Alex Berman Harambe Venture Mage


This Simple, 3 Step Method Helped Us Collect A 6 Figure Pay Day by Helping A Startup Raise $5.5M In 6 Weeks By Just Sending A Few Messages A Day Now anyone can make a full time living by applying our exact plug and play methods to help startups raise capital. Helping startups raise capital is a heck of an opportunity. The best part? Very few people are doing this. Right now people are letting investment banks keep all the money because they think you need some kind of “banking permit” to do this. With our method, we also teach people how to do this without needing any sort of banking or brokerage license. All you need is an email, a notepad and Zoom. It’s very easy to get a startup to agree to this The best part about becoming a Deal Flow Consultant and raising capital as a service is how easy it is to get startups to agree to your service. In the implementation program we will show you who to target, how to negotiate your deal to make it extremely painless for startups to work with you, and we’ll give you the entire done-for-you process to get them results. If someone went to you, and said they could get you 6 to 7 figures in funding to scale your business, and on top of that, there’s zero risk for you as a consultant or the startup…. It would be very hard to say no. At the end of the day, you’re helping grow their business, with zero downside. Fulfillment is fully automated The best part for you as a consultant (or even if you are trying raise capital for yourself) The entire Deal Flow Process is fully automated. And we really mean it.