Adrian Rosebrock – Complete Bundle – Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision


You can teach your Raspberry Pi to “see”…

…using Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV. I’ll show you how.

Whether this is the first time you’ve worked with the Raspberry Pi, or you’re a hobbyist who’s been working with the Pi for years,
Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision
will enable you to “bring sight” to the Pi.

Sound good?
Grab your copy now.

“Can’t wait to get my hands on it! Your books are just amazing.”
— Vamshidhar Pandrapagada, Data Analyst and Machine Learning Engineer at Cisco

You can bring computer vision to embedded devices.





Computer Vision
Deep Learning
, and
Internet of Things (IoT)
are three of the
industries and subjects in computer science —
you will learn how to combine
all three
using the Raspberry Pi inside my new book.

Inside this book you’ll find:

Build practical, real-world computer vision applications
on the Pi

computer vision and Internet of Things (IoT)
projects and applications with the RPi

Optimize your OpenCV code and algorithms
on the resource constrained Pi

Deep Learning
on the Raspberry Pi (including utilizing the
Movidius NCS
OpenVINO toolkit

I’m sold
— I’m ready to order my copy now. »

My books and courses are trusted by members of top machine learning companies and schools.
You’re in good hands.

Hardcopy Bundle


Great for beginners and hobbyists

This bundle is the
full embedded computer vision + deep learning education.
You’ll have
access to every chapter in the book
bonus chapters on the OpenCV AI Kit
Certificate of Completion
, a
hardcopy of the text
, and
access to my
community and forums
for additional help and support.

Additionally, this bundle will cover how to
train custom Caffe + TensorFlow models for the Movidius NCS
, build computer vision and deep learning apps with the
Google Coral
, and utilize the
NVIDIA Jetson Nano
for super fast deep learning on embedded devices.

If you are serious about embedded computer vision and deep learning,
then there is no doubt in my mind that this is the best bundle for you.

exclusive hardcopy edition
Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision
mailed right to your doorstep.

highly documented source code listings
, ensuring you can run the examples on your RPi.

Bonus chapters on the OpenCV AI Kit (OAK)
, which makes it
easier than ever
to perform embedded computer vision and deep learning.

Certificate of Completion
after you complete all lessons/quizzes associated with the text (which you can embed on your LinkedIn profile).

Raspbian .img file
with Python, OpenCV, and all necessary machine learning + deep learning libraries
)No need to configure your Pi, just flash the .img file to your SD card and boot —
you’ll be up and running in

Access to the
Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision

companion website
private community forums

updates as the book is revised and updated.

No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee!


Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

Thank You For Shopping With Us!