
Amy Pershing – Binge Eating Disorder: Clinical Interventions to Treat Underlying Trauma, Body Shame, and the Diet/Binge Cycle

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Body shaming comments. Lengthy dieting history. Shame associated with food choices. Black and white rules around eating. Talking frequently about weight loss/gain – or evading the issues completely.
Amy Pershing – Binge Eating Disorder: Clinical Interventions to Treat Underlying Trauma, Body Shame, and the Diet/Binge Cycle
Does your client have disordered eating or binge eating disorder?
Three times more common than all other eating disorders combined, Binge Eating Disorder is pervasive across gender, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status throughout the United States. And given that 80% of clients with BED also have a history of trauma, you need to know how to assess and treat this disorder regardless of your clinical specialty.
If you’re doing trauma work, you may already have clients with BED. Are you prepared?
In this recording, join Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, author, psychotherapist and expert on BED, as she introduces a comprehensive, evidence-based toolkit of successful interventions that:

Transform your client’s relationship with food, weight, and body image
Incorporate the critical connection between early trauma and binge eating disorders
Help process trauma narratives and somatic activations that fuel binge eating
Integrate the crucial strategies of “Attuned Eating and Movement”
Connect your client with weight-neutral nutritionists and medical providers

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to help your clients make peace with food and their bodies!

Manual – Binge Eating Disorder (13.4 MB) 106 Pages Available after Purchase Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR) Certificate Instructions

Get to Know Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

5 damaging myths about BED and the recovery process
What makes treatment of BED unique from other eating disorders
Why treatment often fails
Current research: Gains, limitations, risks
Why weight has nothing to do with it
Is BED an addiction?
Key tenets of weight-neutral recovery

Complex Trauma and Binge Eating

The neurobiological legacy of trauma in binge eating
Fragmentation of the self: the role of dissociation in BED
How trauma activates the binge/diet cycle
Saving “Self”: the role of binge eating in managing danger
Attachment ruptures, social anxiety and the binge cycle
A body-shaming culture’s impact on trauma narratives

Assessment & Treatment Planning

5 must-ask intake questions
What to look/listen for to identify BED
DSM-5® criteria
How to gather food history information
Ruling out co-occurring medical issues
Common co-morbidities: depression, anxiety, personality disorders
Screening for trauma 100% of the time
Why the initial goal is not to stop bingeing

Clinical Strategies for Processing Trauma and Stopping the Binge Cycle

Why a “do-no-harm, strengths-based” approach is critical with BED clients
Psychoeducation – initially and throughout treatment
P.O.W.R. process for trauma activation, finding the “window of tolerance”
The nuanced parallel process of each treatment piece

IFS-Informed Recovery Strategies

Stepping into Self
Identify fragmented “parts”
Develop compassionate curiosity toward the “parts”
Build affect tolerance

Attuned Eating and Movement: Stepping into the Body

What the data tells us about behavioral weight loss/dieting
5 steps of attuned eating to teach your clients
The body as a wise ally, not broken or wrong
Using the body as the best source of information
Teaching clients to know when the trauma narrative has been triggered
Attuned movement v. “exercise”

Reinventing Body Image: Help Clients Feel at Home in their Bodies

The truth about weight and health
Cultural narrative about weight and worthiness
The healing power of Health at Every Size (HAES)
Help clients shift from “body as billboard” to “body as home”
How the clinician’s body image impacts treatment

Building Resiliency to Relapse

4 A’s: Awareness, analysis, action, accountability
Finding community that aligns with your recovery
Resources for weight-neutral medical/nutritional care
Collaborative care with prescribers

Clinical Considerations

Doing your own work: Modeling body acceptance
Navigating countertransference/bias
Multicultural considerations – Gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation


Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW Related seminars and products: 2

Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, founder of the Bodywise® Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Program and Clinical Director of The Center for Eating Disorders in Ann Arbor, MI, has over 30 years of clinical experience and serves as a consultant and trainer for clinicians treating BED nationwide. A founding member and past chair of the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) and recipient of the association’s 2016 Pioneer in Clinical Advocacy Award, Amy is a sought after international lecturer, keynote speaker and author. She is the author of Binge Eating Disorder: The Journey to Recovery and Beyond (Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2018) and has authored several articles, chapters and tv/radio/podcast segments on BED recovery, relapse prevention, weight stigma, and Attuned Eating and Movement (AEM). She is the creator of “Hungerwise™,” a comprehensive outpatient treatment program for ending chronic dieting and weight cycling, offered jointly with St. Joseph Mercy Health System in Michigan and nationally online. In addition, Amy maintains a private practice in Ann Arbor, MI.
Based upon her wealth of knowledge and experience, Amy has developed a comprehensive treatment approach for BED that is strengths-based, incorporating Internal Family Systems, somatic trauma techniques, Attuned Eating and Movement (AEM), and a “health at every size” philosophy. Having recovered herself, Amy offers a compelling perspective to treatment that makes her both accessible and relatable for professionals and clients alike.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Amy Pershing is the founder of Bodywise. She is the clinical director of the Center for Eating Disorders. Ms. Pershing receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Amy Pershing has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.