
Amy Porterfield – Digital Course Academy 2021

Original price was: ₹165,751.00.Current price is: ₹3,720.00.


What You Get:

Module 01: The 7 Key Decisions

Module 02: Pre-Selling and Validating Your Course

Module 03: The Art of Outlining Your Course

Module 04: The Digital Course Sales Page Blueprint

Module 05: The Profitable Webinar Framework

Module 06: Crafting Your Email Sequences

Module 07: Recording Your Course Content

7 Implementation Modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to turn your expertise into a wildly successful digital course that people want to pay for.
The Webinar Fill-Up Formula to make sure you never deliver to an empty room again, and instead get a packed house full of perfectly-targeted, “ready to buy” prospects.
Next level email marketing, sales page, and social media strategies to amplify your results and get up to 3x the enrollments.
A complete, step-by-step launch plan showing you how to pre-sell your course (before recording a single lesson!) and how to create and launch a high-converting webinar presentation that ethically (and authentically) enrolls more students than you ever thought possible every time you deliver it.