
Alex and Lauren – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2022

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Alex and Lauren – Pinterest Traffic Avalanche 2022
Forget the slow, desperate climb to 10,000 followers. Learn how you can driving to your new blog traffic right away with Pinterest!
Does the thought of driving traffic in any of the following ways make you queasy?
💁🏻‍♀️ Becoming an Instagram Influencer Following the Follows
Everyone is showcasing their life and featuring the hottest product. These days, you really need a massive following or an ad budget to be able to compete in this space.
🤳🏼 Creating Endless 10-Second TikTok Videos
I’ve seen my brother spend 5 hours creating a 2-minute TikTok video before… Sure, he’s got high standards. But still… It’s a commitment for growth.
🎥 Producing High-Quality Videos for a YouTube Channel
YouTube is a great way to build relationships with your audience, but it requires putting yourself out there on camera in a totally new way that is often difficult for many (including myself).
💀 Waiting for Months for Your Google SEO Traffic to Kick In
Google SEO is a great source of high-quality traffic, but it usually takes some time to get the ball rolling here. It can be difficult for a new blog.

The truth is… It can be difficult for a new blog to get any real traffic in the beginning.
But Pinterest provides you with a unique opportunity to…

👩🏽‍💻 Compete with Small Bloggers – Not Massive Media Publishers

Google, we’re looking at you. How is a small business ever to compete against an entire team of ghost authors and writers?

📈 Get Traffic Without Waiting for Algorithms and Followers

Pinterest, mercifully, doesn’t place much emphasis on followers or subscribers. It’s generally much easier to at 0 in this platform compared to others.

📄 Drive Traffic Straight to Articles – No Influencing Required

Maybe it’s just me, but I like driving my traffic from sources that don’t require me to constantly be in front of the camera.

🙌🏼 And Share Content on a Far Less Competitive Platform
Google SEO will give you the potential for more traffic, but it’s also FAR more competitive. Pinterest is still a better place to get some initial traffic coming in.

Pinterest helped us (and thousands of our students) launch a successful online business.

Hey, there! Welcome to the crew!

Here are Create and Go, we’re all bloggers too. Our team is comprised of several bloggers all running their own online businesses in various niches. Because of that, we bring a LOT of different experiences to the table. We have so much to share with you!
But it’s important to remember that we all ed out just like you…

When we first ed, we didn’t know anything about ing, running, or monetizing a website.
We did what most other people do when they get ed… We created all the social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.). We tried to grow organically on the traditional channels like Facebook and Instagram, but we got absolutely nowhere. Even Google SEO can take MONTHS before you see any fruits from your efforts.
Then, everything changed when we heard about how to use Pinterest to drive traffic in a marketing forum. This is what put us on the path to earning our first $1,000/month, then $10,000/month, and even $20,000/month.
These are the same strategies that the entire Create and Go team has used to build multiple successful websites in various niches, and we are ALL now sharing these strategies with you in this course!

Your Step-by-Step Traffic Plan

Build a Successful Pinterest SEO Strategy

Increase your reach in search by optimizing your profile, your content, and more for Pinterest SEO.

Create Viral Content that Stands Out

Great content that stands out from the rest wins the game on any platform. It’s important to differentiate your content on the platform.

Maximize Clicks to Your Content

It’s not just about having visually stimulating content… It’s about designing that content for engagement and clicks to your website.

Schedule Content and Automate Traffic

We’ll share our recommended pinning strategies + how to automate your Pinterest traffic so you can spend more time on profits!

Track Progress and Analytics

We’ll show you what tools and metrics to pay attention to in order to track your progress and growth, so you always know what’s working.

Grow Your Audience and Email List

Pinterest was a HUGE tool for growing our email list. We’ll share our best strategies for using Pinterest to get more subscribers.

Course Curriculum

Welcome + Introduction

Welcome to the course!(11:11)
Private Support Group
Pinterest Beginner Checklist
Viral Pin Checklist
Pin Schedule Planner
Our Favorite Resources

Frequently Asked Questions and Topics

What happens if my traffic s to decline?
Which is better: group boards or Tailwind communities?
If I have two blogs, do I need two Pinterest accounts?
What do I do if someone is stealing my pins?
My account was suspended (or blocked)! What should I do?

The Foundation for Pinterest Success

Pinterest Demographics(5:20)
“Guy-Focused” Brands on Pinterest(2:04)
with a Broad Focus and Narrow Down(7:08)

Getting started + Setting Up Your Account

How to Create Your Pinterest Account
Converting Personal to Business & Account Cleanup
Claiming Your Website and Setting Up Rich Pins
Beginner Crash Course: How Pinterest Works(4:22)
Setting Your Account Up for Success: Beginner’s Guide(6:25)
Designing Your Profile and Boards(6:05)

Pinterest Search Engine Optimization

SEO 101: Overview + Why It Matters(8:37)
SEO 201: Keyword Research and Optimization(13:04)
SEO 301: Ranking in the Algorithm(7:19)

Creating Viral Content and Pins

Creating Content With a Purpose(9:53)
Viral Topics and Headlines(14:46)
Creating Curiosity to Increase Clicks(9:17)
What Makes Pins Stand Out(24:38)
Stock Photography
How to Create a Pin in Canva(6:31)
Tailwind Create
Increase Reach with Video Pins
Creating Idea Pins(13:47)

Creating Your Pinning Strategy

Best Practices on Pinterest(8:26)
Pinning Tips and Recommendations(16:21)
Sharing Brand New Blog Posts(5:46)
Is My Content Ranking?(10:45)
Pinning FAQs(12:53)
Pinterest Jail: Spam and Suspension

Scheduling Your Content on Pinterest

Scheduling Pins: Overview(10:08)
How to Schedule Pins Using Tailwind(9:17)
How to Use the Excel Pin Schedule Planner(2:44)

Pinterest Tools and Automations

Tailwind Communities: Overview(10:14)
Best Strategy for Tailwind Communities
Overview of Group Boards(12:39)
Strategy + When to Say Goodbye(14:01)
SmartLoop: Overview
New Feature: SmartGuide

Analytics and Tracking Progress

Pin Stats
Pinterest Analytics(8:29)
Google Analytics(7:46)
Tailwind Analytics(8:59)

Creating a Promoted Pin Campaign

Overview and ROI(16:59)
Getting ed with Promoted Pins

Other Pinning Tools

Social Sharing Icons on Your Blog

Pinterest Ninja Secrets [Bonus Lessons]

Email Collection Strategies(11:22)
Pain Before Gain(14:17)

Other Traffic Platforms [Bonus Lessons]

Secrets to Growing an Instagram Account(10:00)
Boost your traffic with Google Web Stories(8:21)

BONUS: From Six-Figure Course Creator

The Strategy Behind a Six-Figure Blogging Business(9:18)
Getting Clicks to Your Sales Pages(10:25)

Become an Affiliate for Create and Go

Create and Go Affiliate Program
Image (for Affiliate Use)

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].