Alanna Kaivalya & Ph.D. – Alchemy of the Chakras Mini-Course


Alanna Kaivalya & Ph.D. – Alchemy of the Chakras Mini-Course
Here is what you learn in your three day journey:
Module #1: The Energetic Body & Chakra Basics

Learn the anatomy of your energetic body, how energy moves through “channels” and what we do to make sure energy doesn’t get blocked
Get a comprehensive overview of each and every chakra and how they work
Find out which of your chakras are “blocked” and what you can do to free the

Module #2: The Earthly Chakras

Explore in-depth the Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, and The Power Chakra (chakras 1, 2 & 3)
Learn practices that specifically address each of the Earthly chakras and create more balance, wellness, connection and personal empowerment
Recognize imbalances, disease and physical sensations that clue you into the status of these chakras
Understand why connection is so important for us as human beings and how to cultivate it through your spiritual practice
Practice hearing the deep and powerful messages of the body to optimize balance and wellness

Module #3: The Heavenly Chakras

Unlock the Heavenly Chakras: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra
Discover sacred rituals that address this (and all) the chakras that go beyond just physical poses, and delve into the heart of the yoga tradition
Learn to listen to your body and hear the messages communicated to you by these chakras
Understand the importance of listening to, developing and following your body’s intuition
Learn how to maintain a state of connection to source every day

**Every module contains a combination of written content, video lecture and guided video instruction.
*This program counts as 5 hours of continuing education credits for The Kaivalya Yoga Method, or as 5 non-contact hours for Yoga Alliance. Upon finishing 100% of the course, you receive a certificate of completion.

Course Curriculum

Module #1: The Energetic Body & Chakra Basics

Welcome to the Alchemy of the Chakras Mini-Course! (1:50)
Overview of the Chakras (2:15)
Getting in Touch with Your Chakras: Guided Meditation Practice (16:04)

Module #2: The Earthly Chakras

Overview: Root Chakra (4:00)
Mini-Practice, Root Chakra (1:42)
Written Instruction: Root Chakra Practice
Overview: Sacral Chakra (4:39)
Mini-Practice: Sacral Chakra (1:32)
Written Instruction: Sacral Chakra Practice
Overview: Power Chakra (5:31)
Mini-Practice: Power Chakra (1:35)
Written Instruction: Power Chakra Practice

Module #3: The Heavenly Chakras

Overview: Heart Chakra (5:05)
Mini-Practice: Heart Chakra (1:50)
Written Instruction: Heart Chakra Practice
Overview: Throat Chakra (6:13)
Mini-Practice: Throat Chakra (1:41)
Written Instruction: Throat Chakra Practice
Overview: Third Eye Chakra (5:38)
Mini-Practice: Third-Eye Chakra (1:45)
Written Instruction: Third Eye Chakra Practice
Overview: Crown Chakra (5:41)
Mini-Practice: Crown Chakra (3:51)
Written Instruction: Crown Chakra Practice

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].