Agora Infotainment – Ben Settle


If you want to know how even raw,”fresh off the turnip truck” marketing and copywriting newbies can outsell practically anyone they compete against, then this short letter will show you how.Purchase Agora Infotainment – Ben Settle courses at here with PRICE $99 $32Course “Agora Infotainment” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.21 WAYS TOTRIPLE YOUR SALESBY INFO-TAININGTHE HELL OUT OF PEOPLEIf you want to know how even raw,”fresh off the turnip truck” marketing and copywriting newbies can outsell practically anyone they compete against, then this short letter will show you how.Here’s the story:Last year the prestigious Agora Financial flew me in to their Baltimore office to teach about some secret ways I use to outsell my competition online. Agora is a 200+ million publishing and (most recently) supplement company. They also hire the best of the best copywriters in the world, do millions of dollars in testing each year, and are in one of the single most competitive and “cut throat” markets on the planet.Anyway, one of the things I taught their staff copywriters was:“Infotainment”(Combining information with entertainment)Here are just a few of the secrets I revealed during my talk:The spooky persuasion technique used by Old Testament prophets to sell even their worst enemies (including pagan priests!) on changing their religions.A clever (and very sneaky) way to make more sales by telling people NOT to buy from you.The “wet dream” secret of creating emails, ads, podcasts, articles, and other marketing documents people can’t forget and love buying from.A little-talked about way to use hardcore rage and anger to get your list to quickly trust and feel safe buying from you.How to “flip” haters into raving fans and buyers. (Marvel Comics accidentally discovered this in the late 80’s, and it works like magic for keeping audiences coming back for more of your marketing pitches. Bonus benefit: It creates the best customers you’ll ever deal with.)How to make even blatant sales pitches fascinating for people to read. (The late, great copywriter Gene Schwartz did this, and it was also brilliantly used by the TV shows “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Smallville” — here’s how you can use it, too, starting today…)A disturbing fact: At least 25% of American women are on anti-depressants — here’s how to (ethically) use this fact to increase your sales. (Works just as well when selling to men, too.)A secret way of using typos to get even “fire breathing” grammar nazis eagerly buying from you.An honest “no bull crap” way to use infotainment to make a fortune even if you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about! (I’m not saying you should become a fraud… but certain authors on shows like Oprah have made millions by being completely wrong doing this — just imagine how much you can make if you know what you’re talking about…)Exactly how often to use profanity in your ads, emails, blogs, videos, podcasts, and any other marketing channel you use to maximize sales.A totally “unorthodox” way to increase your sales by giving away less value. (One of the highest rated ESPN talk show hosts blew away everyone in his time slot doing this, here’s how to do the same to get people scrambling over themselves to buy from you, too).How to use infotainment to transform dull and boring products into riveting “must have” products people can’t buy fast enough. (This tactic made one of my clients so much money on launch day that everyone went home early. Here’s how to do this in your ads, emails, podcasts, or in any other medium you sell with.)How Sam Raimi’s movie”Spiderman 2″ reveals everything you need to know about standing out in any market, with any product, regardless of your marketing experience now.A quick “crash course” in how people are hardwired to be persuaded. (I learned this while taking a memory training course in college. And it’s used by everything from ancient religious texts… to blood-thirsty propaganda machines… to even bestselling books to naturally crawl inside someone’s psychology and persuade them to do whatever you want — including buy your product or service.)How your high falutin’ “expert” status is probably burglarizing you of thousands (even tens of thousands) of dollars in sales each year.A simple strategy used by Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and other giant cable news channels that can multiply your current sales while doing far less work.How people with boring personalities can legally & ethically “lift” content from writers with more natural wit and charisma.The best part of magazines and newspapers to “swipe” copy from. (And nope, it ain’t the advertisements.)A “magic bullet” way to profit from the 50 shades of Gray books — regardless of what you sell or who you sell to.How cable celebrities like investing TV show host Jim Cramer, political pundits, and the army of TV psychics popping up each year make out like bandits years after year… even when they’re always wrong. (And how to use their quirky little secret to make more sales in your own marketing.)How to give your product “skeptic proof” credibility even if you’re brand spanking new to business now and nobody knows who you are.The court jester’s guide to getting away with being obnoxiously politically incorrect in your marketing. (This secret saved many a court jester’s life back in the days of murderous kings, emperors, and rulers. Not only is it extremely persuasive, but people love when you do it, too — even if they disagree with whatever you’re saying.)How to take the “sting” out of getting a speeding ticket (and other so-called “bad” things that happen to you) by turning it into cash-in-the-bank sales for your business.How the late marketing genius Gary Halbert kept peoples eyes glued to his ads — even though there was zero content, value, or anything but a blatant sales pitch. (This technique was also used brilliantly in a 1990’s era Van Halen music video, too, which won it multiple awards.)A secret used by Facebook that gets even people with fruit fly-level attention spans instantly engaged in your content. (Do this and your leads, readers, and audiences will have practically no choice but to drop what they’re doing and pay attention to what you’re selling.)How to profit from erectile dysfunction (even if you’re a girl) in your marketing.And the list goes on…More:I’ve used these secret to dominate even in hyper competitive markets like weight loss, golf, biz opp, self defense, Internet marketing, and MLM. (For example: I have one ad running in the MLM space that’s been unbeaten by any other copywriter for 8 years, and it heavily uses the ideas in this training.) These secrets are also used by the billion dollar talk radio, cable TV, and comic book industries… the world’s top professional speakers… best-selling authors (like in Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” series)… major religions (believe it or not, Christianity, for example, was created almost entirely using infotainment)… world-class comedians… history’s most famous (and infamous) politicians… and, sometimes, even by the government. (I recently saw a local police station use this to effectively teach against drunk driving).Anyway, Agora taped the training and it’s now part one of what I call:“The Agora Tapes”They paid me $5k to teach these trainings.(Plus flight, hotel, and expenses.)But, you can have this 60-minute infotainment MP3 for $99 by instant download.However, a word of warning:There’s no money-back guarantee. And, all sales are final. We have a “sink or swim” policy at the Ben Settle Show. And so, if that bothers you, simply don’t buy.Tag: Agora Infotainment – Ben Settle Review. Agora Infotainment – Ben Settle  download. Agora Infotainment – Ben Settle discount.Purchase Agora Infotainment – Ben Settle courses at here with PRICE $99 $32