Alan Finger – Master Class: Meditation


(This course is available for immediate delivery!)The guiding principles behind ISHTA look at you, the individual, centering on your mind and spirit to create overwhelming confidence, comfort, and acceptance of yourself.

Alan Finger – Master Class: Meditation

Modern living—and the screens, to do lists, and roaring pace that come along with it—has scattered our minds. That’s why meditation is so important, now more than ever. When you meditate, you create space for your consciousness to return to its natural state. If you are ready to find clarity and peace through a regular meditation practice but don’t know where to begin, join Alan Finger for an intensive workshop on the fundamentals of ISHTA meditation.
ISHTA stands for Integrated Sciences of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda. The guiding principles behind ISHTA look at you, the individual, centering on your mind and spirit to create overwhelming confidence, comfort, and acceptance of yourself.
In this six-part master class, Alan will lead you in exploring asanas that prepare you for meditation, breathwork that shifts your state of mind, and kriyas that will help you find balance and tap into greater intelligence. With these tools, you’ll be fully prepared to meditate and experience noticeable benefits in your everyday life.
Each lesson includes a video introduction to the lesson and practice, a 15- to 20-minute video practice that embodies the lesson, and a self-study assignment.
This course qualifies for 6 non-contact continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

You’ll Learn

The fundamentals and benefits of meditation
Pranayama techniques that help switch your energy into balance
The different levels of meditation and how to get into those different levels
How to practice meditation and pranayama to bring stillness and reflect your spirit

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