Amy Collins – Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing]


Amy’s Library Profit System This guide will show you how to sell ebooks and books to libraries.
You’ll get a complete Master Plan that includes:
How to Prepare Your Books for Library Sales
Library Distribution and Submission Secrets
How to Plan and Execute a Marketing and PR Plan Librarians Will Love
How to sell print on demand books to libraries
Library Assisted Viral Book Marketing: How to turn librarians into publicists of your book
How to become an approved applicant Library Book Vendor in as Little as 20 Minutes
Sample Emails and Letters
Marketing Plans

Amy Collins – Library Profit System [Real Fast Library Marketing]

Amy’s Library Profit System This guide will show you how to sell ebooks and books to libraries.
You’ll get a complete Master Plan that includes:

How to Prepare Your Books for Library Sales

Library Distribution and Submission Secrets

How to Plan and Execute a Marketing and PR Plan Librarians Will Love

How to sell print on demand books to libraries

Library Assisted Viral Book Marketing: How to turn librarians into publicists of your book

How to become an approved applicant Library Book Vendor in as Little as 20 Minutes

Emails and Sample Letters

Marketing Plans

Templates for Sales Materials: Emails, Cover letters, Press Releases and Emails

Recordings Of Actual Phone Calls That Are Made To Library (so you can actually hear what to say – it takes out all the guesswork –

Access to Amy’s Private Marketing Facebook Group (where you can ask in-Ask detailed questions about the training, and talk with other students or authors.

The Kindle Author/Publish Market Plan (Learns how to sell Kindle books at libraries)

Access to Amy’s Implementation Webinars

How to Outsource the Whole Process

State By State Library Database

Public Library Database

Top 20 Public Schools Database

University Libraries Database

International Library Database for Canada, Australia and the U.K


1 on 1 Consult with Amy Collins

Full Email Support Starting at Amy Collins

You can find out more about them here

Step by Step-By-Step Videos of Everything You Need to Get Your Book into the Library Library System
In addition to being a genius when it comes to getting your book into libraries across the nation… Amy She is a gifted teacher, communicator. She’s broken down the Library Profit System Enter 19 easy-To-Have fun!-To-watch videos, including special trainings on…

How to get your book ready and available for libraries

How to price your book to make it more attractive to librarians

Making it easy for libraries to purchase your book by getting your book listed on distributors

These are the secrets to generating local demand for books

How to make librarians your own personal publicists

Prepare your ebook for library sales

You can find out more about them here

In ADDITION to the video training…
A Complete Guide is also available Library Database –

This alone is worth the entire cost of enrollment!
What other items could you include to make this process even more simple? We are including a vetted database of libraries nationwide.
In the seven years since then, Amy Her team has personally called several public libraries, some university libraries, and public schools libraries. They have called public libraries, school libraries, and university libraries multiple times. They’re on the ground floor of knowing what libraries all across the nation are buying. She believes, and I agree with her, that this library database is the largest and most accurate in the industry.
She’s Never sold it before. This database cannot be found anywhere else. As you can see, this database is not something that every author has. This is a proprietary database, and it is definitely worth the entire enrollment for authors who want to get their books into libraries.
One-On-One Consultation Amy Collins Once You’ve Gone Through the Course to Fine-Tune Your Library Marketing Campaign
The video training and database are sufficient to show you how your book can be placed in libraries. But Amy wants to make sure you get ALL your questions answered, so she’s also going to give you a consultation…
Once you’ve gotten through the course and you’ve actually started pitching your book to libraries, you may have questions. Sign up for the Library Profit System, you’ll get a One-on-One consult with Amy to ensure a successful implementation of your campaign.
You can either use Skype or the phone to make a call. And Amy You can even record the consultation so that you can listen whenever you like.
And the consultation is in addition to getting her and her staff’s email address. If you have any questions after the consultation, you can email her. You can also email her for two years. Seriously, I don’t know anyone who gives two years of email service. Particularly at the low enrollment price Amy he has agreed to.
And there’s one more very special treat Amy has in store for you… if you’re one of the first 25 to enroll…
What’s the Answer? Library Profit System Cost?
Answer: Not much when compared to what you can sell (or license) your ebooks or books to libraries
Plus, you’ll save up to $500.00 when you enroll

By Tuesday, May 10, 2010Th at 6:15 Eastern
As I demonstrated to you: Amy Libraries have received over 800,000. She’s helped both name and unknown authors sell books to libraries. She’s enabled first -time authors to become bestselling authors by first getting their books into libraries.
It is clear to see how her training works. The regular price for her complete system is $997 and at that price it’s a bargain when you consider the profit potential of selling and/or licensing your books and ebooks to libraries.
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