Amanda Crowder – CBT Toolbox for Children and Adolescents


Inspiring new life into therapeutic approaches for Resistant and Avoid cases by engaging in creative, active activities-Interventions based on the proven success CBT!

 Amanda Crowder – CBT Toolbox for Children and Adolescents

Core Components

Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning

Identify Core Belief Systems & Negative Thinking Patterns
Learn about Cognitive Distortions
Do your homework at home

Build Rapport & Motivation
Family Engagement is Important
Cognitive Skills
Relationship coaching
Skills to modify maladaptive thinking
Validation to Increase Engagement
Identify & Utilize Feelings to Improve Communication Skills
Cultural & Developmental Issues
Limitations of the Research & Potential Risks


Childhood Trauma

Identify & Define
Cognitive Narratives & Trauma Stories
Symptom Relief & Coping Mechanisms


Assessment & Diagnosis
Concentration & Impulse Control
Time Management & Goal Setting
Brain Breaks & Healthy Habits


Assessment, Diagnosis, & Treatment Planning
Flexible Thinking
Sensory Integration
Perspective Taking & Relationship Building
Manage Expectations

ODD, Conduct Disorder, Disruptive Behaviors, & Anger

Assessment, Diagnosis, & Treatment Planning
Anger, Aggression, & Dysregulation
Building Alliances & Positive Relationships
Emotional Vocabulary & Regulation

Anxiety and OCD

Assessment, Diagnosis, & Medications
Externalize & Define “Bad” Be Worried
Identify Body Reactions
Skills for assertiveness
The Need for Control

Mood Disorder

Mood Charting
Reframe your thoughts
Create Peace & Gratitude
Body Mindfulness & Control

Self-Injurious Behaviors, & Suicidality

Assessment and Treatment Strategies
Identify Your Negative Self-Talk
Problem Solving & Coping Skills
Encourage motivation

Parental Supports

Receive & Give Love
Choices as a Problem-Solving Skill
Set & Keep Limits & Boundaries
Structure & Routine
Rewards & Punishments
”Time Outs” for Parents

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Fix my kid.” This is the desperate cry of parents and Caregivers who come into your office to seek help.
Start the therapeutic process by putting your go in.-To techniques. And your client progresses … for It takes time. However, therapists are tested when they fail to make further gains or regress. When all your usual tools have been exhausted, you’re left feeling helpless and You are wondering how to get ahead.
Inspiring new life into therapeutic approaches for Resistant and Avoid dangerous situations by engaging in creative, physical activity-Interventions based on the proven success CBT!
Amanda CrowderLCSW, a LCSW, offers an energetic, technique-Heavy workshop that will give the tools you need for creative, active activities-Based CBT approach. Amanda The exercises will be provided by the instructor and interventions she’s found most effective in improving outcomes for Children and Teens with disruptive behavior, ADHD, trauma, anger, anxiety, and depression and Family conflict.
Activities and case examples and Hands-You can easily incorporate these essential skills into your practice by putting them into practice. and You can personalize them for There are many disorders and temperaments. Evidence-based techniques help you to drastically increase children’s engagement in treatment, improve emotional functioning, strengthen relationships, maximize academic engagement, and Reduce your responsibilities-Out behaviors You must-Create an affiliation between you and your child using strategies and Family members – Motivation and parent satisfaction and Therapy retention
During this essential recording, Amanda This will make you feel more prepared and Empowered to improve the lives and well-being of your most vulnerable clients-To-Young clients should be treated with creativity and fun-Based CBT approach!
Here’s what you’ll get in Amanda Crowder – CBT Toolbox for Children and Adolescents