Amazing Selling Machine 8 – Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback


Files Included:Total Size: Digital products: Get the download link at Account or directly via email.Support: LifetimeDownload: Unlimited Of Course: Amazing Selling Machine 8 – Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback .Purchase Amazing Selling Machine 8 – Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback courses at here with PRICE $3997 $295When purchasing this course: Amazing Selling Machine 8 – Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.What’s Inside the ASM Members Area?I’ve Personally Seen Each Video, Each PDF, Been in The Community & Much More!Of course you get the main ASM training, which truly is second to none – BUT on top of that youalso get a ton more, such as:Some of what is included in the Amazing Selling Machine system are the following:An 8 Week Long Online Web Class with over 132 lessons (up from 80 in the 2014 version)8 Weekly (group) Coaching CallsTicket to the 3-DAY LIVE “Hands-On” Workshop Event in Las Vegas (ASM MembersONLY) Access to the VERY active Amazing Selling Machine Members Only CommunityAccess to ASM Mentors, these are experts who started off just like YOU, but havesucceeded with this business and offered their help to new members of ASMLet’s look at the main training: As I mentioned above, the training should take you about 8 weeks to complete if you stick withthe schedule, giving you 1 module per week to go through and complete.Each LESSON consists of a video, and a PDF download of the slides, images, etc – so you cantake them with you or study them on your break at lunch if you so wish!I LOVE that each module is broken up into small ‘easy to digest chunks’ of information. Itmakes the content easier to absorb, in my opinion, and easier to go back and watch somethingagain if you need further clari?cation.–  The coolest thing is, this course is NOT for procrastonators. By the end of week 1, you’ll have alist of product opportunities. By the end of week 2, you’ll have orderered product samples tophysically examine. Don’t worry, you’ll not be alone doing this, you’ll have the full support of theteam of mentors, AND the other students doing this along with you!The Welcome Module: Welcome Module: The ASM Business Process & MindsetThis ‘welcome module’ is made up of 14 lessions, and should take you about 1 1/2hours to complete. It goes into the basics, such as what’s coming, and what youshould expect. It also explains why building your own amazon business is the bestopportunity to build a real business today. You’ll learn about the ASM Website Forum,and the Facebook community – AND – the ASM badges, mentorship program and abunch more.Module 1: Building Your Product Opportunity ListModule 1 is made upf of 17 individual lessons, and of course goes into the basics ofbecoming an amazon seller. You’ll learn things such as the difference betweenamazon marketplaces, setting up payment accounts, 7 elements of a hot productopportunity, Amazon’s MOST pro?table Categories, products to AVOID, and a tonmore! (For example, cheaper products aren’t always better, but they CAN be –depending on the category of amazon listing)Module 2: Suppliers Samples and Pro?t NumbersYou’re not here to waste time, this module goes straightinto the ‘meat and potatoes’ and shows you how to getsample products (ALWAYS get a sample before makinga large purchase to re-sell), how to source products thesimple way, ?nding and contacting suppliers, calculatingyour true product costs, and of course a lot more.Module 3: Ordering Your Inventory and Creating Your BrandRead the name of this module again..say it out loud withme “Creating your Brand”. Doesn’t that justsound….right? You’re here to build a brand, not just sell aproduct.  Anyways, this module is about 15 lessonslong, and by now you should have your productsamples on the way or already in your hand. You’ll learn how to choose the bestsupplier, prepare inventory, create a brand name the ASM Way, and more!Module 4: Building Your Brand AssetsThis module consists of 14 lessons, and goes into some of the supporting items you’llneed set up for your business, such as a Brand Facebook Page, a brand website,Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest pages etc. It even goes into creating your email accountAmazing Selling Machine 8 ,and autoresponder series so you can turn 1 time buyers into customers for life! (Again,you’re building a brand, not just selling one product)Module 5: The Perfect Product PageI’m a bit of a geek for this stuff personally, you may have noticed the (way too) perfectformatting of this review, or any of my blog posts or reviews. They’re written this wayto make it easier to read, and of course to entise you to buy what I’m offering. If you’reselling the same thing, or something similar to your competitors, THIS is how youregoing to make yourself stand out.This module, consisting of 12 lessons, is all about creating the PERFECT productpage, and that’s exactly what you’ll learn. In this module, you’ll learn how to craft thePERFECT Amazon Listing (I’ll do your ?rst one for you as a bonus for buying via mylink), initial strategic keyword research, creating a tra?c grabbing product title, bulletpoints that differentiates you from the competitors, creating a compelling productdescription that actually gets read, and much, much more!You’ll also learn about taking or creating product images that attract and convertcustomers. (By the way, another of my bonuses Is I’ll cover your product photographyfor your ?rst product, read the bottom of this review for more info)  Product imagesare the 2ND most important thing for driving sales, so these are critical to do right!MyFAVORITE part of this module is the EXAMPLES of bad product images, good ones,and great ones. The visual examples REALLY help you to understand how to do thingsthe right or wrong way.Module 6: The Perfect Product LaunchUh oh – stuff is about to get real! This module goes into things such as preparingyour ?rst FBA (ful?lment by amazon) shipment, a walkthrough of the entire process,getting initial product reviews, using amazon giveaways, ranking your product INamazon and a ton more!Module 7: Advanced Marketing and Tra?c ToolsThis module consists of 9 individual lessons, and coveres things such as yourperformance checklist, how to better optimize your Amazon Sponsored Ad listings,your ongoing content marketing strategy, amazon marketing services, amazonlightening deals, and my favorite – “The Raving Fan Customer Service System”.Module 8: Taking Your Business to the Next LevelWhile ths is the last of your WEEKLY lessons, trust me, it’s only the beginning of your‘adventures with Amazon’. This module consists of 11 lessons, and goes into thingslike ‘what to do when you run out of inventory’, when to launch your NEXT product,choosing your next product to launch, scaling your business to success, and evendeciding when to enter other markets!Sale Page: Click HereSelling Machine, selling point, best seller book,  selling pointPurchase Amazing Selling Machine 8 – Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback courses at here with PRICE $3997 $295