Alex Gould – CPA Wealth Academy


It Contains:
What Is Affiliate Marketing Exactly?

Hello and Welcome! Now watch this video please
Overview Of Affiliate Marketing

Getting Your Mind Right

Correcting Your Mindset, A Different Look Into Affiliate Marketing

Keyword Research 101

Intro To Keyword Research Theory
What Makes A Keyword “Easy”
Intro To Evergreen Niches + Judging 1st Page Comp
Noopept Ex. Continued + Evergreen Theory Cont. + Pattern Finding
Keyword Patterns 101

Over The Shoulder KW Research Series

OTS KW Research- “DNA Testing”
OTS AtoZ Keyword and Pattern Building
OTS KW Research- “Stun Gun Flashlights”
Watch me fumble around for about 9 minutes and then stumble into a …
OTS KW Research- “Honeymoon”

Emerging Niches and Keyword Pattern Theory Continued

Emerging Niches 101 + OTS Example

Open and Easy Niches Are Everywhere

Hiding In Plain Sight Niche Ex.1
Hiding In Plain Sight Niche Ex. 2
Hiding In Plain Sight Niche Ex. 3
Hiding In Plain Sight Niche Ex.4

Website Structure And Monetization

Site Structure and Monetization Intro
Linking To Your Presell Page
Presell Pages That Work For Just About Everything
Structuring Titles and Urls To Target KWs
Content Creation 101
Email List Hacks 101

Niche Domination And Traffic Secrets

Niche Domination and Traffic Secrets 101
Niche Case Study Site Reveal-**************.com
Traffic Hacks- YouTube-ism

Live Webinar Action-Killer Content

Live Webinar Training- OTS Keyword Research
Webinar Niche Continued- More OTS KW Research!
OTS Harp Loans and Emaze With Mike Long from OMG Machines
Webinar Gold- “Fupa” Niche Instant Rankings

Webinar Replays

Q and A Webby #1 Replay May 19th
Q and A Webby 2