
Adyashanti – Redemptive Love Study Course (Audio-Video)

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(This course is accessible for quick supply)”Redemptive love is the means through which we embody and express the transcendent wisdom of spiritual awakening.” ~ Adyashanti Format File: [8 MP3s, 1 PDF, 1 DOC] File Measurement: 297.78 MB

Adyashanti – Redemptive Love Study Course (Audio-Video)

“Redemptive love is the means through which we embody and express the transcendent wisdom of spiritual awakening.” ~ Adyashanti
What’s it to totally pour ourselves into life as an act of affection? What’s it to totally obtain this love that redeems all confusion and heals all wounds? On this five-part examine course, Adyashanti leads a transformational journey into the depths of redemptive love and charm — that innate high quality of freedom that opens us to the fullness of incarnate existence. Whereas transcendent knowledge is realized by dropping one’s attachment to physique and thoughts, it’s redemptive love that opens our hearts in an trustworthy and intimate strategy to the hidden love flowing by means of all of creation.
This examine course features a sequence of talks and dialogues, weekly workout routines, and a 58-page examine information (printable PDF) with written Q&A between Adyashanti and the unique course contributors.
Subjects: Transcendent and Descendent Awakening / The Origin of Redemptive Love / Redemptive Love as a Motion of Grace / Relinquishing the Ego’s Resistance to Struggling / A Sacrificial Act of Love / Cleaning from the Inside Out / Remodeling Id and Victimhood / What’s Past the Frontier of Our Will / Perceiving Wholeness from the Eyes of Eternity / Caller 1: The Freedom in How Individuals See You / Caller 2: Grounding Intense Vitality / Caller 3: Opening Past Your Boundaries
Quotes: “When redemptive love blossoms within you, it’s as if everything is suddenly made right. The beauty of existence starts to shine forth.” • “Redemptive love is an act of grace. We cannot make it happen.” • “Redemptive love can only be experienced when ego has completely relinquished resisting its own suffering or the suffering of others.” • “By pushing against suffering, you’re actually holding on to it.” • “You can experience the suffering of humanity without it causing you to suffer.” • “You cannot fake redemptive love. You can open yourself to its mercy.” • “Redemptive love knows that there is nothing to cleanse. There is nothing to forgive, because everything is forgiven from the beginning. It knows that everything is made whole by seeing that it always was and is whole.” • “I’m not talking about replacing bad stories with good stories; redemptive love cleanses you of stories. It allows you to start to perceive life as it actually is, to perceive life through the eyes of eternity.”
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Subjects: The Fable that We Are Flawed / Commentary on Rilke’s Poem “You Darkness, That I Come From” / The Unseen Dimension of Life / Permitting Life to Discover You / Revelation Is Born within the Darkish / Relinquishing Your Previous Story / Craving and Fearing the Void / The Vitality in Not Figuring out / Embracing the Full Measure of Your Life / Caller 1: Remaining Devoted to Readability / Caller 2: Nurturing Silence in Small Moments / Caller 3: You Are Redemptive Love
Quotes: “Unworthiness is the pandemic of Western culture.” • “All essential inadequacy is an illusion, but redemptive love has the power to cut right through that illusion and dissipate it.” • “The redemptive quality of love comes from the dark womb of the unknown.” • “Spirituality is the art of allowing yourself to be found by the greater dimension of existence.” • “By directing the light of consciousness beyond the current frontier of our knowing, we allow the unknown to find us.” • “We are here to be free in this world, and to love in a way that your presence redeems the sorrow of life.” • “When there’s absolutely no story, there’s nothing to confine the dynamic of love.” • “When we connect with the greater dimension of life, what we come to see is that old way of looking at life was like the tiniest speck within an eternity which is trying to reveal all of itself through you, in you, as you, and take the shape of your incarnate existence.”
Subjects: Embodying Redemptive Love / Redemption and Sacrifice / Expressing Your Innate Dignity and Sufficiency / Turning Compassion Inside / How the Radiance of Love Strikes / The Perspective of Redemptive Love / Find out how to Keep in Nirvana / Remodeling the Myths We Reside By / Caller 1: Seeing What the Phrase Love Evokes / Caller 2: Seeing By way of the Fable of Unworthiness
Quotes: “To expertise redemption is to expertise your innate sense of worth,

your pure, true sense of interior dignity.” • “A dramatic expertise shouldn’t be qualitatively extra profound than one thing that is skilled extra subtly.” • “There is a time to show compassion inside and supply it to the entire apparently damaged components of your self.” • “Redemptive love by no means colludes with phantasm. It operates from a state of wholeness.” • “You keep in nirvana by lavishing nirvana on everybody you meet, by giving it away as quick as you obtain it.” • “The present state of struggling for therefore many individuals is definitely created by their unconscious mythology that disconnects them from themselves, life, and one another.” • “Simply watch your thoughts. You may hear the story of the parable that you simply reside by. The good factor is that it may be rewritten.” • “See if love can discover you when you possibly can’t discover it.”
Subjects: Being a Loving Presence within the World / The Transformative Angle / Relating from Our Shared Presence / The Happiness That Comes from Contributing / Ego’s Engagement Methods / Love’s Engagement Methods / Second-to-Second Honesty / Redemptive Love Takes Braveness / Being Freed from Freedom States / Working from Love vs. Ego Patterns / Caller 1: Bringing Redemptive Love to Inside Contraction / Caller 2: The Love That You Are / Caller 3: Agape vs. Redemptive Love / Caller 4: Enlightenment within the Small Moments
Quotes: “When you stop resisting the limitations of the ego, it becomes porous. Your boundaries start to become pliable. You can experience something coming in from a different dimension of experience.” • “Love’s basic stance towards life is that it accepts life as it is.” • “True creative engagement, true relating from non-separation, arises from acceptance.” • “Love isn’t interested in getting what it wants; it’s interested in being what it is.” • “Redeeming love comes from a state of the overwhelming power to restore something to its original nature or being.” • “Sometimes it takes great courage to live a life of freedom and liberation.” • “We’re liberated from the concern about whether life is easy or difficult.” • “Liberation also means we’re liberated from wanting to feel really free. There’s something more important, a more fundamental agenda.” • “It’s one thing to experience redeeming love or deep awakening. It’s something else to really live it, to allow it to inform the way you relate.” • “When your center of regard is relaxed, it gets vast and wide, and the old ways of relating don’t seem compelling anymore.” • “On a deeper level, there is a kind of love that is not something you receive, but something that you are. The love that you are isn’t something that can be given or taken away; it’s an aspect of the truth of your being. It’s a love that is innate to you.” • “If there’s a withholding of truth, there’s withholding of love.”
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Subjects: Letting Go of the Fable of Inadequacy / What Are You Providing? / Receiving Love Totally / The Perspective of Actual Love / Caller 1: The Transition from Thoughts to Coronary heart / Caller 2: The Profound Aloneness of Eternity / Caller 3: Getting Off the Curler Coaster / Caller 4: Assembly Your Humanity Head-On / Caller 5: Getting Out of the Method / Caller 6: Redemptive Love and No-Self
Quotes: “Everything arises from the ultimate core of your being. Tap into that resource over and over again, because that’s your heritage. That’s what you’re given.” • “When you leave the old story of inadequacy behind, you don’t just leave it behind for yourself; you leave it behind for all the generations that may come.” • “When you get stuck in judgment and self-criticism, you’re in service to judgment. You’re giving it the most important things you have, which are your energy, attention, and action.” • “Whether it feels like it’s poured in or arises out of you, redemptive love is redemptive love. What matters is the coming alive of it.” • “Love listens first. It really wants to understand.” • “We’re not given the gift of revelation simply for our own enjoyment. We’re given it so that we get on with the business of being it.” • “If you want love, then be it. If you want understanding, then be understanding. If you want deep acceptance, then be acceptance.” • “Sometimes love stretches you and sometimes it fulfills you. Sometimes it takes great fortitude to follow through on acting on that love.” • “Love doesn’t move away from suffering; love turns toward it.” • “When the self really falls away, the only thing that moves life about is a force or an energy that could be called selfless. It’s a force of love.” • “Go out there and be a loving presence in the world, and abide in the presence of your being.”
Here is What You may Get in Adyashanti – Redemptive Love Study Course (Audio-Video)