Allan Dib – The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course 2022


Allan Dib – The 1-Page Marketing Plan Course 2022So why is it so hard to get leads or customers through the door?You’ve been doing everything the pros say to do:“Build that website and the sales will come.”But it’s been months and nothing but crickets.“Get on every single social media platform.”But it’s been eating up all your time without bearing any fruit.“Hire an agency, outsource your marketing.”Sounds wise on paper, but somehow ends up being a disaster in practice.…BUT IT can all feel like a complete waste of time and moneyThere’s a reason why marketing can feel confusing, draining, or even painfulIT’S BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE A CLEAR, ACTIONABLE MARKETING PLANAll these marketing tactics are just pieces of the puzzle.Randomly throwing them at the wall without an overarching strategy is only going to cost you more time and money.Instead, you need to know exactly how to leverage each piece strategically so you’re getting a return on investment.Every marketing action you take should come back to you in dollars.WHEN YOU HAVE A PROVEN FRAMEWORK TO FOLLOW, THAT’S WHEN YOU START…Feeling confident and secure because you know exactly what to do, and what to expect from your marketing efforts.Freeing up space on your schedule so you can focus more time into the things that will move your business forward. Seeing consistent revenue flowing into your business, month after month because you have the right systems & messaging in place.NOw, here’s the good news.Creating a timeless marketing plan that works doesn’t have to be hardI spent tens of thousands of dollars in my first venture on a branding exercise. It looked awesome, but it was 100 pages of complex nonsense.That’s why I created a simple marketing framework that would fit on 1 page.All of the strategy with none of the overwhelm.That’s how the 1-Page Marketing Plan was bornI wrote the #1 bestselling marketing book that started a global movement, helping hundreds of thousands of business owners get clarity and finally stop wasting time and money on random acts of marketing.THE MODULESHere’s what we’ll cover:9 advanced marketing modules packed with theory, practical exercises, and examples.INTROTHE #1 SECRET TO BEING A MASTER MARKETERBy the end of this module, you’ll have:Laid the foundations for successfully marketing any business.Gotten started with the 1-Page Marketing Plan canvas.Training LessonsWhy It’s Always the Best Marketer That WinsWhy You Need a PlanWhat is Marketing?Direct Response Marketing: The Only Marketing You’ll Ever NeedThe 1-Page Marketing PlanThe 1 PMP Implementation CanvasMODULE 1: UNCOVER THE TARGET MARKET THAT’LL JUMP THROUGH HOOPS FOR YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICEIN this module, you’ll:Get clear on, research, and choose your target market.Create a detailed yet practical client/customer avatar.Start applying your avatar to your marketing & complete square 1 of your 1-Page Marketing Plan.Training LessonsThe Power of NichingStuff For Your People, Not People For Your StuffUnderstanding Target MarketPRACTICAL LESSONSCreate Your AvatarUtilize The PVP Index for Getting Clear on Your NicheThe Spywork Worksheet for Efficient ResearchThe Successwise Survey Template for Understanding Your AudienceFill Out Square 1 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESPVP Index WorksheetSpywork WorksheetCreate an Avatar WorksheetCreate an Avatar: Successwise ExampleYour Accountability Buddy Meetup Module 1MODULE 2: THE BLUEPRINT FOR A MESSAGE THAT HAS BUYERS SAYING “HECK YES!”IN this module, you’ll:Develop a unique selling proposition & messaging that connects with your audience.Craft an offer that converts.Apply your messaging to the most important parts of your business.Training LessonsConnecting with your AudienceDeveloping a Unique Selling PropositionGetting into the Mind of your ProspectCrafting an Offer that ConvertsPRACTICAL LESSONSMessaging ResearchHow to Use the Language of your CustomersGet into the Mind of your ProspectsTest Your MessagingFill Out Square 2 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESCraft and Test Your Elevator PitchCopywriting Style GuideThe Market Research Matrix WorksheetBranding QuestionnaireMessaging Matrix WorksheetAccountability Buddy: Module 2 WorksheetMODULE 3: MAKE STRATEGIC MEDIA DECISIONS & GET A RETURN ON INVESTMENTIN this module, you’ll:Choose the right media channel for your business & lay the groundwork for success.Craft a Super Signature that can generate thousands of dollars’ worth of business for you.Training LessonsReach Prospects With Advertising MediaSelect Your Advertising MediaPRACTICAL LESSONSPrioritize Your Channels WorksheetContent Strategy For A YearFill Out Square 3 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESEstablishing Your KPIsMedia Channel Brainstorm and PrioritizationYour Media Selection GuideContent Calendar TemplateAccountability Buddy: Module 3 WorksheetMODULE 4: HOW TO NEVER WORRY ABOUT FILLING YOUR PIPELINEIN this module, you’ll:Optimize your website to connect with your audience & stand out from the competition.Create your cornerstone piece of content – the most important content you’ll ever produce.Set up your CRM systems to track sales and prospects.Training LessonsBecome A Marketing FarmerYour Cornerstone Piece of ContentYour Marketing CRM SystemYour Lead-Generating WebsitePRACTICAL LESSONSChoose A Marketing CRMFill Out Square 4 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESWebsite Checklist WorksheetCreate Your Cornerstone Piece of ContentAccountability Buddy: Module 4 WorksheetMODULE 5: TAKING PEOPLE FROM “WHO ARE YOU” TO “YOU’RE EXACTLY WHAT I NEED”IN this module, you’ll:Create a “Super Signature,” the same kind that’s generated numerous opportunities for SuccesswiseCreate your first 5 lead-nurturing emails, with proven templates and examplesStart applying “human-to-human” marketing in your business.Training LessonsThe Mindset of a Marketing FarmerNurture Your Leads Through Human-To-Human MarketingConversation Leads To ConversionPRACTICAL LESSONSFill Out Square 5 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESLead Nurturing FrameworkAnatomy of an EmailExamples of Successwise Lead Nurturing EmailsHeadlines HelpExamples of Successwise Welcome EmailsSuper Signature GuideMarketing Coordinator Sample AdAccountability Buddy: Module 5 WorksheetMODULE 6: SETTING UP A SYSTEM THAT SELLS FOR YOUIN this module, you’ll:Implement important steps and tools to optimize your sales process for quality conversions.Raise your prices with confidence, and still remain competitive in the market.Begin educating your clients or customers before they buy, so selling becomes a breeze.Training LessonsSales Psychology and Pre-FramingThe Sales AppointmentClosing The DealPricing and PackagingPRACTICAL LESSONSFill Out Square 6 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESDiscovery Call QuestionsPricing Your OfferingExample Sales ResponsesBehind the Scenes at SuccesswiseAccountability Buddy: Module 6 WorksheetMODULE 7: USING SYSTEMS & TECH TO CULTIVATE RAVING FANSIN this module, you’ll:Use the Voice of Value worksheet to determine how you’ll locate, communicate and resonate with your tribe.Incorporate key tools and systems in your business to create an experience your clients or customers will want to stay loyal to.Training LessonsDevelop Your Tribe Raving FansUse Technology to Deliver a World Class ExperienceBuild Business SystemsPRACTICAL LESSONSFill Out Square 7 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESBecoming A Voice of ValueMapping Out Your Customer ExperienceCreate A Business SystemExample Successwise SystemsAccountability Buddy: Module 7 WorksheetMODULE 8: TURNING EXISTING CUSTOMERS INTO FOREVER BUYERSIN this module, you’ll:Implement five simple strategies to generate more sales from existing clients and/or customers.Use a quick & easy email and letter campaign to reactivate lost customers.Optimize your current business goals and metrics.Training LessonsSell More To Existing and Past CustomersWorking with Ideal CustomersMetrics and GoalsPRACTICAL LESSONSFill Out Square 8 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESHow to Implement a Reactivation CampaignEstablishing KPIsAccountability Buddy: Module 8 WorksheetMODULE 9: THE FORMULA FOR PREDICTABLE REFERRALS EVERY MONTHIN this module, you’ll:Start developing ways to incentivize your network to give you consistent referrals.Nail down exactly what you want your business to be known for.Training LessonsArm Your Referral NetworkBuild Your BrandPRACTICAL LESSONSFill Out Square 9 in The 1-PMP CanvasWORKSHEETS & RESOURCESBuild Your Referral StrategyAccountability Buddy: Module 9 WorksheetWRAP UPREVIEWING THE BIG PICTUREBy the end of this module, you’ll have:Have completed your 1-Page Marketing Plan and be ready to implement it in your business.Understand the big picture marketing cycle and how it will drive your business’s growth for years to come.