American KunTao Silat – Guru Certification (American+Malabar)


The 10 DVD Guru Course videos covering the requirements for advancement to Guru Muda for both American and Malabar KunTao Silat are all included in the download MP4 version

American KunTao Silat – Guru Certification (American+Malabar)

The 10 DVD Guru Course videos covering the requirements for advancement to Guru Muda for both American and Malabar KunTao Silat are all included in the download MP4 version, but this format allows us to add material easily, so you will find a bit more information in the download version.

Course Introduction
Inner Circle Greeting
Malabar WarmUp:
American Basics
Malabar Basics
Basic Applications
Djurus Satu
American System
Malabar Forms
Serak Djurus
Chang Style
Internal External
Personal Training
Partner Training
Constant Training
FireSide Chat
Testing Requirements

Get immediately download American KunTao Silat – Guru Certification (American+Malabar)