
Al Williamson – Extended Stays for Landlords

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Al Williamson – Extended Stays for Landlords
Extended Stays for Landlords

How to Create, Operate and Scale Your Extended Stay Airbnb Business
What’s the Big Deal?
Airbnb has become incredibly popular for a good reason – it’s extremely profitable!
But being a host isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
You have to deal with:

Tenants moving in and out every few days;
Potentially boisterous people on vacation who “accidentally” damage your property;
Reducing your rates to compete with newbies flooding your market;
Catching a dose of “Host Fatigue” and feeling emotionally spent;

So, before you jump in and become an Airbnb Host, consider becoming an Extended Stay Business Owner instead.
How are Extended Stay Rentals Different?

After all the excitement wears off, most grow weary of the revolving door housing tasks associated with short stay guests and tourists.
And, on the financial side, after all the additional taxes and software subscriptions are subtracted, you’ll realize that the final number in your bank account is not as impressive as the total amount you collected.
That’s exactly why more an more hosts come to realize that extend stay rentals are the way to make an excellent profit without going crazy.
Here’s why…
Instead of managing high-maintenance tourists who’re always shopping for “killer deals,” you’ll work with professional business travelers and families trying to relocate to your town.
You’ll serve people who need a place for months, not days. And that makes a world of difference.
Hosts who focus on shorter stays have to worry about parties, fights, and irritating the neighbors surrounding their properties.
When you focus on +30 day stays, you aren’t concerned with those issues. Longer-stay guests are more business oriented. They aren’t traveling for recreation; they are traveling to make more money or improve their lifestyle.
Imagine that – you’ll serve easy-to-manage tenants who’ll pay you hotel-sized rates.
The Extended Stays for Landlords Coaching and Training Program gives you the plans and support you need to blend passive landlording with the lucrative (and quickly growing) extended stay hotel industry.
Since 2015, the 6 Step Process has guided 1000s of housing entrepreneurs from start up and onward to become successful business owners.
And that means you’ll be using a refined system to get the same results.
Yes, you can have the best of both worlds!
Who’s This Course For?
Whether you own rental properties – (or not!)…
Whether you are experienced – (or not)…
Whether you want to learn about rental arbitrage or corporate rentals…
…this coaching and training program is for you.
It’s especially for you if you want a rock-solid plan to increase your passive income!
Let’s get started.
What You’ll Get…
Extended Stays for Landlords is an interactive coaching and training program that enables you to enjoy the strategic benefits of serving:

Business travelers who are on extended travel assignments
Home buyers who are waiting to move into their new homes
Companies seeking cost-effective hotel alternatives for their employees

Extended Stay for Landlords walks you through an easy 6-Step System to get your rental (or someone else’s rental) operating for maximum income and maximum time freedom.
And isn’t that just what you want?!
Then you’ll use the coaching and bonus resources to go even farther. You’ll have all the tools and resources needed to grow your network and continuously update your business practices.
To sum it all up… You’ll be able to dominate your local market!
Now, here’s what you need to do:
1 – Just follow the easy 6-Step System to create the passive cash flow.
3 – Once you have five properties or so, you’ll be able to use our virtual assistant team to operate your back office tasks so you can relax. After all, you don’t want another job do you?!
It’s just that simple.
Course Curriculum
Introduction – 6 Steps to a Profitable Extended Stay Rental Business


Your Easy Schedule for Success
STEP 1 – Orientation for the Extended Stay Version of Airbnb

Task 1.1 – Determine if Extended Stay Rentals are Legal in Your Area (7:54)

Task 1.2 – Discover Who Needs Extended Stay Housing (18:39)

Task 1.3 – Get Comfortable with Airbnb – An Extended Stay Overview (14:40)

Task 1.4 – Sign Up for Airbnb

Task 1.5 – Find the Best Place to Establish Your Furnished Rental

Task 1.6 – Learn the Rule You Must Follow to Maximize Your Profits without Wasting Time (13:01)

Task 1.7 – Watch How a Furnished Rental Can Evolve and Remain Profitable (5:16)
Step 2 – Determine Your Market’s Profit Potential

Task 2.1 – Understanding Your Cash Flow Potential

Task 2.1.1 – Analysis Your Region If You Don’t Know Where to Set Up (8:10)

Task 2.2 – Understand the GSA Game and Win Over Extended Stay Hotel Guests – OPTIONAL (9:05)

Task 2.3 – Review this Pricing Guidance

Task 2.4 – Case Study – Using GSA to Guide the Pricing of Your Extended Stay Rental (11:03)

Task 2.5 – Follow These Pricing Examples for a 1/1, 2/1 and 3/2 Rental (14:08)

Task 2.6 – Use the Top-Down Bottom-Up Approach to Pick Your Rental Rate for Your 1st Month (10:17)
Step 3 – Use this Guide to Furnish Your Rental

Task 3.1 – Follow this Checklist to Furnish Your Rental

Task 3.2 – Review the Special Products that I Use
Step 4 – Market Your Furnished Rental

Task 4.1 – Master the Secrets to Marketing Extended Stays So You Avoid Vacancies (15:30)

Task 4.2 – Take Marketing Photos to Make Your Place Look Its Best – Checklist

Task 4.3 – Craft Headlines and Descriptions that Keep You Booked – Checklist

Task 4.4 – Dominate Your Local Travel Nurse Housing Market (26:49)

Task 4.5 – Use these Power Moves to Market for Extended Stay Rentals (23:10)

Task 4.6 – Discover 5 Ways to Generate Leads so you can Stay Fully Booked (9:43)
Step 5 – Launch Your Extended Stay Business

Task 5.1 – Transition from Short Stays to Extended Stays – Checklist
Step 6 – Make a Fortune with Rental Arbitrage

Task 6.1 – Learn About Rental Arbitrage – A Complete Overview (18:08)

Task 6.2 – Estimate Your Potential Rental Arbitrage Profit

Task 6.3 – Use Facebook Marketplace to Find Suitable Rentals to Arbitrage (5:40)

Task 6.4 – Use These Rental Arbitrage Scripts to Get People to Say “Yes”
BONUSES: Coaching Sessions to Accelerate Your Success

Mentoring Bonus 1 – Attend Monthly Teleconferences
RESOURCE LIBRARY: Essential Things You Need to Create a Profitable Business

Resource 1 – Example Welcome Letter

Resource 2 – Example Guest Manual

Resource 3 – 20 Lessons to Make Your Extended Stay Rental Business Uber Profitable

Resource 4 – Example of a Short-Term Rental Application

Resource 5 – Example of a Short Term Rental Lease Agreement

Resource 6 – Short Term Rental Insurance Providers List

Resource 7 – Extended Stay Website Examples

Resource 8 – Lease Addendum for Rental Arbitrage

Resource 9 – Websites Similar to Airbnb

Resoucre 10 – How to Work with Private Lender (20:12)

Resource 11 – Example of Great Marketing Tactics

Resource 12 – Putting It All Together – Case Study #1 (21:07)

Resource 13 – Marketing School for Extended Stays

Resource 14 – How to Set Up a Rental Arbitrage Inside a HOA (4:35)

Resource 15 – Airbnb Smart Pricing – Get Booked During Slow Season (7:05)

Resource 16 – How to Make a Bed to Reduce Risk & Increase Useful Life (2:50)

Resource 17 – Caretaker Agreement to Give You Another Way to Make Passive Income

Resource 18 – Daily Tracker that Keeps You Organized

Resource 19 – House Rules to Include in Your Listing so you Avoid Headaches

Resource 20 – How to Accept Credit Cards and Become More Competitive (8:51)
Your Instructor
Al Williamson is the Father of the Extended Stay Airbnb. He frequently used extended stay hotels while he worked as a professional engineer. He saw the opportunity to serve corporate travelers and create a business that would offer him a life of freedom, so Al pursued that dream. As it turned out, his “Housing for Travelers by Travelers” approach was extremely well received, and Al was able to replace his civil engineering salary – and you can too! For years he touted the benefits of recession-proof short-term rentals, which he calls “extended stays.” Little did he know that the same marketing techniques for extended stays would make him 100% COVID-proof as well. Al knows lots of people are hurting finacially. So, he’s sharing this 6 Step System that you can use to quickly create a business that serves the mobile workforce, temp housing,