Ali Abdaal – Part-Time YouTuber Academy


That’s all it takes. I can guarantee that if you follow this simple, 3-part formula, your life will change in ways you can’t imagine. For a start, you’ll learn incredibly useful skills, you’ll generate ‘passive’ income,… File Size: 25.22 GB

Ali Abdaal – Part-Time YouTuber Academy

Learn how to Grow your YouTube Channel

Learn how to grow your YouTube channel from 0 to 100,000+ subscribers and transform it into a sustainable, income-generating machine. Without quitting your day job ?

Making Money from YouTube

I started making YouTube videos in my final year of medical school at Cambridge University. It was Summer 2017 and I started off with 0 views, 0 subscribers and $0 in revenue.
18 months later, my YouTube channel was at 100,000 subscribers and was making as much money as my full-time job working as a doctor in the UK. And now, as of May 2021, my channel has 1.7 million subscribers and I make over £100,000 ($130k) each month, with 5-10 hours of effort each week. I know — it’s bloody ridiculous.

The Secret to 100,000+ Subscribers

Over the past 3 years, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to build an audience from scratch, provide value consistently, and monetise in a non-spammy way. I’ve spent over $30,000 in courses and coaching programs to try and find the secret sauce that helps grow a channel and a business. And you know what? There’s no secret. It’s mostly just a matter of —

Producing content that your audience finds useful
Posting this on YouTube once a week
Repeating this for at least 2 years

That’s all it takes. I can guarantee that if you follow this simple, 3-part formula, your life will change in ways you can’t imagine. For a start, you’ll learn incredibly useful skills, you’ll generate ‘passive’ income, and you’ll make friends with amazing people from all over the world. You might even get messages from fans about how your content has changed their life ?
But sadly, as with all things, getting started and maintaining quality + consistency is easier said than done.

The Challenges of Being a YouTuber

It feels daunting to create videos for 2+ years. You won’t see much growth, or any money, in the early stages.
You’ll have to get over the fear of judgment from friends, family and strangers on the internet.
You’ll have to figure out what you’re going to talk about, and why anyone would care what you’ve got to say.
You’ll need to learn about cameras, microphones, lights, video editing and post-production.
You’ll worry that you’re going to run out of ideas.
You’ll be constantly thinking about the YouTube algorithm, while simultaneously trying not to think about the YouTube algorithm.
You’ll end up negotiating with brands, plucking numbers out of thin air because you’ve got no idea how much to charge them.

And you’ll have to do all this (and a lot more) while juggling your job, studies, relationships and health, while also doing your best to enjoy the journey and avoid burnout.

This is hard. It takes a lot of work. But it’s also really fun, and if you can make it work, it’s genuinely life-changing.

If there’s one at all, the real “secret” is that you want to build a SYSTEM around your content production, so that you can efficiently pump out useful content that grows your audience and revenue, without it taking up large amounts of your own time. Instead of thinking of your YouTube channel as a personal project, you want to think about it like a machine. A machine that takes inputs in the form of ideas, refines them into valuable content that your audience loves, and efficiently monetises itself across multiple asset classes.

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I’ve built such a system for my channel and business, and I can help you build yours.

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy is a 6-week live online course where I’ll teach you everything I know about how to build and grow your YouTube channel into a sustainable machine that churns out valuable content for your audience, and generates healthy passive income for you, without having to quit your job.
It’s based on the Infinite Content Engine, the system I’ve developed to grow my channel from zero to 1.7 million subscribers (with $1,500,000+ in annual revenue) while working full-time as a doctor.
We ran Cohort 1 in November 2020 and Cohort 2 in March 2021 serving over 600 students with fantastic results and glowing testimonials.
Cohort 3 runs from 7th June to 16th July 2021. Each week, we’ll have a combination of live Zoom lectures, Q&A Office Hours, homework video assignments and group support sessions to help you kickstart your new channel or build upon your existing one.
Core Live Lectures will run twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 16:00 BST / 08:00 PT / 11:00 ET. Each live session will have 60-90 minutes of teaching, followed by an open Q&A. All the sessions will be recorded (and you’ll have lifetime access to them) so you can always work through stuff at your own pace if you prefer that approach.
Each week, we’ll also have a series of Guest Workshops, small group support sessions and social clubs to help you get the most from the course.

By the end of the 6-week course…

You’ll have kickstarted your YouTube channel (if you haven’t yet), with 6 published videos.

You’ll have the next 3-6 months of content planned out, and a solid, streamlined system to sustain this.

You’ll be much more comfortable in front of a camera, with techniques to boost your charisma.

You’ll get my recommendations for gear and studio setups for all budget levels, so you can level-up your production value while being focused on your content.

You’ll know how to refine your niche, and you’ll have a system that ensures you’ll never run out of content ideas – The Idea Generation Machine.

You’ll have a method (the HIVEs Framework) for structuring your videos in a way that appeals to your audience and to the YouTube algorithm.

You’ll understand how to accelerate your growth by efficiently repurposing your content to multiple platforms with the Artery Method.

You’ll understand the various monetisation options available to creators, and you’ll know how to use them to generate passive income for yourself, or high-quality leads for your business.

You’ll know the value of building a team as soon as you can afford it, and you’ll have a roadmap for outsourcing your editing and hiring extra team members.

Who’s the Course for?

‘Serious’ Beginners

You recognise YouTube as an incredible opportunity to build an audience, have an impact and generate passive income.

You haven’t yet taken the plunge into publishing videos, but you know it’s something you want to do. Maybe you’ve been held back by the fear of being judged, the disease of perfectionism, or even just not knowing what you’d talk about.

You’re willing to take your new YouTube channel seriously from day 1, and want to invest time and money up-front to set yourself up for success.

In 6 weeks – You’ll have launched your YouTube channel with 6+ published videos and ideas for the next 3-6 months of content. You’ll have a clear roadmap for gear upgrades, you’ll be much more comfortable talking to a camera and putting yourself out there, and you’ll hit the ground running with effective systems that mean you’ll never run out of content.

Intermediate YouTubers

Congratulations! Your channel’s already up-and-running and you’ve got the best side-hustle in the world.

But you’ve realised that continually coming up with good ideas and consistently churning out valuable content is quite hard. And that growing and monetising your audience is even harder.
You’d love to treat your channel as more of a business, with you as its CEO, and aim towards building your own team. But maybe the idea of ‘managing a team’ feels intimidating, and you wouldn’t know where to start anyway.

In 6 weeks – Your own Infinite Content Engine will be up and running. You’ll never run out of ideas, and you’ll have a systematic framework for keeping the engine churning. You’ll appreciate the immense value of building a team, and know how to take the first steps to outsource annoying things like video editing. You might even work towards hiring your own staff, if you’re at that level.

Entrepreneurs & Freelancers

You see YouTube as a great platform to engage with your target audience and generate new leads (or brand awareness) for your business. You’ve got a tonne of experiential learning from growing your business that you’d love to share with your audience.

But starting (or growing) your YouTube channel is always pushed to the bottom of your endless to-do list. It falls into that classic important-but-not-urgent category and so it never gets done.

You’re now ready to take action. You recognise the value of coaching and accountability in the process, and you’re willing to put in the work to make the platform work for you and your business.

In 6 weeks – You’ll have launched your YouTube channel with 6+ published videos. You’ll have an understanding of the Fundamentals of YouTubing, and a solid lead-gen strategy, with ideas for the next 3-6 months of content through your own Infinite Content Engine. And of course, you can always work through the course at your own pace if the 4+ hours of content and homework each week for 6 weeks is too much of a commitment for your already busy schedule.

Bloggers and Podcasters

You already create content that your audience loves. But you might reach a far larger and more diverse audience through YouTube. After all, ‘blogs’ and ‘podcasts’ are still pretty niche compared to ‘YouTube videos’, for most people around the world. You’ve got a backlog of content already published to your blog / podcast so it would theoretically be easy enough to repost it as YouTube videos.

The issue is that YouTube can be intimidating. It’s a very different skillset (albeit with some overlap) to blogging and podcasting. And the bar for production value seems to be ever-increasing.

You recognise that if you could add video to your already beefy skillset, it would benefit your blog, podcast and the business you’ve built (or you’re aiming to build) around it. Especially if you’re selling your own products, you can price a video course very differently to an e-book.

In 6 weeks – You’ll have launched your YouTube channel with 6+ published videos. You’ll have an easier time of this than the other students, because you already know how to create content – this is just a matter of transferring those skills to a new medium. You’ll have ideas for your next 3-6 months of content (probably more, depending on how much you’ve already created) and you might even pick up some workflow tips for your blogs/podcasts from a Part-Time YouTuber ?

Who’s the Course NOT for?

This course isn’t for you if…

You’re not willing to put in the time and effort to make 1 video per week for the homework assignments.
You’re looking for a magic bullet that’ll cause your channel to grow without any effort. There’s no secret here. It’s just about putting in the work, doing it consistently, and stacking the deck in your favour in whatever way you can.
You’re hoping that starting a YouTube channel will be a get-rich-quick scheme. Again, that’s not how it works. There are no shortcuts.
You’re looking for a guaranteed path to 10k, or 100k, or 1M subscribers. There are no guarantees in this game. It’s like signing up for a writing course and expecting to have 1M readers per month for your blog, or 100,000 sales of your book. That’s not how it works. There are a huge number of factors that go into whether something will be numerically ‘successful’. We’ll do our best to teach you the systems and processes that have worked for us and our students, but we can’t ‘guarantee’ any specific result.

Having said all that, one thing we can guarantee is that if you create useful videos, publish 1-2 times per week, and do this for 2 years, your life will change. We can’t put a number on it (no one can), but if you can stick with this for 2+ years, you’ll learn useful skills, you’ll generate ‘passive’ income, and you’ll make friends with amazing people from all over the world. You might even get messages from fans about how your videos have changed their lives.

Our only objective on this course, is to make it easier for you to maintain that level of consistency. If that sounds like something you’d like, we’d love to have you. If it’s not what you’re looking for, then sorry for wasting your time in reading this far, and we wish you the very best of luck. Regardless, feel free to email us if you need a hand with anything ?

What’s in the Course?

Here’s a load of information about exactly what we cover in the course. It’s a lot of stuff, and the 6 weeks goes by in a flash, but you’ll have lifetime access to all the video recordings and course material so you can always revisit things if you need to ?

1. Core Course Modules

By the end of the course, you’ll have the next 3-6 months of content planned out, and a system for consistently creating content that your audience (and the YouTube algorithm) loves, without burning out. Through our core live lectures (Mondays and Thursdays 1600-1800 BST) we’ll cover —

Build — Finding your niche, nailing down your target audience and value proposition, building your studio, the best gear at different budget levels, getting comfortable on camera, minimising friction in filming videos. If you’re a beginner, these sessions will be perfect for you. Even if you’re not, you’ll probably learn lots of useful things (we’ve had students with 100k+ subscribers who loved these sessions).

Conceive — How to never run out of content ideas. We’ll help you build your own Idea Generation Machine, using our 6-part framework for capturing ideas from various sources and systematically generating your own. And we’ll talk about best practises for titles and thumbnails, arguably one of the most important features of a successful YouTube channel.

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Construct — How to structure your videos in a way that appeals to both your audience and the YouTube algorithm. And how to add flair and branding to your videos to make viewers fall in love with your channel.

Create — How to create a content calendar and use parallel processing to boost your productivity, so you’re never stressed by impending video deadlines. And how to efficiently remix and distribute your content across different platforms to maximise reach and diversify your business. We’ll talk about the power of an email list (you should have this from day 1), and the difference between private vs public platforms to make your business more anti-fragile.

Expand — How to outsource editing (hint: you should be doing this as soon as you start making money), and how to work towards building a team of writers, researchers, editors and assistants around your channel, while remaining extremely profitable.

Monetise — How to maximally monetise your content with Adsense, sponsored videos, affiliate partnerships and your own products, without pissing off your audience. I’ll show you the real numbers behind the $100k+ per month that my YouTube channel generates, and the steps I took to get there.
Live Session Timings

We’ll have 2 live sessions each week for 6 weeks. They’ll be on Mondays and Thursdays, 1600 – 1800 BST. Each session will have 60-90 mins of core teaching and interactive exercises, followed by an open Q&A. If you can’t make the live sessions, don’t worry – we’ll upload the Zoom recording within 1h of the session ending, and we’ll have a nicely edited video with timestamps ready within 24h of the session.

2. Homework Video Assignments

The Homework Video Assignments are the single most important part of the course.

If you can’t (or won’t) commit to publishing 1 video each week, this course isn’t for you. You won’t get much value out of it. It would be like signing up for a gym class, showing up to watch the tutorial, and not doing any exercise. It might be interesting, but it wouldn’t get you any results.

You can’t grow on YouTube without consistently putting out videos, at least once a week. Yes, there are exceptions, but in general, you need to publish at least once a week to stand a chance of standing out.

Each week, we’ll give you a video assignment, which will involve writing, filming, editing and publishing a video on your channel. When you’re done, you’ll link your video on our community platform so that everyone can comment, and we’ll provide detailed feedback on every video assignment that is submitted.

 3. Our New House Support System

As a new addition for cohort 3, we’ve recruited the help of some incredibly successful YouTubers for our new House Support System.

While cohorts of 400 students are great for making new friends, sometimes a smaller, more intimate group is better for accountability and support.

That’s why we’re breaking the cohort into Houses of 30 students. You’ll meet with your House for an hour once a week, in a small group House Party Zoom call facilitated by your Housemaster.

How it Works
Timings – In the initiation Blueprint, we’ll ask you to choose the time slots that best suit you for the House parties. We’ll sort students into different houses based on YouTube experience and time preferences. You’ll meet your housemates and get your House Party calendar in Week 1 of the course.

House Parties – During each House Party, we’ll take you through group exercises and breakout rooms to help you grow your channel, and you’ll be able to ask any questions and talk through any concerns or issues you’re having with your housemates and Housemaster.

House Points – As an added mode for accountability and fun, we’ll be awarding students with House Points for completing assignments and other things throughout the course. The House with the most overall points will win the House Cup, and every student in the House will get a special prize at the end of the course ?

Meet your Housemasters

Jack Edwards

Jack started creating content at university and now creates videos focussed on books and lifestyle. Since graduating, his YouTube channel has gone from strength to strength, doubling in subscribers over the past 5 months and is now well over 450k.

Hannah Witton

Hannah’s been making online content for 10 years and now has over 650k subscribers. She’s known for having open conversations about sex, relationships and disabilities but her content also revolves around books, slow fashion, organisation and productivity.

Nasir Kharma

Nasir is a medical student studying at King’s College London. He creates videos mainly aimed at students wanting to pursue medicine as a career and has accumulated over 750k subscribers in just three years of being on YouTube.

Elizabeth Filips

Elizabeth is part of Ali’s team and has amassed over 50k subscribers in just 6 months since she released her first video. She makes a wide-range of content from philosophy and art to medicine, productivity and minimalism.

4. Community + Support + Accountability

Remember how I said that consistently publishing videos each week is how you grow on YouTube? Well, this becomes much easier when you’ve got a community of friends, colleagues and supporters all doing the same thing and cheering each other on.

? 1. Open Office Hours
Each week, we’ll have two Open Office Hours with one of the Heads of House. These sessions will be run as a Q&A and give you a chance to ask questions to one of Jack, Hannah, Nasir or Liz. These are a great opportunity to get an insight into the experiences of these YouTubers who’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge during their time creating content on YouTube.

⚡️ 2. Social Club
When it comes to being successful on YouTube, having a solid support community is a key factor for your success. The Social Clubs will give you a chance to interact with other members of the cohort, build friendships and connect with other students on the course to make pandemic life and YouTube life a little less lonely than it can otherwise be.

?‍♂️ 3. Community Support + Q&A
In each of the 12 Zoom calls (twice a week), there’ll be ample opportunity to ask me any and all questions you need to. On top of that, you’ll have lifetime access to our Support Community where you can ask and answer questions with me, my team and the other students.

5. Guest Workshops

David Perell

David teaches thousands of people how to improve their writing online, share their ideas, and build an online audience through his his writing school, Write of Passage. He’ll run a Guest Workshop about how to improve your writing and scripting as a YouTuber.
Robbie Crabtree

Robbie is a trial lawyer, teacher and storyteller who runs his own Performative Speaking Course. He’ll run a series of Guest Workshops about becoming a better speaking and improving your storytelling.
Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Anne-Laure runs the hugely popular blog Ness Labs, where she writes about mindful productivity. In her Guest Workshop, she’ll be teaching us her strategy for monetising an audience through paid memberships.
Tristan & Michael

Tristan and Michael teach the world’s top athletes, creatives, leaders, and entrepreneurs to speak more effectively in the moments that matters most. Their Ultraspeaking Guest Workshop takes us through interactive games and exercises to become better speakers on- and off-camera.
Joe Gannon

Joe runs an agency specialising in building personal brands through educational content. He’s responsible for my own growth on Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin through repurposing podcasts and videos into high-quality 1-2 minute social media clips. His Guest Workshop breaks down his methods so you can learn to do the same.
James Jani

James Jani began his YouTube channel in January 2020 and has already amassed nearly 700k subscribers. Rather than the typical method of regular uploads, he produces long, high-quality, documentary-style videos that are published about once a month. He’ll talk about his unconventional approach to YouTube and the key things that have aided his rapid growth.

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The Self-Serve Option (for Experienced YouTubers)

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy is designed to be a live course, with community, accountability, support and feedback built in. However, we get that these live components aren’t for everyone.
If you’re an Experienced YouTuber and you’re confident you don’t want or need the live-cohort elements (accountability, community, support and feedback), then you’re very welcome to sign up to our self-serve course option. You’d still probably get large amounts of value from the live cohort, but if you haven’t got the time to take advantage of the live elements, the self-serve option will give you access to all the video recordings and materials.
If you’re a Beginner YouTuber, we don’t recommend the self-serve option. The content in the live sessions will probably be overwhelming, and without the accountability, community, live support and feedback, you’ll feel like you’re drowning in information that you might struggle to implement. If you choose this option, it’ll be at your own risk, with those caveats in mind.
The Self-Serve Option includes:

Lifetime access to video recordings of Cohort 3 live sessions, including guest workshops and Q&As. These are uploaded in HD with timestamps within 24h of the live sessions taking place

Worksheets, templates and other resources that we share with our Live cohort

$500 discount off the Live options if you’d like to join a future cohort of the course
The Self Serve Option doesn’t include:

❌ Access to the Zoom live sessions (core live lectures, office hours, Q&As, guest workshops and social club)

❌ Personalised video feedback from our team

❌ Access to our House System for accountability and support

❌ Access to our community support forum on Circle
Important – Because the Part-Time YouTuber Academy is designed with a live cohort in mind, our Money Back Guarantee doesn’t apply to the self-serve option. If you’re at all concerned the course may not be ‘worth it’ then please sign up to the live cohort and you’ll see that it is ?
Enrollment opens at 4pm BST on Friday 14th May 2021.