
Adriana Rizzolo – The Love Recovery

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Adriana Rizzolo – The Love Recovery
Welcome to The Love Recovery: 40 Days of Self Healing & Ritual
A place where no matter where you are in your self-healing journey, you are welcomed here.
This will be a 40 day journey that will help you make great shifts in your heart, body and life. This journey may at times challenge and possibly frustrate you as you begin to shed necessary spaces of blocks in practice and reflection, but know that ALL OF THIS is for you!
For your own growth.
At your own pace.
In your own time.
The main part of this course is that you will commit to let go of something for the next 40 days.
We all have addictions…even if it’s just thinking limiting beliefs…so choose something that you feel like is do-able.
If you are choosing to let go of something big like drugs or alcohol and there is dependency there, know it is normal to need outside support.
[A word on support…There are great free programs like AA or Al-Anon for relational stuff that is free and super helpful in addition to. This course is here to help support work like this-NOT take away from it.]
In the Love Recovery, we take moments each day to learn how to set up daily routines and self-care rituals that will help support and expand the life you are living.
Through movement, meditation, kirtan, dancing, written words, and more we take the necessary time to create a NEW pattern and NEW practices to help you feel in control of your life.
To let you see that you DO have the answers and control within you to let go and move on in life.
It’s time to open up to receiving your body in a space of non judgement the best you can.
This is your time.
This self-healing program is broken down into day-by-day lessons and practices, but know that Just because this is a 40 day practice does not mean you have to complete these lessons/practices in such that way.
For example, maybe you find that during our lesson of Worthy Anger, there is so much more that needs unpacking than just a day–and that’s ok!!
This could be that maybe you need extra time to start to do deeper work, so feel free to move on when you want to.
The lessons and needs within this work does indeed go beyond any number of days marked.
The hope here is that within these 40 days you learn to develop healthy habits of what it looks like to create self care rituals, let go of others (and your own) stories of yourself, and enter into love, grace, and God without fear and reservation-and to know what this feels like in your body and heart.
This all is here for YOU.
Enter these practices within your own needed time and self-grace.
You can always come back to past lessons or even just start not even on Day one, if that is not what is calling you.
You have an open-ended access to this content, so self-pace and remember to not tear down yourself for not following any sort of “regimen”.
Your Instructor

Adriana Rizzolo

I am a spiritual guide, meditation teacher, embodiment and intimacy coach, transformational speaker, podcast host and author.

I’m trailblazing a body and heart-based healing movement that supports others in cultivating and spreading authenticity through passion, pleasure and purpose. Highlighting the importance of both relationship and ritual, as a natural part of living a fulfilling life.
More than anything, I love witnessing others uncover their own embodied intuition and worthiness, find ways to release their ancestral trauma and shame, moments of revealing their radiant selves- ready to relate and serve in more effective and loving ways- and on their own path of the awakening heart.
I offer and hold space for these vulnerable moments, because these are things that I know and have lived myself.

Course Curriculum

Welcome to the Love Recovery

Power of Love School Policy
A break-down of the coursework


Community Reach Out!
Mental Health and Trauma

Day One: What Are You Healing? Develop a Daily Practice

What Are You Healing?
Day One Meditation and Journal Work

Day Two: God and the Wounded Heart

Lesson Two and Daily Homework

Day Three: Celebrating and Surrendering Shame

Lesson Three and Daily Homework
Serenity Prayer pdf

Day Four: Crazy Grace, Gratitude and God of Love

Lesson Four and Daily Homework
Movement Video: Daily movement and Dance with me (6:29)
Meditation: The Koshas

Day Five: Worthy Anger

Lesson Five and Daily Homework
Meditation: Lakshmi Love

Day Six and Seven: Self Reflection

Lesson Six & Seven to Just Reflect

Day Eight: Path to the Feminine Within

Lesson Eight and Daily Homework

Day Nine: Sacred Sexuality and Receiving the Rhythm

Lesson Nine and Daily Homework
Sacred Sexuality Meditation Video

Day Ten: In Service to the Mother

Lesson Ten and Daily Homework

Day Eleven: The Freedom of Becoming Someone New

Lesson Eleven and Daily Homework

Day Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen: Radical Curiosity

Lessons 12, 13, & 14 and Daily Homework

Day Fifteen: A little Respect & Healing our Traumas.

Lesson fifteen and Daily Homework

Day Sixteen: Dis-empowerment & Meeting Absolved Relationships

Lesson Sixteen and Daily Homework
Inner Love Forgiveness Practice Video

Day Seventeen, Eighteen, and Nineteen: Tension points to Progress

Lesson 17, 18 & 19 with Daily Homework

Day Twenty: Age of Aquarius

Lesson Twenty and Daily Homework
Sacred Sexuality Video

Day Twenty-one & Twenty-two: Giving our Love

Lesson 21 & 22 with Daily Homework
Moon Note from Heidi Rose Robbins

Days Twenty-three, Twenty-four and Twenty-five: Relapse is Part of Recovery

Lessons 23, 24 & 25 and Homework

Days Twenty-seven, Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine: You are a Miracle

Soak it in days 26, 27 & 28 and Homework

Days Thirty and Thirty-one: You can have Both

Lesson 29, 30 & 31 and Homework
Loving Forgiveness Meditation

Day Thirty-two and Thirty-three: Yes!

Lessons 32 & 33 and Homework
Yes! Healing Meditation

Day Thirty-four and Thirty-five: Mantra and Mātrikā

Lessons 34 & 35 and Homework

Day Thirty-six and Thirty-seven: Inner Elder and Power of the Unknown

Lesson 36 & 37 and Homework (62:31)

Day Thirty-eight and Thirty-nine: Move Past Limiting Beliefs

Lessons 38 & 39 and Homework

Day Forty: The Love Recovered

Lesson 40 and the Beginning

What Has Become?

Thank you

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].