
Alexandra Danieli – No Competetion

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹3,000.00.


Let your chart guide you to success

I’m so excited to guide you into all the business-relevant nooks and crannies of your Astro and HD charts so you can stand out as YOU and lead your business to success in the way that’s right and aligned for you.
You’ll know exactly how to brand yourself, how to invite more money into your life and what’s been stopping you so far (and also how to overcome it).
Standing out in a crowded business world means being authentic. And your chart is the map to your authenticity.

It’s the easiest way to know who you truly are, short-cut a lot of trial and error, and have a direct path to your Soul’s expression.
The more you embody who you truly are and how your Soul wants you to express yourself, the easier your business and career will thrive.

You’ll speak to the right clients, have all the energy you need and make the $$ you want and deserve.

This is why your business is stuck at the same level despite everything you’ve been doing

It took me a couple of years to figure out how to have my business sustain me and my family plus bring in some overflow… and what I quickly learned was that my charts had all the answers.
This is one of the most important things you’ll ever learn for your business & if you don’t get it right now, it could cost you years more of trying to figure things out.
Where most Entrepreneurs think they just haven’t implemented the right marketing strategy yet, or that they just need to work with *one* more sales coach –  what they’re missing is the CRUCIAL step that comes before anything else…
The activation of your unique Business Blueprint and who you truly are in your career determines all of your business success.
Without activating your authenticity in these areas you will continue to be overworked, underpaid and not recognized for your gifts.
Which means that you won’t be able to make the income and impact you desire and won’t be able to create the positive change you came here for.