
Alexander J. Wilson – Manifestation Magic

Original price was: ₹7,050.00.Current price is: ₹830.00.


Alexander J. Wilson – Manifestation Magic
Manifestation Magic An Honest Review:
Picture this.
You go to sleep one night, just like any other night, but the next day is completely different…
You awaken to find everything that you have ever wanted has manifested into your reality.
You had done nothing different from your usual routine the night before, the only difference was that you listened to these strange sound frequencies while you slept.
It almost sounds too good to be true right?
But it’s a promise that Alexander Wilson makes with his program “Manifestation Magic”.
Can you really manifest anything you want in 24 hours from using this program?
Or was it just another cash grab that preyed on false hope and desperation?
I had to try it for myself, to see what it was really about.
In today’s review, I will give you a full rundown on what I really think of this program, and if it really will help you manifest your desires!
I don’t hold back!
What I found may surprise you, so make sure to stay until the end and read my final conclusion.
I’m eager to share my findings with you, so let’s get started, shall we?
What Is Manifestation Magic?
Manifestation Magic is an online Law of Attraction program that uses soundwave technology (or brainwave entrainment) to help rewire your mind to manifest your desires.
This program is created by Alexander Wilson, who is a spiritual guide with a masters degree in psychology and has been teaching the Law of Attraction for over 7 years now.
According to Alexander, the program is said to permanently raise your vibrations.
Therefore, to assist you to break free from past limiting beliefs, amplifying wealth, health and abundance in your life.
The idea behind this course is to “just push play” and let the “Brain Entrainment” audio tracks clear out any restrictive thought patterns through subliminal programming.
Each track uses soundwave technology developed with the help of a renowned audio engineer, musician and “Energy Orbiting” expert.
The tracks work much like guided hypnosis but have the added benefit of sound therapy to amplify the visualization process.
According to Alexander, there are two major reasons why you may have trouble manifesting.
The first is that you struggle to maintain a high vibration, or in other words staying energetically charged for extended periods of time.
The second is that you get stuck in your own negative programming and limiting beliefs.
Alex believes this is the key to making your dreams come true.
Judging by the success stories, I think he might be onto something.
There are many people raving about this program, take a look at what others thought here.
Here’s what others had to say about it…
Before I bought this program, I did a lot of research into Manifestation Magic, but unfortunately, the only reviews I could find at the time were ads and articles that didn’t seem very genuine at all.
At first, it made me feel a little unsure about buying this program altogether, but eventually, I found some legitimate testimonials!
Here are a few I screenshotted:
I noticed that some people weren’t receiving their download once they purchased the program, but it was because they got their email addresses wrong!
So when I made the purchase, I double-checked my email and the program was sent within 5 minutes to my inbox!
All I had to do was click ‘Download’ and it worked straight away!
So when you do buy, just be sure you have used the right email address.
What’s Included in The Package?
Here is a list of what you will get with the Manifestation Magic program:

Quickstart Manifestation ebook guide
Twilight Transformation Delta Audio
10 Minute Meditator Theta Audio Part 1
10 Minute Meditator Theta Audio Part 2
Daytime Wealth Activator Beta Audio

As an optional bonus you will also receive the Manifestation Magic 360 Transformation System:

Wealth Awakening
Mystical Chi Gung
The Heartbeat
Slow String Relaxation
Divine Tranquility
Whispering Waves

As an additional bonus, Manifestation Magic includes the Chakra Power Audio Bundle:

Sacral Chakra Clearing Session
Solar Plexus Full Potential Session
Heart-Gratitude Abundance Session
Throat Chakra True-Self Session
Pineal Gland Intuition Session (third eye)
Crown Chakra Highest Purpose Session

And finally, the bonus deep sleep track:

Instant Sleep Magic

Manifestation Magic Is Broken Down Into Two Main Modules:
Module 1: The ‘Energy Orbiting’ Audio Program:
According to Alexander, ‘Energy Orbiting’ is a brand new technology that combines brain entrainment, hypnotic guidance, and NLP to help target your point of awareness.
This optimizes your brainwaves enabling neuro-plasticity to occur.
Neuro-Plasticity is a term used to define the electrical and chemical restructuring of the human mind.
In other words, past thoughts and experiences have created different connections within your brain.
When these thoughts and experiences are repeated, the pathways within the brain become stronger.
Unfortunately, many of us are strengthening the wrong pathways.
The result of this?
Manifesting more of what you don’t want.
The Energy Orbiting tracks are the centerpiece of the Manifestation Magic program and are meant to realign your point of focus towards wealth and abundance.
To quickly learn more about Energy Orbiting, watch this free video here.
All you need to do is listen for 30 days in a comfortable space where you will not be disturbed or in bed at night as you drift off to sleep.
These audio tracks use a range of different types of brainwave frequencies including:
Delta Waves:
The brain goes into delta frequencies at the deepest states of meditation and dreamless sleep.
It’s considered the most mysterious natural wavelength there is, It’s often referred to as “a connection to infinite power”.
These wavelengths are low, relaxing sound vibrations that send the mind into the Delta state and stimulate the emotional intelligence sectors of the brain.
While in Delta State this brainwave also helps your body heal and replenish itself.
Delta is known to be a place of deepest emotional feelings, relaxation and spiritual connection to the universe and your subconscious mind.
Here are the most known benefits of Delta Waves;

Heals your body from pain.
Releases anti-aging hormones.
Helps with bone density and cartilage.
Spiritual connections with the universe.
Easy meditational states.

Theta Waves:
The brain begins operating in the theta frequencies right before we fall asleep and just before we wake up.
It is during this time when we dream and also where unconscious pathway connections are formed to process and retain information.
Theta wavelengths are acknowledged as being an exceptional state for learning, intuition and clear visualization.
This is where fear and worry lies and accessing this state helps relieve any issues you may have.
There are more benefits while being in Theta state including;

Helping with anxiety or stress.
Rewriting subconscious thought patterns.
Mind restoration.
Enhanced visualization abilities.
Improved creativeness.

Beta Waves:
This brainwave frequency is where we operate from when accessing states of focused attention.
The beta brainwave is high, eminent and is often activated when a person is problem-solving or making an important decision.
Here are some benefits from listening to these soundwaves.

Increased focus.
Enhanced motivation.
Increase in reading skills.
Boosted energy.
Better memory.

Module 2: Manifestation Guide:
This 66-page ebook is a step by step program that compliments the Energy Orbiting soundtracks.
It offers helpful and practical insight on how to get clear on what you truly want, as well as how to obtain it.
The book is fairly straightforward but does contain a 5 step planner to implement straight away.
These steps include:

‘Getting clear on what you want’.
‘Visualizing it’.
‘Feel good now’.
‘Identifying obstacles and overcome’.

This guide also contains printable bonus activities to get your manifestations started.
The bonuses include a “cosmic order form”, visualization worksheet, gratitude list, personal check from the universe and more.
The Bonuses:
According to Alexander, you don’t need the bonus tracks to help you manifest wealth into your life, but I decided to give them a go anyway.
These were surprisingly my favorite tracks. Here is a rundown on the bonus content.
Chakra Power System Audios:
Each track is ten minutes long and is designed to empower you while aligning the energy centers within the body.
1: The Root Base Clearing Session:

Focuses on the first energy center (the base)
Frees doubt around money
Shifts a poverty mindset to a money mentality

2: The Sacral Chakra Clearing Session:

Focuses on the 2nd energy center (the sacral).
Ingrains positive energies around money.
Centers around being happy and accumulating wealth.

3: The Solar Plexus Full Potential Session:

Focuses on the 3rd energy center (the solar plexus).
Helps you to tune into your full money-making potential.
Expands your creativity to harness wealth.

4: The Heart-Gratitude Abundance Session:

Focuses on the 4th energy center (the heart).
Accesses and opens up gratitude.
Welcomes love and the flow of money energy into your life.

5: The Throat Chakra True-Self Session:

Focuses on the 5th energy center (the throat).
Tunes your mindset into an authentic wealth magnet.
Brings abundance into your life to express your highest self.

6: The Pineal Gland Intuition Session:

Focuses on the 6th energy center (the pineal gland or third eye).
Promotes intuitive thinking.
Helps you to follow intuitive queues toward wealth.

7: The Crown Chakra Highest Purpose Session:

Focuses on the 7th energy center (the crown).
Promotes intellectual thinking toward creating wealth.
Clarifies your higher purposes in life.

Manifestation Magic 360 Transformation System:
This bonus set is designed to guide you into your own natural state of wellbeing and deep relaxation.
The 360 Transformation System gives you all the benefits of the Brainwave Entrainment System without the voice over.
Wealth Awakening:
You’re supposed to listen to this track first thing in the morning.
Wealth Awakening contains rich tones and frequencies to induce a state of calmness helping to start your day on a positive note.
It’s supposedly meant to stimulate the creative sector in the brain to help with reaching goals and solving everyday problems.
Mystical Chi Gung:
This track is designed to help you unwind after a busy and stressful day.
It is said to help you tap into your natural state of consciousness and rediscover your creative energies.
You’re encouraged to listen to this track whilst dancing or moving around to help guide your body toward self-expression.
Movement helps to release any visceral tension and restore energetic balance.
The Heartbeat:
Designed to help with your heart centers, this track stimulates deep thinking and intuitive decision making.
The Heartbeat is intended to help the listener to make choices from higher states of awareness.
Slow String Relaxation:
These frequencies are designed to uplift your emotional needs.
Slow String Relaxation contains subconscious rhythms that elevate your thinking and guide you toward higher vibrational states of being.
These space like sounds and audible textures are intended to promote the alchemical and creative energies required when thinking of new ideas and bringing forward your ingenuity.
Divine Tranquility:
These tunes are a refreshing burst of nature combined with frequencies that shift your focus inward helping you to find purpose and peace.
Divine Tranquility guides you towards your deeper truth in a balanced, healthy and abundant way.
Whispering Waves:
Whispering Waves is a preparation track for all of the radical but positive changes that the program brings into your life.
If you want a closer look at the bonuses, then watch the full video about the course here.
The Main Features Of Manifestation Magic:
Manifestation Magic comes with the following key features:

Maintaining a high vibration, feeling inner joy and happiness.
Brain Entrainment to eliminate past fears, worries and limiting beliefs.
Meditative tracks to guide the subconscious mind toward abundance.
A step by step manifestation guide.
Practical activities to help you to gain wealth and freedom.
Sound waves to rewrite your future for manifesting.

Here are some things that I really liked about the course:

It came with a complete guide to go alongside the soundtracks.
Practical exercises for manifesting money.
Guided meditations/hypnosis
Instant access to the program following purchase.
Easy to follow.


The e-book felt rushed and could have been better written.
The effect of the program varies depending on the person.
Can’t use while driving or operating machinery.
Takes a level of commitment
Sound waves are not for everyone.

Who Is Manifestation Magic For?

Feeling lack, or having undesired results in life.
Wish to meditate or master your visualizations.
Want to see your goals or dreams manifest.
Reprogram your belief patterns for abundance.
Want to improve relationships with your partner or others.
Stop negative thoughts and feelings towards achieving goals.
Want to feel happy, and maintain a high vibrational consciousness.

Although there are a few things I don’t like about this program I do think it’s worth the price.
You get a lot more than what you pay for and the added features are of a high standard.
I felt that the E-book was poorly written and I am glad it was only an added bonus and not the backbone of the product.
Because some of the sound waves were so intense, I only tried this product for about a week but I’m definitely going to go back to it because I think it’s a good discipline for the mind and some of the tracks were really great.
This program is literally for anyone looking to make a serious change in their lives.
You also don’t need any previous knowledge of sound wave frequencies to make them work.
If you have tried other techniques and methods but didn’t see any results this is worth a try in my opinion.
So does this product really unblock limiting beliefs to create abundance and happiness?
Research has proven that listening to these frequencies can indeed change the way that the brain operates.
That alone tells me that the audio tracks in Manifestation Magic can definitely assist you to start creating more positive pathways in the brain.
Although Alexandar believes you can get results right away, I believe it can take a few months to see life-changing results, it takes a lot more determination and consistency.
The reason is it can take time for your subconscious to be rewritten, but again, it all depends on the person.
The universe works in unpredictable ways, this program could be the breakthrough that you have been looking for.
Thank you for reading my Manifestation Magic review!
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