Ali Brown – Business Coaching Secrets


Download available within 1-2 hours. Do you realize that the typical annual incomes for experienced coaches are all over the board, ranging from $50,510 (2008 ICF Global Coaching Study) to $134,800 (2009 Sherpa Executive Coaching Study)?

Ali Brown – Business Coaching Secrets

From: Ali Brown, Millionaire Entrepreneur Coach

Los Angeles, Calif., USA
Dear Coach or Consultant,
Listen, I know you love what you do.
It’s a fact that most people who go into coaching as a business do it because they LOVE helping others! They love working with someone and helping them get from where they are to where they want to be, bringing out their best, helping them think bigger, fostering those big breakthroughs, etc. I personally love nothing more than working with a client and seeing her have a “light bulb a-ha moment.”
But there is a huge problem with the traditional one-on-one coaching model. Sure it sounds easy at first… “I’ll just coach 20 clients a month” and then you realize you’re not only exhausted, but coaching isn’t as joyful as it once was.
The next phase most coaches go through if they are not resonating with the one-on-one model is introducing group coaching via teleseminars. Perhaps you’ve tried these as well, but you’re still not bringing in the money you need. Maybe you can’t figure out how to charge what you want to. Or you can’t get as many people in your programs as you’d like.
Sadly, I’m not surprised.
Do you realize that the typical annual incomes for experienced coaches are all over the board, ranging from $50,510 (2008 ICF Global Coaching Study) to $134,800 (2009 Sherpa Executive Coaching Study)?
For such a noble profession that dramatically helps others, that seems very low. Especially when you look at how weak the dollar is right now, and how much it costs to run a business.
No wonder most people’s eyes pop open wide when I share what my programs generate, and those of my students as well.
I’ve Learned a Lot, and Want to Share It With You…
First of all, you should know I never set out to be a coach. In fact, I never knew such a profession existed until I met a woman whom I hired to be my own life coach in 1999. I became curious about the industry, and nearly considered becoming a coach myself, until I calculated what I could make. I was living in New York City alone and could barely make ends meet, and didn’t see at the time how becoming a coach would help my bottom line. I decided to focus on my core business instead, which at the time was providing writing services for businesses.
In 2001, I decided to write a little ebook teaching how to market your business by publishing an email newsletter, or “ezine.” I sold it online, and was delighted at the extra $1,000 or so it brought in each month. Word got out, and something funny happened. People who bought the ebook then called and wanted me to work with them personally. They wanted me to show them how they could create an ebook and sell it online and make money too. They wanted me to coach them!
Well, I was flattered but I just kept thinking, “I’m not a coach. Hmmm. Would that even be legal? I’m sure I’d have to get certified or something to be able to coach people like this.” So I politely declined and got back to my core business.
Get immediately download Ali Brown – Business Coaching Secrets
I focused more on Internet and information marketing because it was inexpensive to do and I could work it in between writing clients. I soon started selling more products online and ventured into teaching teleseminars on specific topics too. I was really having fun now and had finally broken through the $100,000 mark between my client work and my Internet ventures.
Then, the same thing happened again! People were writing and calling and asking how they could learn how to do what I was doing. But they didn’t want to buy a product to show them how. They wanted me to work with them personally. They wanted me to coach them!
Again, I politely declined, simply because I was scared. I thought, “I don’t know how to coach!”
There’s a saying that when God’s trying to drop you a clue, first you get a few taps on the shoulder. Then you get whacked with a big 2×4. That’s what happened when one person said, “Ali I’ll pay you whatever you want, just show me how to do what you’re doing.”
I asked for what I felt at the time was an outrageous amount of money for a few months of one-on-one coaching: $6,000. She signed up on the spot.
I loved this! Being paid well to share with others how they could be successful too. I started to add coaching to my offerings along with selling my other information products and courses. In 2006, I launched what I considered to be my very first high-priced coaching program. I remember being so nervous when I announced the $12,000 fee on stage! Today, just a few years later, I happily command $100,000 per membership in my top-tier program.
To get from there to here, I had to learn a lot – the hard way. It wasn’t an easy ride. There was trial and error. Some things even blew up in the process! Some privately, some publicly. But the risk paid off…
Today, my coaching programs are well-oiled machines that one year alone brought in over $2 million. And that’s only part of my entire business I’ve offered various tiers of membership to be able to serve entrepreneurs of all income levels, ranging from $9.97 monthly continuity to $247 a month and $18,000 a year and $100,000 a year. (And my star members are experiencing stellar results, which is the best part of all! But this isn’t about that right now…)
Listen, I’m not sharing these numbers with you to impress you, but instead to impress upon you that I definitely learned how to expertly design, sell, and run coaching programs.
But here’s why I’m sharing this. I fully realize being able to charge these types of fees for coaching, let alone make 7-figures or more with it is extremely unusual in the traditional coaching industry.
I’m not claiming to be the best in the world at creating these programs. Nor am I claiming to be the best coach in the world. (Or the best at anything in the world for that matter!)
But here’s what I know for sure: I have grown my coaching business from what started as a little cash cow “on the side” into a substantial arm of my company that brings in millions of dollars a year. And I get so much joy from it and also see the results my clients receive. It’s a win all around. For my spirit, my bank account, my clients, and their bank accounts too!
The best part? There is an absolute formula to it. And now, it’s YOUR turn! I’m about to peel back the curtain and reveal for YOU my secrets for designing, selling, and running outrageously profitable coaching programs.
Discover how you can add an extra $50,000 to $1 MILLION a year to your revenues (no kidding) by learning these insider strategies – whether you’re already a coach/consultant or are ready to be one.
For the last several years my students and colleagues have been asking – BEGGING – me to share everything I know and have learned from developing my coaching programs to such a successful level.
I admit for a while I kept my strategies “close to the vest” as my business grew so quickly and was in transition. But, I decided to share my secrets for the first time EVER in a one-time only live event reserved exclusively for my Platinum and Diamond members and for experienced coaches. It was called the Coaching Business Intensive, and it took place in July 2010.
The response was INCREDIBLE, even at a ticket price of nearly $10,000, and that’s when I realized I wanted to create a home-study version for those of you who could not be there. It’s called:
Coaching Business Secrets (CBS):

Strategies for Designing, Selling and Running Profitable High-End Coaching Programs.
This program covers ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I have to share regarding creating, promoting, and “working” coaching programs that give you HUGE leverage in your business and what you can charge. Some would even say it gives you an UNFAIR advantage over others in your industry, but all I know is I’m sharing what works.
In Coaching Business Secrets, not only do I share the specific strategies I recommend, but I also give you every email and web page I used for my launches, launch calendars that walk you through every step of sales, exactly what I SAY on stage when making a live coaching offer, flowcharts I use to run my programs, checklists my team uses before every coaching call, and more. It’s truly the BUSINESS of advanced coaching, A-Z.
I know you’re eager to know exactly what will be covered in CBS. But first let’s take a look at the opportunities available to you…
What Are Today’s Opportunities in Coaching? Problems? Challenges?
While many hem and haw about our “recession hangover”, coaching is still in demand. Why? Some say people are overwhelmed. We are confronted by too many choices. We are accosted daily by too much information. Life in general has admittedly become more complex. Add to that for many of us the pressure of running and growing a business, and you can easily understand how it’s well worth it to hire someone to help navigate rough waters.
There are two broad areas of coaching: business coaches and life coaches. For the purposes of keeping this letter brief, I am going to make some gross sweeping generalizations here…
Business coaches are typically trained in helping business owners or entrepreneurs excel, or they are successful leaders in a specific industry who turn to coaching others in their industry. Examples of industries with niche-specific coaching programs are direct sales professionals, dentists, wedding planners, hair salon owners, restaurant owners, dog groomers, image consultants, etc.
Life coaches typically work on a wider variety of topics, helping their clients make strategic decisions about careers, relationships, marriage, divorce, motivation, creativity, health, fitness, finances, lifestyle, and sometimes some business matters.
Coaching can be conducted live in person, or over the phone, or via email. (Some old fogeys are still using fax too.) It can be delivered one-on-one or in groups ranging from 5 to 500. The possibilities are endless, and I still don’t know of many more portable and lifestyle-friendly businesses such as coaching. You can conduct your calls from anywhere you are — at home, an office, or on the road traveling. And if you’re going to host live meetings or retreats, I say why not host them in locations you’d love to visit? (As an example, one of my Diamond member retreats last year was held in Maui, Hawaii. What a great “vacation” that was also a legitimate business write-off! Of course always check with your accountant.)
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of coaching schools and certification programs out there in the world that teach you how to be coaches in many different industries and niches. Many of them provide good information on how to set up your basic practice and work with clients.
But here’s the problem… these schools teach you how to make enough to get by, but you never learn how to generate serious revenues.The coaching industry on a whole seems to be very small-minded. If you don’t stick to their “traditional and approved” business models, they not only look at you with a crooked eye, but you may even be shunned.
In fact, a quick example: I know of one coach and speaker – an extremely qualified and successful one – who applied to present at an industry conference on how to charge more for your coaching. Nothing would even be sold – she simply wanted to share this great information. She told me they declined her topic because it was “too focused on money”!
Very ironic for an industry that promotes ideas like thinking big, getting “unstuck,” performance excellence, breaking through your limits, and being your best – I’m sure you’d agree.
Listen, I know you’re here on the planet to help others. That is your personal purpose, and I completely understand. It’s mine too. But the purpose of a business is to make a profit. It’s imperative you charge well for your services. In fact, it’s a requirement you charge well in order for you to truly deliver your clients the value you want to deliver and that they expect.
“So Ali, What Kind of Money Could I Really Be Making?”
The kind of money you can make is truly up to you. It depends on your lifestyle goals, your experience and level of expertise, and how much of a track record you already have in your business and reputation. However, don’t let a lack of knowledge stop you from setting large financial goals. If you’re new, you’ll just need a longer ramp-up time than those who are already running a strong business.
I know some coaches are happy with making six-figures to a few hundred thousand dollars a year with various programs, and that’s great. They want to keep their lifestyle simple and not get into the headaches of building a team, hiring employees, etc. Then there are some who desire to truly create wealth for themselves and design their programs to generate large revenues quickly. It’s totally up to you, and my teachings will help you no matter what level you want to take your business to.
My students who decide to grow their businesses by ramping up their current programs or adding on coaching to their offerings nearly always experience an increase in revenues. However, incremental raises are not mandatory.
Another example is single mum Karen Knowler from Cambridge, England. Her niche is raw food (, and when she signed up to coach with me, her previous year’s income was $350,000.
By the end of 2009 her revenues had skyrocketed to over $600,000 largely due to her introducing programs that coached others on the raw food lifestyle and how to become a raw food coach.
Now, the ladies above already had some coaching experience. What if you have NONE? As long as you have achieved a relative amount of success in your industry, I can show you how to develop your first coaching program – and more importantly how to make it insanely profitable.
Another great success story is Mitch Tublin from Stamford, Connecticut…
Mitch is a former corporate Senior Executive turned Business Strategy Consultant who first joined my programs in 2009. Since 2002, Mitch ran a successful coaching and consulting business “the old way”. Once he learned and applied my coaching models and formulas, Mitch was able to transform his business and created not one, but TWO successful companies – each in a completely separate niche category – and now expects 2011 earnings in excess of $500,000 EACH.
What changed for Mitch? Learning my proven, simple formulas to create, sell, and run powerful and profitable coaching programs.
Now, I am the first to admit the individuals above are extraordinary. The results listed above are surely NOT AVERAGE for anyone adding coaching to their repertoire.
The students who experienced the HIGHEST increases in their businesses are ones who had developed a strong area of expertise over several years and also had a successful business before setting up the types of programs I share in the Coaching Business Secrets program.
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New to Coaching? There’s Still the Possibility for Significant Income Increases
Even if you’re new to coaching, or if you’re considering coaching others in your industry, it’s not unusual to be able to generate income increases quickly.
What would even a few new coaching clients at a high fee (like $3,000 to $5,000 a month) be worth to you? Or what would one new well-designed, profitable program be worth to you? Let’s say you were able to secure 10 new clients in a group program that you charge just $5,000 a YEAR for. That’s another $50,000 right there in your bank account.
No matter your level of experience, I want you to see the amazing potential here. There’s a reason why everyone is jumping on this bandwagon. These programs surely take WORK to set up, sell, and run. But it’s not necessarily difficult to do so.
Here’s Just a Sampling of What I Cover in DETAIL in Coaching Business Secrets…
1. 7 Different Ways of Delivering Your Coaching at a High-Ticket Price
From VIP One-on-One Consults to High-End Masterminds and Retreats – Step-by-Step

The 5 types of coaching delivery that can command high fees – from live retreats to one-on-one live or phone to group masterminds and teleseminars – and pros and cons of each.

The ‘ABC’ system to transforming much of the information and advice you’re likely already delivering into an ongoing program you can charge handsomely for.
Step by Step: How to develop an intense coaching curriculum that’s worth charging big bucks for – from what you already know or could easily find out. (BONUS: You can also use this system to create passive income with information products!)
Secrets to designing high-end coaching/masterminding programs that can bring in $25,000 – $100,000 a year per member.
When coaching LIVE in-person is a must versus phone or video, and when you want clients to come to you.
What makes a low-price continuity (membership) program the right choice for you. (And what makes it definitely NOT your best option.)

2. Marketing and Sales Secrets for Lucrative Coaching Programs
“Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore”

Why people really buy coaching. You may be surprised – it’s not just to solve their problems or get answers. Once you understand what they really are buying, your sales conversion will improve immensely.

Secrets for selling the “invisible” – I’ll share with you the critical emotion that most influences your prospects to hire you, and how to not mismanage it.
What type of $$$ you really can and should charge for what you can deliver. There’s not a foolproof formula, but there are some general guidelines I will share with you to help you determine which bracket you fall in.
How to position yourself so well for high-end coaching that no one questions your fees and clients are lined up to work with you. (This is the best part – you don’t have to “sell” them! They decide on their own.)
Like it or not, your reputation always precedes you – here’s how to design one that accurately portrays you in a positive way… who you really are, how you work, who you work with, and the power of what you offer.
How to sell your high-end programs at LIVE events. (You’ll be surprised at the immense detail and choreography that goes into this process – but it’s not hard to do. You just need to know how it works.)
How to sell your high-end programs via online launches. (It’s a completely different process than at a seminar.)
Encouraging new members to pay-in-full ahead of time to bring you a jump-start cash-flow windfall. (Warning, some coaches can’t handle this – you’ll discover if you’d rather have them pay throughout the year.)
How to help ensure you get outrageously positive testimonials and success stories from your clients. (If you do your job right you should get them results anyway, but there is a formula to their wanting to rave about you to others.)
Upsell secrets – how to encourage your members to keep “movin’ on up” to get more value from your higher levels of programs.

3. The Immense Mindset Shifts You MUST Make in Order to Charge More
(WARNING: Buckle up, this may be a bumpy ride for some of you!)

Why you MUST ignore most norms and teachings you received regarding the business of coaching and consulting. Most professional certifiers and associations – even the ones who tell you to “think big” – are rooted in poverty consciousness. I’ll explain why, and how to think bigger than ever before.

The biggest mistake most coaches make when designing their programs that shoots them in the foot. What I recommend may likely go against much of what you learned from the coaching and consulting industry, but I’ll explain how this actually works best for both parties.
Why no one cares about your high-horse certifications and credentials. You’ll learn what really matters to your clients, and it’s not the alphabet soup after your name! Sure your titles may impress your peers, and you may have gained confidence from your training, but the good news is fancy titles aren’t necessary to be a highly paid coach. I’ll explain why.
Income leaps are not created by taking small steps. They are created by making bold changes in what you charge, how you position yourself, and how you sell what you offer. I’ll be covering all of these in the program.
Why you must be ready for chaos, uncertainty, and fast changes if you’re going to offer and run a high-end coaching program. Don’t worry – it’s just part of the game, and I’ll show you how to handle it.

4. The Back End Logistics of Running Powerful Coaching Programs
This section alone is worth investing in for your key employee or virtual assistant!

How to calculate how much staff you’ll need for each type of program, what type of person to hire for each role, and how much to pay. (You will also get sample job descriptions for each to aid you in your search.)

When is the time to bring on a coach to lead or co-lead your programs, and the strict qualifications they should meet.
Which vendors we use and recommend to help us run our programs smoothly – for telephone bridge lines, call recordings, operator Q&A, shopping cart transactions, CD & DVD duplication, printing, material mailings, MP3 posting, online forums, and more.
When to outsource production and fulfillment (mailing/shipping) versus when to do your own in-house.
Exactly how to set up your multi-tiered programs in the most popular shopping cart out there.
Pitfalls to watch out for when letting customers pay in monthly installments.
How to avoid merchant account problems when accepting large sums of money into your account. When you get into the larger fees for coaching, there can be issues actually getting your money. Okay it’s a good problem to have! But you have to learn how to prepare in advance to avoid this.
Tricks to ensuring the best deals on hotel meeting space and accommodations for your members – even if your group is small. And, easy ways to save money on meeting expenses.

5. Hard Answers to Hard Coaching Business Situations
Charging more effectuates more responsibility, but it’s worth it

What do you really do when a client can’t keep up with membership payments? (Especially when it’s a valuable client, one you adore, or one that’s an asset to your group?) I’ve been through this before and will share my recommendations.

Member retention strategies – for continuity programs, how to keep members interested and engaged and active. And for those who have dropped off, how to ethically lure back members who have fallen away.
How to ensure your clients happily understand they are responsible for their own success – not you. As a coach you are responsible TO your clients – not FOR them. Of course you will deliver all you promised, but some folks are always looking for someone on which to lay blame for their lack of success.
“Problem client nightmares” – yes they can happen to you. (In fact, I can guarantee they will. There’s usually one!) Learn proper ways to handle these bad apples NOW so they don’t spoil the bunch, and won’t damage your reputation.
CYA (cover your ass) tactics to help you retain your reputation and sanity. Learn how to operate professionally and document your work with clients – be prepared and know how to protect yourself from any crazies who find their way into your programs.

“So What Exactly Will I Receive with the Coaching Business Secrets

Home-Study Program?”
1. Your Coaching Business Secrets BINDER
The core of the course is your sturdy, 9-section, 3-ring, information-packed BINDER that walks you through the entire system in detail. This is the EXACT SAME binder that all of my CBI workshop attendees received, featuring the identical PowerPoint presentations that I used throughout the entire weekend. It contains dozens of pre-written outlines, notes, samples, and examples that I use as you go through all the sessions. Your binder is also neatly divided by TOPIC, so it’s easy to go back and find what you’re looking for every time.
2. Your Coaching Business Secrets Audio Files on a USB FLASH DRIVE
Your USB Flash Drive contains 15 hours of edited AUDIO recordings from the 2-day live Coaching Business Intensive workshop. With these audios, you can listen and learn along with those that attended the event, just as if you were there. (You’ll also get to enjoy how much fun we had – it’s like you’re there with me and all the amazing people in that room.) Again, you definitely want to listen to the audios as you go through the binder — they are designed to work together.
3. Your Coaching Business Secrets BONUS materials:
We’ve also loaded your USB Flash Drive with tons of BONUS materials that you can pop right into your computer and start using immediately for your own coaching business. Not only are there dozens of useful checklists, worksheets, and more, but you can also customize many of the digital documents to suit your own purposes. See below for a complete list of all your BONUS materials.
BONUS: You Get 20+ Forms, Checklists, Applications, and Flowcharts —

the Same Ones My Team and I Use to Sell and Run All of Our Programs!
Here’s just a sampling of what you will get on the USB flash drive that comes with Coaching Business Secrets. All are the most updated versions that my team and I used in our own programs this past year:

Sales pages for 3 different tiers of coaching programs
Sales page for entry level continuity program
Emails for marketing high-end coaching programs
Emails for marketing continuity programs
Brochures for 3 tiers of coaching programs
Applications for my high-end coaching programs, including agreement and payment arrangements
Media release form for retreats and meetings
Sample “sorry your payment declined” emails and phone scripts
Retreat RSVP forms
Retreat packing checklist for your members
Retreat welcome letter
Manual for live retreats
Sample retreat agenda
Phone appointment scheduling forms
Live coaching scheduling forms
Sample coaching calendar for year
Flowcharts for behind-the-scenes procedures
Job descriptions for team members to coordinate your program operations
Email templates for regular communications with members

Your USB Flash Drive will be STUFFED TO THE GILLS with these materials that you can use for your own coaching programs. It’s a virtual TREASURE TROVE of “done for you” documents that have taken me YEARS to develop!
“Ali, Sounds Great. What’s My Investment for Your Coaching Business Secrets?”
As I mentioned, my original Coaching Business Intensive was priced at a premium. And here’s why…
Most coach training programs do a great job of teaching you HOW to coach, and there are plenty to choose from. But what you’ll learn in CBS is how to create an insanely profitable business model with your coaching – whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or you’ve been in business for just a few years. I can show someone at any level how to increase their income by a significant amount. I’ve done it for myself and for dozens of my clients.
Get immediately download Ali Brown – Business Coaching Secrets
I reveal information in CBS that I do not talk about every day, or even with most of my clients. The few whom I have revealed this information to have used it to gain a huge (some say UNFAIR) advantage over the other coaches in their industry and in some cases have increased their incomes by seven-figures or MORE.
Plus I’m including BONUS MATERIAL ? fully loaded on a USB Flash Drive and filled with samples of EVERY type of promotion I’ve done for my programs, checklists we use behind the scenes, flowcharts, client applications and forms, and more.
So, what is that information worth to you? If you implement what you learn and do it right, just one well-designed program could net you six-figures or more.
The GOOD NEWS is you don’t have to invest nearly as much as my LIVE CBI participants did. Coaching Business Secrets is priced at a modest $2,997.
I STRONGLY believe that the information I have to share will change your life if you put it into action. You can immediately start using the information you learn from CBS to generate income that – if implemented properly – should easily WELL more than pay for the cost of this product.
PLUS… you get a Membership in my Success Club™ for only $9.97 per month
I also want to make sure you have ONGOING support and updated information on a regular basis. That’s why I’m also giving you an opportunity to try a membership in my Success Club™! This exciting program delivers…

A MONTHLY CALL with me and my special expert guests. All you need to participate is a phone. (No software or internet required.)
AN ACTION WORKSHEET to use during the call, to help you better retain and implement what you learn.
A RECORDING of the call as a digital MP3, so you can download it and enjoy in your success library for years to come.
A WRITTEN TRANSCRIPT of every call as a digital PDF, so you can also keep on file for future use, or for easy note-taking.

You don’t have to wait – your membership benefits will begin as soon as your purchase is complete. This offer is optional, but if you accept it your credit card will automatically begin being charged only $9.97 a month for this great membership. If at any time you want to cancel your membership, simply let us know via phone or email and we will STOP your membership immediately.