrari’s, an amazing beachfront home, providing for my family , sailing down to the Mediterean on my ultimate dream yacht and flying first class around the world.
And most importantly having a business that I love and living life on the terms I set – not someone else’s – to me that’s as good as it gets
Today I’m Offering You The Opportunity To

Work With Peter and I Very Closely To Help

Build Your Dream Business – We’ve Never Done This Ever Before And It May Never Happen Again
If Your Worried About Being ‘OverWhelmed’ We’ve Got Your Covered
We take The “Complicated” And Make It Step-By-Step Simple….
One of the most common questions we get is
“Andrew & Peter – I love your guy’s work but I’m afraid I’ll get left behind and won’t be able to keep up”
One of the greatest skills that Peter and I have developed is the art of teaching and getting our message across is easy to follow ‘bite sized” terms.
Everything we teach is kept in a easy to navigate members area with videos you can reference at your own pace.
Every month we have a members catch up call to address any of the course content and help overcome any obstacles you might have