Amanda Frances – Turning Shit Into Gold 2021


Delivery Method: Deliver digital download link to your email after successful paymentWhen I initially recorded the original module of Turning Shit Into Gold, I had experienced some very annoying, borderline hateful, nonsense on the internet. An old friend had decided he had had it with personal development and created a series of very mean vlogs about me.Purchase Amanda Frances – Turning Shit Into Gold 2021 courses at here with PRICE $999 $190Amanda Frances – Turning Shit Into Gold 2021I have to tell you something:I love to turn shit into gold. And I’m quite good at it.I can take any seemingly bad, negative, unfortunate, painful, or upsetting situation and intentionally use it to create great impact, lasting influence, more love and support in every area of my life, and a big chunk of cash while I am at it.When I initially recorded the original module of Turning Shit Into Gold, I had experienced some very annoying, borderline hateful, nonsense on the internet. An old friend had decided he had had it with personal development and created a series of very mean vlogs about me. He got a bit of momentum from supposed colleagues (none of whom have businesses today) and the entire thing was, well, shit.I created the first module of this training to share my process for processing, forgiving, and releasing any situation, and transforming it into something beautiful (and if you so desire) profitable.Recently, this ninety-minute training module has been on my heart.I knew I was meant to add to it – expanding on the concepts and explaining how to transform the shit in absolutely any area of your life into pure gold.We are talking love. We are talking business. We are talking money.I am adding two NEW modules. (Module descriptions below.) Whomever enrolls in this training will have instant access to the first module and will have the opportunity to come live to the second two modules (as well as have lifetime access and any future updates to this program).Let’s do this!Module One: (The original module.) Includes my unique process for forgiving + releasing others, processing the pain, and neutralizing the energy of any situation. How and when to share about your experiences in ways that are helpful for others and healing for you (without being one of those people who selfishly dumps their shit all over the internet and calls it vulnerability). Realigning your intention to love and serve amidst chaos. Using it all to contribute to the healing of all, always. Positioning yourself as an expert and leader intentionally no matter what is occurring around you or what people think and say about you. And, obviously, how to turn anything and everything into cash money. Every time.Module Two: Let’s expand on the above. There is the potential for shit in every area of business, but very rarely do I experience it in mine. In my company, we don’t play by internet marketing rules or feel adversely effected by the bullshit of the coaching industry. We stand above it all. Intentionally. We stand for integrity, profitability, and love. I own, run, and lead a company that feels good, experiences massive flow, makes more money all the time, and is a fun place to work – for me and for everyone who supports me. There is so much opportunity for shit inside of starting and growing a business, creating an online presence, becoming visible, having your work copied over and over again, etc. I have turned it all into gold. All. Of. it. I live – and work – at a standard of gold. My bank account, the quality of my life, and my internal happiness reflects this.This isn’t just about doing things my way. This is about understanding the energy and mindset that creates this kind of life, environment, and financial overflow and making it your own.Module Three: Let’s talk about love, baby. I haven’t done this before and you have been asking for it for forever. What does it mean to finally allow in everything you want in love, dating, and relationships? Let’s look at how you show up in this area and what it creates for you. Let’s identify patterns, observe the pain, acknowledge our part, see where we have work to do, and allow ourselves to let more love in. This applies whether you are currently single or committed. And whether you are currently seeking a relationship or not. This is about healing, accepting, growing, and letting love in.I am going to tell my story – a story that I’ve never told before – of how I absolutely destroyed a relationship with my unhealed open, gaping wounds and unprocessed pain, how I got to the root of it, moved through it all, called back in the love of my life, and now I am, finally, receiving more love, affection, romance, adoration than ever before… in increasing amounts all of the time.I am happy to share everything that I have learned about love and men. (This applies whether traditional gender roles apply to your relationship or not.) This will be a full, incredible life-changing module. Let’s dig in!Modules Two & Three will be recorded live with you! You have lifetime access and any future updates to all content.Sale Page: Amanda Frances – Turning Shit Into Gold 2021 courses at here with PRICE $999 $190