Ajla Talks – How To Option Trade (Full Guide)


Sebastien Zachary Creative – Understanding Multi Leg Option Strategies
A look at how you can use option spreads for more consistent wins!
What You’ll Learn In Understanding Multi Leg Option Strategies
The course is composed of 14 sections for a total of 5 hours + a PDF of the presentation covering:
Basics of options overview

Calls and Puts
Understanding the Greeks, the Bid-Ask spread and Implied Volatility

Understanding multiple leg strategies

Debit Spreads
Credit Spreads
Calendar and Diagonal Spreads
Strangle and Straddle Spreads
Iron Condor
Cash Secured Puts and Covered Calls

Managing your positions

Using Options Profit Calculator
Managing Debit Spreads – Legging in and out (“The Ghetto Spread”)
Managing Credit Spreads – Conservative and Aggressive strategies
Managing Calendar and Diagonal Spreads – Selling Premiums without collateral, Poor Man’s Covered Call and Replacement Dividends strategy
Managing Iron Condors – Collecting premiums from high IV and earnings strategy
Managing Butterflies – Running broken wing Butterfly strategies
Managing Covered Calls and Cash Secured Puts – Running the Wheel Strategy