Alpha Evolution Bootcamp – Jon Anthony


The Only At-Home Seduction Bootcamp With 1-on-1 Access to JonLet Me Teach You How toDate The Girl of Your Dreamsin Just 30 Days…55 Video Chapters to Teach You EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Seducing Women… From A to Z.A Proven Training System With Missions & Accountability to Get You to Your Goals With Women in the Quickest, Easiest Way Possible.1-on-1 Coaching With Me and My Partner Mark Sing, to Answer Your Questions DIRECTLY, With Unbridled 24/7 Access.FINALLY, A Home-Based Seduction Bootcamp That Gives You EVERYTHING YOU NEED to Get The Women You Want in 30 Days or Less… GuaranteedIncluding 1-on-1 Personalized CoachingFrom Jon Anthony & Mark Sing!Only 50 Spots AvailableFrom The Desk of Jon Anthony11:18amWashington, D.C.Dear friend,It’s the worst feeling in the world…Seeing a hot girl and not being able to get her.Either you can’t think of a good way to approach her…You run out of things to say…Or you botch it somewhere along the line and she slips out of your life forever.As men, no one ever really teaches us how to attract women.It’s not like they pull us aside in 9th grade and explain the female mind.Nope!You just have to hope you’ll do all the right things and somehow end up with a hot girl in your bed.But you and I both know that rarely happens.From the approach… to texting… to dating… to sex… there are so many opportunities to mess up.Most guys tell me they’re tired, frustrated,and just plain worn out  when it comes togetting women.They don’t know what to talk about.They don’t know how to spark her attraction.And they don’t want to inconvenience her with their approach.So most of them give up.They marry the first unattractive girl they can find so they can “get out of this mess once and for all.”Or worse, they spend their lives sexless and depressed.If you’re like me — and if that sounds like the kind of future you DESPERATELY WANT TO AVOID — then this will be one of the most exciting letters you ever read.Because in the next 3 minutes I’m going toshare the most powerful seduction trainingsecret I know of.I’m going to introduce you to guys just like you — who have not only completely changed their lives when it comes to women — but who have achieved results so insane your eyes will pop when you hear their stories.Once you read this short letter — and do what it says — you’ll be in the position to give yourselfPURE SEXUAL CHOICE.Your pipeline will be full of high quality women.You’ll operate from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.And you’ll be so alpha that attracting women will simply be who you are.So join me on this adventure.I guarantee you don’t want to miss the training method I’m about to show you…But First… A Little About Who I AmHi, my name’s Jon Anthony.Those of you who’ve come from my website Masculine Development  may already know who I am.But if you don’t, then allow me to briefly introduce myself.I’ve spent the last 8 years mastering the art of seducing women.I’ve slept with well over 100 girls and I’ve personally coached thousands of great guys… both 1-on-1 and through my hugely successful program: “7 Strategies to Develop Your Masculinity”I’m the constant student of self-improvement and seduction.And my genuine purpose is to teach men how to attract women… how to maximize themselves as MEN… and how to attain happiness while they have a positive impact on the world.I believe when you put everything you can into what you’re doing — with the goal of helping others to improve their lives — then success will come without digging for it and trying to cut corners.I write this letter to you today with that same genuine intent.My purpose is to HELP YOU MEET WOMEN.And what I’m about to reveal is the best solution I’ve ever discovered to help you do just that.My Idea That Will DestroyThe Seduction IndustryI’ve studied just about every seduction program out there and I have to be honest…Most of them are one peanut short of CRAP.The big reason most programs suck is because they usually only teach theory.Most programs tell you to be confident… charismatic… and to get girls to chase you. But very programs teach you HOW to do these things.I can tell you 100 times how important it is to get girls to chase you.But unless I give you proven techniques to motivate them to do so, it’s just not going to happen.What’s more…Most programs fail to give techniques for situations you’re definitely going to run into.Do you know what to do when you hit a lull in the conversation after you approach a girl?How about when you text her and she ho-hums your request for a date?What if a girl asks you to go meet her friends just 30 seconds after you start talking to her… do you do it, or is it a trap?What do you do when she asks you for a favor? How do you respond without looking like a pushover, AND without looking like a dick?And what if she says something like: “We’re not going to have sex tonight.” How can you reply so that she WILL want to have sex with you that night?These are REAL WORLD SITUATIONS thatneed REAL WORLD STRATEGIES.Yet most programs completely fail to teach them.It sucks to finish a course and say to yourself:”That was great. But I’m still not sure what to do.”I don’t know about you… but most programs leave me with that impression.That’s why over the last 3 years I’ve been working on an idea unlike anything the seduction community has ever seen.I Wanted to Create SomethingTruly RevolutionarySomething where you could interact with me DIRECTLY.And something where I could make sure you get REAL RESULTS — not just empty promises wrapped in nice sounding ideas.Get Alpha Evolution Bootcamp – Jon Anthony, Only Price $60Like the ability to go out and meet literally any girl you’re attracted to……Engage her in an attraction building conversation…Snag her phone number or social media…Multiply her attraction with POTENT, FIELD-TESTED techniques…Then seamlessly take her up the ladder of attraction until she’s nakedin your bed with her legs spread…All the while having ME guide you every step of the way.I knew in order to do that I needed to include a personal coaching element with the program.I needed to be right there with you in the trenches. At your shoulder AT ALL TIMES so you could come out the winner no matter the situation.AND I needed a partner whose depth of experience would round out my own… so I could proudly offer you the single best program on attracting women to EVER hit the market.Meet My Favorite Seduction Coach’sFavorite Seduction Coach…I’d like to introduce Mark Sing.Mark is one of the OG’s of the seduction community.For those of you who listen to my podcast — The Unapologetic Man Podcast —  you’ll recognize Mark, my co-host who’s quickly becoming a hit with my audience.We first met when he approached me for an internet marketing collaboration.And several months later I learned he was the partner of one of my long-time seduction associates —  Alan Pederson.Mark has spent over 20 years practicing seduction methods again … and again … and again. Perfecting what most people would have called “good” YEARS AGO.He amassed a team of equally obsessed pick up artists. And they created a framework for seduction that’s based on over 93 years of combined experience.He’s also the founder of “Alpha Symposium” — a men’s society focused on self development and seduction.The thing I like most about Mark is his constant creativity in the realm of pick up.He has SO MANY engaging lines … replies … and what he calls “chick crack” that adds immeasurable depth and substance to your game.There are very few coaches out there who have spent as much time in the field as Mark Sing.That means he’s experienced every situation imaginable — both for himself and for his students.His experience and sheer volume of knowledge made him the perfect partner for this venture.And for the last 8 months we’ve been creating … refining … and perfecting the single most POTENT seduction training available on the market today.I’d like to introduce you to:The Alpha Evolution Home BootcampBy: Jon Anthony & Mark SingThis Home Bootcamp covers EVERY SINGLE ELEMENT of seduction… from A to Z.From opening… to building attraction… to the first date… to sex… to inner game… to all steps in between.And we supplement our teachings with field-tested missions & real  accountability.So you have proven ways to strengthen your game with homework assignments and special operations that will fast-track your success.What’s more, this is the only program thatgives you an “if/then” framework for seduction.So you know if this  happens, then you do that.  Completely unseen in the seduction community until today!And for most guys, that alone is the “golden ticket” that finally gets them the results they’ve been looking for with girls.When you go through the entire course it willgive you the experience of thousands ofsituations before you have them with a real woman.So you’ll bypass YEARS of trial and error.You’ll always know what to do…You’ll always know what to say…And you’ll never get into a predicament you can’t handle.You’ll also get an absolute STOCKPILE of tricks… techniques… and gambits to always keep girls interested.I’M TALKING A FULL BLOWN STOCKPILE OF THEM!!!Like one of our beta test students said:”You could watch this series 6 times and still come away with newtricks to try out on women.”This thing is absolutely STACKED!Just Look What Others Are Saying About The Alpha Evolution Home Bootcamp…”Jon, I just wanted to drop you a quick message and thank you for the home boot camp. After going through some of your other content I knew it was going to be good, but I was really blown away by the depth and completeness of this series. It’s just really, really, REALLY well done. The entire seduction community owes you, Mark, and Erik a debt of gratitude… it’s a game changer. Thanks again.  -Dominic B., 43,Miami, FL  -Jason Swanick, 54,London, England”I’ve been a part of every single one of Jon’s programs, and was ELATED when he offered me the chance to join his Alpha Evolution Beta Test Group…””I’ve been on and off with my ex-wife (pictured to the left) for a while now, and after just a month of this program, she’s begging me to get back together. She says that I seem like a different man, and I honestly can’t believe it.””Jon, you really outdid yourself with this program, man. I don’t know how you keep making them better and better each time, but whatever you’re doing, keep it up!””I was part of Jon’s Bitcoin Millionaire program, and when I saw that he was releasing a video course on game, I just HAD to jump in on it. I was already making $5,000 a month trading, so the only thing that was missing was girls.””Well, thanks to Mark and Jon, that part isn’t missing anymore. I’ve started dating one of the hottest girls in my entire school, and I’m barely even past Module 7 yet (let alone the bonuses!). Thanks so much Jon, maybe we can meet in person one day so I can give you a giant hug and thank you!”  -Darell Billiot, 16,Provo, UT  -Alex Visser, 47,Larissa, Greece”DUDE, I kissed a girl before even hearing her voice (as you said we’d be able to do). I’m so shocked. My game is so streamlined now, and I love how this series maps it all out for you step by step. My whole program is FOCUSED IN… I don’t even have to think about it anymore. I just run the same thing on girl after girl, and it’s so much easier than having to guess the whole way. If anyone is reading this, you need to know how kick butt this bootcamp is. TAKE IT. You’ll be writing a message just like this after 2 weeks, trust me on that.”A Letter To You From Mark SingDear Friend,Most of us, I think, are worried there’s something lacking in our game.We fear getting into a situation we don’t know how to handle. Like being humiliated by a girl in front of our friends. Or worse, getting laughed at by an entire room, because our game has some major flaw we weren’t even aware of.And I don’t want that to happen to you. But honestly, it’s a legitimate concern.Women don’t know how much power they have to crush our confidence. So we need to make sure we’re prepared for ANYTHING that can happen.You and I are like soldiers about to go to war. We want the absolute best training possible. So no matter what comes up, we KNOW we can handle it.That’s why Jon and I created a seduction program that’s radically different from anything else you’ll find on the market today. It’s designed to rapidly “download” our entire knowledge bank into your brain, while at the same time allowing us to coach you as you learn to use it.In other words, it’s the next best thing to Jon and I moving into your home and training you in person!A LOT of heart went into this program. For me personally, I consider it my masterwork. My legacy. The exact training I’ll give my son… and maybe even my grandson!It’s hard to express how AWESOME something is in a letter. All I can say is this…I believe wholeheartedly that this program will expand your life & happiness more than anything else you’ll experience in the next 10 years.It will give you more than just the ability to attract high quality women. It will give you the life of an Alpha — something fulfilling beyond words — and something that can’t be explained until you experience it for yourself.Imagine getting world-class seduction coaching that is customized to your unique personality and needs…Imagine being able to get answers from Jon and I DIRECTLY as you progress…And imagine being able to access the training literally any time you want to — all from the comfort of your own home.That’s what we deliver with this Home Bootcamp!The time for half-measures and lackluster results is over. It’s time to get the kinds of results with women that you’ve wanted for as long as you can remember.Become a member today, and we will personally hand you those results. Even if it means dragging you across the finish line kicking and screaming! You WILL succeed with this program. That’s our unbreakable guarantee.To Your Constant Evolution,We’re Also Going to Give YouPERSONALIZED 1-ON-1 COACHING!!!The Home Bootcamp also includes our BONUS “Alpha Inner Circle Coaching Suite”  where you can ask Mark and I questions 24 hours a day and we’ll give you answers IN REAL TIME.So no matter what happens with a girl we’re right there next to you… telling you exactly what to do to keep things moving in the right direction.We’ve thought of everything to give you all the tools you’ll ever need to get girls consistently.And I mean that literally — ALL THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO GET GIRLS CONSISTENTLY.So if you want Tier 1 training…If you want to experience the course that expert pickup artists take to bring their game to the next level…And if you want the confidence to know exactly what to do no matter what the situation…Then this Home Bootcamp is specifically for you!Here’s What You’ll Discover When You Become A VIP Member of The Alpha Evolution Home Bootcamp Today…First, you’ll experience the “Instant Attraction”  core video training written by Jon Anthony and Mark Sing, and hosted by Jon Anthony, Mark Sing, and Erik Amino.Inside are 55 video chapters split between 10 modules.These videos contain ALL THE SECRETS our team knows about attracting women.They will teach you every single step of the seduction process.And they will outline situations you’re going to face in the field. And exactly how to handle them.Even SEDUCTION COACHES are hailing this program as the most thorough… modern… and effective pick-up anthology ever created.Let’s Take A Look InsideThe Core Video Training…Module 1 – Setting The FoundationThe program begins by teaching you the best techniques in existence to quickly spike your attractiveness to women. Within 1 DAY OF STARTING you’ll notice girls reacting to you like never before. And you’ll immediately cement a rock solid foundation for the Alpha to come.You’ll learn what women are attracted to… what women ARE NOT attracted to… as well as all our cutting edge techniques to QUICKLY develop attractive qualities within yourself.You’ll get the best techniques in existence to QUICKLY develop the most attractive traits like confidence… positivity… non-neediness… pre-selection… clarity of intent… a carefree energy… and having a masculine purpose.You’ll learn the fundamental differences between male and female attraction. And how understanding these simple differences will spur QUANTUM LEAPS in your game.You’ll learn the top 3 myths about seducing women. And how to reprogram your brain to think like a natural and thus BECOME A NATURAL.You’ll master the 7 Core “Alpha Male” traits that will draw women to you like a magnet and make attracting girls a simple part of who you are.Module 2 – Becoming The AlphaThis is the first pillar to NATURAL GAME. You’ll learn how to bring out the Alpha that is in you RIGHT NOW. And how to communicate attractive qualities to women so they’re attracted to you before you even open your mouth.You’ll learn EXACTLY what an alpha male is… what he behaves like… and what he LOOKS like as you deploy proven ways to embody each characteristic and immediately skyrocket your sexual pull.You’ll learn how to be the prize while you unveil the truth about female psychology… attraction… and how to use your body language to get attention from girls everywhere you go.You’ll learn our stupidly effective secret to amplify your sexual magnetism. Do this technique and you’ll get noticed at bars, nightclubs, work, the gym, and anywhere else you want to meet women.You’ll discover the fundamental difference between “inner” and “outer” alpha male characteristics. And how to leverage both to give you that rare “Alpha Funk” women go crazy for.You’ll learn how to cultivate a personal style that will scream you’re a “sex worthy” guy to women.Module 3 – The Approach BlueprintIn this section you’ll learn the step-by-step method to approach a woman and engage her in conversation that’s specifically designed to get her attracted to you.Learn the subtle cues women give when they want you to come talk to them. And how to radically reduce rejection with our “prepping blueprint.”Learn “The OSSE Framework” — the most powerful framework we know of for approaching… attracting… and seducing women.Unlock the 6 types of openers that any guy can use. So you’ll know EXACTLY how to open ANY girl in ANY situation.Get the keys to our vault that’s stacked to the ceiling with conversation starters… carriers… savers… and expert techniques for the first interaction. When you get this program you’ll never run out of things to say again.Learn how to build a “fool proof extraction point” that will make it EASIER THAN EVER BEFORE to pull a girl home to your place for sex.You’ll also get our entire method for day game — including all our very best secrets for getting girls from a variety of everyday locations.Module 4 – Getting Deep Level AttractionThis module unveils all our secrets for the first conversation based on over 100 years of combined experience. And it can be found NOWHERE ELSE BUT HERE. We guarantee you’ll watch this section over and over again and still come away with new secrets to try out on women.You’ll get all our techniques for leveraging her attraction with gambits… games… chick crack… stories… hypnotic tricks… conversation savers… NLP tactics… and role playing tactics​that will make you the most interesting guy she’s ever met.Learn what to talk about… how to tell stories… and how to lead an attraction building interaction that will almost always get you a phone number.Learn the crucial 3 attraction triggers that will flip the “obsession switch” in women’s brains — making them addicted to you like you’re heroin. WARNING: Only use this on girls you want sticking around. SERIOUSLY!The difference between getting her hooked in the SHORT-TERM vs. the LONG TERM. And how this critical difference can save you a painstaking breakup. Or even a heart-wrenching divorce.The hidden secrets of charisma that will make any girl want to spend more time with you. This is where we give you all our best secrets on the subtle art of making people like you.You’ll also master Alpha Male energy… charisma… positive emotions… making a girl feel safe… and how to embed these into your game to get women consistently hooked on you.Module 5 – Becoming IrresistibleThis section is chock-full of techniques including alliances, misinterpretation, building intrigue, and one of our all time favorites — Push/Pull game. You’ll also get all our tactics for how to be a challenge… how to get girls to work for you… how to pass their tests… and how to get them to forget about other guys as you become their focal point of attention.Learn how to control the frame — including our most effective “table flippers” that trigger attraction switches faster than any other method in this program. When you learn these techniques, you’ll NEVER lose the upper hand again!You’ll learn the concept of “requests”… and how to know when a woman is testing you with them… and how to pass her tests like a champion as you radically intensify her attraction.The difference between TECHNIQUES and PERSONALITY SHIFTS, and how you can use BOTH of these to make women desperate for your approval.Jon’s MASSIVELY anticipated guide to passing a girl’s in-club shit tests… how to deal with with the bitch shield… and how to get even the most stunning Russian models eating out of your HAND by the end of the night.How to use “Qualification Baiting” to get women qualifying themselves to you like they’re applying for the job of their dreams.You’ll also get Mark’s “Inner Balance Point” concept. And how to use it to develop deep, hypnotic attractionModule 6 – How to Make Her Chase YouIn this module you’ll learn advanced techniques to get her to chase you HARD. Here we’ll train you how to become the “Permanent Alpha” while you develop a “pussy funk” everywhere you go. You’ll also learn how to pull girls in complicated social situations that used to defeat you.Learn “RCR” — or “Reverse Cold Reading to Bait Qualification.” And how this technique makes women convince themselves they’re attracted to you and want to have sex with you.Get the “4 Critical Logistical Questions” to ask a girl in the first conversation. If you don’t ask these, the set will literally BLOW UP in your FACE by the end of the night.We’ll teach you how to control a room… how to handle cock blocks like a true closer… and how to get her “tribe” on your side so they’re working for you rather than against you.Learn the “bread and butter” of flirting that will make women WILDLY attracted to you.You’ll get all our best techniques for working with a wingman — including the “over the shoulder technique,” the “bait and switch technique,” and the “admiration technique.”The 4 most common obstacles to pulling a girl. And EXACTLY how to defuse, pick apart, and blast through each one like a seasoned pro.The critical reframe required to deal with a girl’s “bitchy friends.” And how to identify and neutralize the “mother hen” who has the power in the group.How to seamlessly deal with other guys who have BETTER GAME THAN YOU DO (AMOG’s). And how to destroy them like you’re the thunder god himself.Module 7 – Phone Number to First DateIn this module you’ll learn a pile of ways to get her phone number, including “scripts and seals” that leave her laughing as you end the interaction. You’ll get all our favorite secrets… tricks… and templates for phone game and texting game as well as our bulletproof way to pull off the BEST FIRST DATE these girls have ever been on.Learn our brilliant ways to get her phone number. These methods are so effective they can be used within the first minute and you’ll still walk away with her digits.Get our full package of “sticking phrases.” Use these during the first conversation to ensure the interaction “sticks” and she’ll want to see you again when you text.Learn Mark’s entire texting game protocol. Mark is often called the best texting coach in the world, and you’re about to see why! He’s been known to text girls right onto his students’ dicks and he lays down all his best kept secrets with nothing held back.You’ll also learn the most thorough protocol ever created​for how to arrange and execute THE PERFECT FIRST DATE. We’ll teach you all our methods for making her want to hang out with you alone… how to make sure she doesn’t flake… and every single step for pulling off the single best first date she’s ever experienced. (You’re going to get LOADS of techniques to become the first date master; and you’ll never have to ask for a second date again).Module 8 – How to Seal The DealIn this module we unveil all our best methods for physical escalations… brilliant ways to line up the first kiss… logistical lessons from the field for pulling girls home… and how to blast past last minute resistance when it comes to sex. You’ll also learn how to handle a girl in a relationship, maintain a harem, and how to make any girl your “friend with benefits.” If that wasn’t enough, you’ll also get our full Internet Dating System that will add a continuous flow of sexy new women to your pipeline.Learn the 6 critical steps of sexual escalation. This is how you go from “eye contact” to “sex” with zero hiccups or sticking points.We’ll teach you our breakthrough method that gets her “ready to go” faster than you ever thought possible.The 3 MOOD-KILLING mistakes guys make which absolutely DESTROY any chance of getting into her panties.Learn EXACTLY how to touch a girl so it’s not “weird” or “creepy.” And how to do it so you’ll build attraction 100x faster than you would with words alone.Learn the “4 Categories of Any Relationship” — which once mastered — will have ANY girl you choose being “exclusive” as your girlfriend.Understand the proper timing… boundaries… and standards you MUST set for each relationship stage in order to make it work.Learn how to transition from the “first lay”… to being a “fuckbuddy”… to having an emotional connection… to having an exclusive partner (if that’s the route you want to choose).Finally, you’ll get our Internet Gaming package with all our best templates… swipe files… and examples from real life profiles that perform in the top 1% on ALL dating websites. Just copy and paste our templates and you’re guaranteed success online.Module 9 – Inner Game MasteryThis is where we upload our cutting edge “inner game” programming into your brain and turn you into a confident natural that gets attraction everywhere you go. This is the single most advanced inner game technology in existence, and it’s designed to give you rapid results by quickly punching through your low value traits… limiting beliefs… and insecure mannerisms. This is the cream of the crop of inner game science — leaps and bounds beyond anything else taught in the seduction industry in 2018 — and it will give you the deep level shifts while you step into a TRUE playboy lifestyle.Learn the “4 Critical Mindset Shifts” required to become an absolute GOD in the club and in LIFE. And how to apply each one within a matter of days, not years!Discover how to get out of a negative feedback loop. And how to restructure the wiring in your brain to take on Alpha belief systems that generate massive attraction in women.Learn the two “frames” you can come from when dealing with girls. And how 99% of the population is STUCK in the one that quite literally undermines their success.Unveil the concept of “collaborative vs. competitive” frames… how to expect the best from all social interactions… how to “align with power”… how to commit low effort for high social returns… and how “proactivity” is the differentiating factor between players and chodes.Learn the single most important assumption that every social butterfly has. Miss this key understanding, and you’ll subconsciously sabotage your progress with women.Master the concepts of non-attachment… non-judgment… and non-resistance. And use them to bring about a deep level shift that will make you more attractive to women than you’ve been your entire life.Module 10 – The Final EvolutionIn our last module we’ll teach you how to be “The Permanent Alpha.” This is where game gets embedded into who you are, not just what you do. Any remnants of your “beta outer core” will finally shed itself completely as you step fully into the new you. Not a different you, just a better you! It’s after this section that people will begin to tell you: “There’s something different about you!” Girls will approach you… you’ll be dating multiple women at once… and you’ll experience the exhilaration of outright abundance.Learn how to move into your fears and crush them under your hell. Say goodbye to the fears that used to rule you with this cutting edge technology. This practice alone is worth the full price of admission.Discover how to quickly “kill the boy” inside you. And how to let the BEST YOU evolve so you can finally experience a life of radical fulfillment and abundance.The cycles of “death and rebirth.” And how any sufficiently advanced player will have to constantly reform his identity to be in line with who he’s become.How to effectively deal with the challenge of becoming an alpha… how to read the signs that you’re growing… and how to cultivate your happiness for the rest of your life.Learn how any serious student of this material will experience multiple “identity crises” and what you can learn from Jon’s own “ego death” disillusionment.Learn about the “Power of Attention” and how to control it to eliminate suffering… steel confidence… and give yourself a stable and burning glow that women are drawn to like moths to a flame.Are You Next? Check Out The Masses of Rave Reviews From Our Current Students”Amount of knowledge shared: 5 stars…””Content taught vs. hours you need to invest: 5 stars…””If you want a real course that will teach you everything you need to know to get girls, then this is the course for you.” -Eyal Rowe, 46,Los Angeles, CA”When I first saw the quality of content Jon put out with Bitcoin Millionaire, I just had to check out his new course…””…and holy shit, I was not disappointed. Not only is the 10 Module Course worth its weight in gold, but he gives like A SHIT TON of free bonuses.””I can, without a doubt, say that this is the best course on getting girls that I’ve ever taken… and that’s coming from someone who’s bought at least 5 or 6 before this one.””Jon I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for the College Game Blueprint that you put out as a free bonus with this course… literally just that part alone has gotten me over a dozen girls in the past month. I’m still trying to process it.””If I had this course when I first started college, mark my words, I would have slept with literally every single hot girl on campus. The only regret I have is that you didn’t come out with this course five years sooner!!!”-Cody Persinger, 23,Tempe, AZ -Robb Hoffman, 29,Lakewood, NY”Everything you teach in this course is 100% true, man… but what really blew me away was that last module on death and rebirth… I feel like that’s been the missing piece in my growth and evolution as a man, but not anymore.””After having gone through this entire course, and processed it all, I can without a doubt say that I have evolved into the alpha. It’s not a “different” me, but just the “best” me. And I fucking love it. You’re the best man, talk soon!”Just Check Out The Chapter List!Module 1 – Setting The Foundation1) The Female Attraction Blueprint Decoded2) What Women Are Attracted To3) What Women Are Not Attracted To4) Your Beliefs5) Your StandardsModule 2 – Becoming The Alpha6) Inner and Outer Alpha Characteristics7) Body Language and Tone of Voice8) The Blueprint to Female Psychology9) Bringing A Good Dynamic to The Club10) What to WearModule 3 – The Approach Blueprint11) The OSSE Framework12) How to Read Her Interest13) Opening14) Day Game15) Dealing With Rejection16) Foundation to the Initial ConversationModule 4 – Getting Deep Level Attraction17) How to Get Her Hooked on You18) What to Talk About19) How to Tell Stories20) Cold Reading21) Role Playing22) Gambits and Chick Crack (Part 1)23) Gambits and Chick Crack (Part 2)Module 5 – Becoming Irresistible24) The Most Powerful Techniques to Pull Her In25) Alliances, Misinterpretation, and Building Intrigue26) Push/Pull27) How to Be A Challe