Adventures In SEO – Lena


Simple SEO-based strategies are all you need for AMAZING traffic!Properly keyworded & polished posts need surprisingly little help taking off. It just flies onto your reader’s computer screens from their search engine of choice.  Someone does a search, your content is presented to them, and they click over to read what you have to say.  Traffic comes your way with very little effort when your content is properly optimized. It’s easier than you think to get Google & Pinterest to take you seriously  Half of the battle is figuring out the first part – getting algorithms to pick up your blog posts and show them to the right people. This course shows you how to do that.  Then all you gotta do is get the click. You can do that, right? If you don’t, we’ll also cover that in great detail with an entire module dedicated to clickability.  Google AND Pinterest send traffic automatically to content that sends the right signals  Search engines connect your content to the appropriate audience automatically when you follow their rules. You can only solve people’s problems (and make money doing so) IF they ever see your content in the first place.  In other words, you need algorithms to pick up your blog posts in order to get them seen by the right people so those people will click over to your blog and indicate that you have content worth reading….  Which in turn, makes the platform keep showing your posts to other people….  It’s a circular problem for sure! Luckily, if you understand what search engines look for, you can get your content seen.  You CAN get sustainable traffic with less work  Once you properly optimize a post for keywords you can rank for, it will pick up steam over time with occasional prompting on your part.  Very little effort is required to maintain momentum when your keywords are on point. You can be on vacation while your traffic goes crazy without having to do a single thing!We will cover how to dual optimize your content for Pinterest AND Google so once your Pinterest traffic dies down, Google takes over (up front work for lasting benefits later), as you can see in the video below!Best of all, you’ll have more free time to focus on generating income  Every minute you spend worrying about traffic is a minute you could be creating a new product or nurturing your email list. Those marketing funnels don’t build themselves!  Gone are the days you must post several days a week (or more) to see traction on your blog. Gone are the days you need to put your posts in chore threads to keep the visitors coming.  This course can free you from the blogging chains you’ve been under for so long.When you know how to write headlines and descriptions that encourage tons of click-throughs, your blog posts will be irresistable to the right readers.The FIRST Course to Combine Google & Pinterest SEO Training in OneNearly 10 years experience with Google keyword research + over 4 years doing the same on Pinterest + 7 years experience teaching online college courses has prepared me to teach this course. I LOVE teaching and I don’t think it does anyone any good for me to keep these strategies to myself!I have learned that the two platforms are virtually intertwined when it comes to getting traffic. You don’t have to go for Pinterest and forget Google. SEO is mostly common sense if you know what to look for.You can publish a blog post and absolutely KNOW that it will go somewhere!How many newsletter signups and sales could you make if you knew what to do to make this happen?  Lisa wasn’t expecting this level of blogging success so quickly…she thought she needed a LOT more content to reach her subscriber goals.Adventures in SEO has saved me time and frustration. Lena has carefully laid out a strategy that isn’t subject to blogging whims or algorithm changes. My previous average opt-in experience was gaining 30-50 subscribers per lead magnet, so when I created my first opt-in using Lena’s keyword tips and Pinterest strategy, I set a HUGE goal of 150 new subscribers. One week later I had more than 700! This system WORKS! No more chore threads or chasing page views with random strategies that may or may not work for this blogger! This course has given me a solid strategy that I can work consistently and see increasing results.How much revenue are you leaving on the table by chasing short-lived traffic strategies?Imagine 6 weeks from now, being able to cut your publishing schedule in HALF because you know how to get at least THREE TIMES as much traffic from each post you publish. You will find yourself working less yet getting amazing results.  After Adventures in SEO, you’ll have more time to work on income-producing activities because you’ll be spending way less time inside of Pinterest to keep your traffic up.You’ll have the bandwidth to work on things that propel your business forward and give you more of your time back for the things that matter most.  What people are saying about Adventures in SEO “I am a very visual person, so the way Lena takes you behind the scenes and shares her secrets on screen really clicked with me. She takes you into her top posts and shows you what works. It’s not just theory.” ~ Janel Hutton, Do you like checklists & step-by-step guidance? SEO is not as scary as you think when you know what to do. This course explains everything in a straightforward step-by-step manner with videos, checklists, and written guides to help you apply the principles along the way.  Here are just a few of the resources you’ll find inside: Adventures in SEO checklists, worksheets & guides This is your straightforward SEO planDid you know that only 2 out of 13 steps in a complete blog post optimization checklist have anything to do with actual writing?  The real magic happens in the other steps. Steps that no one really talks about.This course shows you how to optimize just for Google, just for Pinterest, or both together. The principles are so intertwined, it’s really easy to go for both if you want!  You’ll have access to video after video with examples of how to do each step. KEYWORD OPTIMIZATION BLOG POST checklistsGo beyond the basics & learn keyword miningWhile beginner bloggers are welcome to take this course, we will not be covering basic topics like setting up Rich Pins, organizing boards, installing Yoast, adding images, or drafting your blog posts.  If you need a foundational Pinterest course, I can recommend an amazing one to you.  Adventures in SEO is for bloggers who are ready to get past the basics and learn the nitty gritty keyword strategies that drive sustainable long term traffic. We will be MINING FOR KEYWORD GEMS on both platforms. No guessing involved! Just solid methods of finding keywords that work for every single blog post you write.  These methods work in any niche.  Students in the beta class from a variety of niches have used the course strategies to grow their traffic. Students like:  Janel Hutton (food blogger) from NellieBellie.comAmy Stafford (lifestyle blogger) from Ashleigh Allman (finance blogger) from SmartCentsMom.comTara Jacobsen (digital marketer) from MarketingArtfully.comKristen Raney (home & garden blogger) from ShiftingRoots.comIf you are experienced in SEO, you will LOVE this course. This course is heavy on keyword strategy and low on SEO basics like link building and anchor text. Anybody can do that. Not everyone can mine keywords this way.  Don’t worry if you are NOT experienced in SEO. These techniques are NOT hard to learn! All of the examples are done via screensharing, so you will follow me as I show you exactly how the process works and what you can find when you know what to look for.  It is so hard to find advanced SEO tactics that actually seem new and fresh (and not black hat) … the fact that this pairs so well with Pinterest is crazy good!!! As a old dog SEO, I am using the skills I developed from way back in a different way. Being able to SEO titles, descriptions AND content by checking with Google AND Pinterest to get rankings both places is what I have changed to now!” ~ Tara Jacobsen, We’ll celebrate your wins with you!Consistently throughout the course, students have been sharing their wins. You’ll get to share your wins as well. Wins like these….”I wanted to share a win. I have an organizing post that’s generating about 3 times more traffic than I usually get to my entire site. It’s the first post I published after I started Adventures in SEO and found the end of Pinterest. It’s been doing 150-300 PV per day since it was published January 2nd. That’s a whole lot of traffic compared to what my tiny little blog usually gets. Before Adventures in SEO, this post would have been ineffectively keyworded and lost among the other thousands of organizing posts being pinned this time of year. Instead, it’s getting eyes on my lead magnets and increasing my opt-ins….I’m flying high right now. So thankful for this course!” ~ Amy Stafford”Hey Lena! I just wanted to let you know that your methods are really working. I wrote two blog posts from scratch using your methods and they are doing really well right now in a short amount of time. The fruit one has been out since Wednesday and it already has 250+ repins and 48 Facebook shares. I’ve literally pinned it three times max and shared on my blog page and gardening group. That’s it. The seed one has been out for 2/3 weeks, but it’s also picking up some incredible steam. I knew to do the fruit one because of how you taught us to research. Thanks again for all your help, I’ll keep you updated on numbers! ~ Kristen Raney  Grow a hands-off Pinterest & Google presence with HELP during office hours!You don’t have to do this alone! Lena will hold weekly office hours where you can ask questions. You will be invited to our interactive classroom (on Facebook) where you’ll get additional learning prompts for 6 weeks starting Monday, March 5th. Participation in the live component is completely optional. It’s just a great option if you learn by example and love getting feedback to make sure you understand the course material. You will have access to all the course materials the day you register for the course. You may take the entire course all at once, then check back in each week for discussion time OR you can walk through the course week by week and ask questions as you go. Do what works for you!Course TimelineFor a period of 6 weeks, you will have access to me (Lena) in a private Facebook group to guide you through the course material like a college course.  You will have weekly check-ins and real feedback as you progress through the modules.  When you finish the course, you should be able to do Pinterest AND Google keyword research using simple time-tested techniques…no special keyword research software required!  The only recommended software for this course is a pin scheduler like Tailwind or Board Booster (your choice). All of the examples in the course are based on Tailwind, but the strategies should be fairly easy to implement using Board Booster as well.  I CANNOT WAIT to get class started next Monday! Let’s do this!! Tag: “Adventures In SEO – Lena” Review. “Adventures In SEO – Lena” download. “Adventures In SEO – Lena” discount.