Affordable Financial Education – The Book On Options


Lucas Inglese – Alpha Quant Program
The program you need to create your first PROFITABLE trading bot in one month
What You’ll Learn In Alpha Quant Program
Section 1: Trading Strategy Building Process
E-Learning (Videos)

Data Import & Management (Ohlcv Data Is Not Enough… You Need to Create New Features to Give More Information to Our Strategies)
Trading Strategies Structure (A Piece of Strategy + A Simple Backtest Will Not Give You Results… You Need Clear and Approved Processes to Create a Trading Strategy Factory)
Based-Event Backtest (A Backtest Framework Is the Basis of All Good Trading Strategies… Without It, You Can’t Understand Any Strategies!)

3 Templates Offered in This Section!
Data Preprocessing, Strategy Building and Backtest. Perfect, To Create Your Own Project Faster!
Section 2: Walk-Forward Optimization & Robustness Tests
E-Learning (Videos)

Optimize Trading Strategy Parameters (If You Have Ever Wanted to Optimize a Take Profit or Stop Loss Threshold, A Window for A Technical Indicator or A Machine Learning Hyperparameter… It Is Made for You!
Walk Forward Optimization (Doing A Backtest Is Good, Do It on Several Periods to Minimize Overfitting Is Better!)
Robustness Tests (A Backtest or A Walk-Foward Will Give You the Historical Performances of The Strategy But, The Robustness Tests Will Tell You If You Can or Cannot Trust the Backtest!)

3 Templates Offered in This Section!
Walk-Forward Optimization, Monte Carlo and Robustness Test. Perfect, Test Any Strategies In A Few Minutes!
Section 3: Metatrader 5 Live Trading 
E-Learning (Videos)

Import Data from Metatrader 5 (Several Data Sources Can Lead to False Results, To Avoid That, Choose A Good Data Provider Broker and ct the Data Directly Using Python and Metatrader 5)
Personal Mt5 Library (Based on The Official Mt5 Library, We Will Create Many Interesting Functions That Will Help Us to Live Trade on Mt5)
Live Trading (Backtest and Strategy Building Is Interesting But, We Should Never Forget Our Goal, Live Trade with Our Trading Bots!)

7 Templates Offered in This Section!
One Live Trading Template for Each Strategy Seen in The Application Part!
Section 4: 7 Trading Strategies Included 
E-Learning (Videos)

Technical Indicators Based Strategies (In This Course, You Will Have 3 Technical Indicators Based Trading Strategies. A Perfect Way to Learn from Real-Life Example to Create Your Own Strategies)
Machine Learning Based Strategies (Ai Is Coming in All Our Field, We Need to Start Learning It. That’s Why, We Have 3 Strategies Based on Machine Learning Models. All Explained in Detail!)

6 Templates Offered in This Section!
One For Each Strategy. It Will Allow You to Test These Strategies on Any Asset