Adrian Morrison – Tee AdvantageYou’ll Discover How To FINALLY Make Cash Online Selling Simple T-Shirts Even If You’ve Failed In The Past:My secret weapon software will generate viral traffic to your site.-shirts.My “Campaign Creation” blueprint… learn how I discover home run campaignsTake a look at this $1,000,000 success story“Thanks to Adrian Morrison I now have a business that’s generated over $1,000,000 online. I certainly wouldn’t have been able to do this without his help and his techniques.”MikesMikes’ Storyhtml5: Unsupported video format. Install Adobe Flash. to the CEO of one of the largest Telecommunications companies tells us.-Shirt PlatformsHas To Say About Me & My Strategies (Hint… he compares me to Celebrities!)“ Adrian is one of our top sellers”“ It amazes me that he outsells some of the most popular celebrities everyday”“ What’s so unique about Adrian.. He’s using strategies we’ve never seen before!”View PreviewI’m betting that you can make a profit with my softwareT-Shirt Campaigns Immediately Even If You’ve Failed Before…Hello, My name’s Adrian Morrison You don’t need to know much about me except that I actually LIVE for Facebook marketing. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now, and have even written a couple of books (which you might have seen on national television) on how to properly and effectively make money on Facebook. My goal in releasing my personal software is to help you.Let me be completely honest right now.I thought that selling T was a good idea.-shirts was pretty ridiculous.. when I first heard about this I was doing over $1,000,000.00 a year with a completely different offer on Facebook….…. So why did I quit doing what made me a million bucks to promote T?-shirts?A friend of mine shared something that completely changed my perception of this…“Adrian, EVERYONE buys T-shirts and other apparel.” and then he followed it up by saying… “And who do you know that owns just 1 shirt? or 1 hoodie?”THIS WAS MY AHHHH HAAA MOMENTThis is why I was so shocked by the whole T-shirt thing was blowing up and naturally I wanted in on it…. And fast.A quick Google search revealed that the average person buys over 2 million tshirts.-Each year, shirts are sold in billions. People are buying billions of t-shirts each year.-It’s not as if you need to create something completely new to sell shirts. That is why most people fail online selling.But with t-You don’t need that problem if you have shirts. This multi-platform approach to sales can make you like 90%.-Million dollar market for repeat buyers already trained.Because you don’t have to do all the hard parts of making your own product…The shirt doesn’t have to be tailored.You don’t even have to ship your shirtOrders don’t need to be processedA website or sales video is not necessary.You don’t do customer serviceThe t-The shirt supplier takes care of all that. They can process your orders, make and send shirts around the world, display your shirts on their website and provide customer service.You can get your share of every sale by setting aside your share so that you have it whenever you like.Here’s how easy it is to get paid from them…( Watch Me Make $12.982.69 ).One day I was amazed at how other men were selling t.-I tried their methods and was unsuccessful. I also ran into too many people who were focused on small niches. It seemed that they were trying to grab a short-term fad that would only last for a few days.Because I wanted to reach huge numbers with campaigns that would last months or years, I tried a different approach.So I designed a software that would allow me to do this. “Viral Advantage” on Facebook….I was selling T-shirts in a way that NOBODY else (that I knew of) was doing it…AND MY RESULTS WERE AMAZING… CLOSE TO $250,000IN A SINGLE MONEYYea … You could say I was HOOKED on selling T-shirts at this point & over the last year I have perfected and tested my system.These are some amazing things about this. “Viral Advantage” software…None of my friends or family members are using it at the moment.It’s a totally FREE way to generate sales… (yeah no FB Ads…)It’s an INSANELY VIRAL way to get incredible resultsI have over 85,000 fans on my fan pages (and they all talk about T).-I bought them shirts!It is easy to reach more than 5,000,000 buyers targeted buyers (and as you can see, I received over 260k clicks!) with just one of my fan pages…By the by, those 85,000 fans were a bonus and I didn’t spend anything to get them. “spinoff” From my unique method.They are worth much more than I spent on them. They buy t-I sell shirts like mad so every time I buy a shirt, I simply upload the information to my fanpage and I’m selling in no time!Also, my email list is extremely responsive and I offer it for free. You’ve likely heard it many times if you’ve been involved in internet marketing for any length. “Money is in the list.”It’s true. I make money each time I tell my list about a shirt I’ve purchased or any other offer related to it. This email list has allowed me to make thousands, if not thousands of dollars more.SO WHAT DO YOU GET WITH MY TEE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM01MY SUPERSECRET “VIRAL ADVANTAGE” SOFTWAREThis is how I kill it on Facebook right now. You’ll get your copy of myYou can download your personal software immediately. This software is fully compliant with all Facebook rules.02MY TOP FIVE CAMPAIGNSI have included my top 50 campaigns in the software. This means that these campaigns can be deployed using my simple software. You can easily deploy proven campaigns within seconds.03MY 1,000,000.00 BLUEPRINTI’ll tell you exactly how I scaled this up to almost a $1,000,000.00 business. You’ll get the 1MM blueprint. Start to finish I’ll show you exactly what I did. What I’m talking about is how I create viral activity, free traffic and huge fan pages. I leave nothing out here….I disclose it all.More than 50 Training VideosWaiting For YOU04MY FAST START GUIDE FOR SELLING T-SHIRTSMy Fast Start Guide will show you exactly how to do it.-By-Step by step procedure I used to launch each T-I do a shirt campaign. This is not something you just throw together. “Hey look you get a fast start guide…” It’s not my real process that I use… and it keeps me on track and allows me to run successful campaigns. It’s my pleasure to share …. with you. I promise you will love it!SO WHAT’S THIS UNFAIR ‘VIRAL ADVANTAGE SOFTWARE’ WORTH?Honestly I’m not going to say hey this is worth $1995.00 and here’s all these checkmarks to prove it….That’s really just not my style…It was obvious that I spent thousands of dollars developing, refining, and perfecting the software. It’s a great investment that I made, and I have used it to make over a million dollars.Rather than telling you what I think it’s worth, I will let you just determine if you think it’s worth $97Tee Advantage When the Timer hits 0 prices increase(1) Tee AdvantageNow after what I have shown you here do you think it’s worth that to you?Join me in cashing out on simple T if you do.-This Viral is used in ShirtsAdvantage Software that nobody else has….Would you agree that the software is worth $97 on its own?Don’t forget about the everything else I am including for you today when you join the T-Shirt Advantage ….I MUST ADMIT, THE PRICE IS GOING TO GO UP….Honestly if you look at these stats here… you probably think I am CRAZY to give up my T-Viral shirt Advantage……. You can also check out more insane stats I have all because of Viral Advantage..I’m willing to admit that I know something more than most people.won’t do…… I DO NOT HAVE ALL THE IDEAS…Yes, T is my best friend.-Shirts right now, but let’s be honest I can’t dominate the entire market… After all, people are buying 2 billion t-One year of shirts. There’s plenty of room for you, too.Take a look at the timer, it will reach 0:00 and the price of this software will almost double!I want to reward the fast action takers…… the people who are READY to FINALLY PROFIT from T-shirts……. the people who WANT an ADVANTAGE that nobody else has….… the people who are READY to EARN like I have been doing…Are you one of them?If so let’s get started RIGHT NOW(1) Tee AdvantageI Want To Share One More Thing With You…. And It’s IMPORTANT……. I’ve sold over 250k books on National Television….. I’ve spoken to THOUSANDS of people at Live Events….. I’ve done some of the BIGGEST launches in the last few years…….. I have a HUGE EMAIL LIST …..…………… and THE MOST PROFITABLE THING I’VE EVER DONE?SELL T-SHIRTS ONLINE ….ONLY $97 (1) Tee AdvantageUPDATE: (Thursday, April 02, 2015) Q&A FROMMY TEE ADVANTAGE STUDENTSQUESTION – How much would it cost to start? What would be my budget to test a shirt campaign?ADRIAN’S ANSWER: Hey so it normally takes about an hour to get something tested. My campaigns usually cost me between $5-$10.QUESTION:Adrian I don’t know how you design a t.-shirt. I am not an artist… can I still do this?ADRIAN’S ANSWER: Yeah I’m not artistic at all … I’ve got a source that designs all my shirts for me, and I’ll disclose that to you inside of the Tee Advantage program. It completely automates the design PLUS A BIG BONUS HERE… I know these guys design shirts that convert !! (PS. It took me almost a year for me to find a design team that could create designs that actually sold!QUESTION.Does it only work if you sell a sports team?-shirts? I’ve seen a lot of courses teaching that, but it seems it would get saturated quickly..ADRIAN’S ANSWER: Yeah that makes total sense to me. I actually don’t do sports team t-You don’t need shirts. So in my course I don’t teach anything about that… I’m not saying it doesn’t work by any means, however, it’s not something I have done. Remember there are over 2 BILLION shirts sold each year… there are a lot of niches I use that most people haven’t even thought about yetQUESTION – What makes your course unique from all other courses that teach me how to sell t?-Online ordering of shirts It’s no secret that plenty of people teach this…ADRIAN’S ANSWER:Well I will be totally transparent and honest with you. I don’t know that I am the “best” right? When you want to achieve great success, it is important that you get as much knowledge as possible. However, I’ve noticed that most people are not teaching the whole thing. “short term trend t-shirts” You can profit from a trend that has a high chance of ending quickly. My business is run differently and inside my course I’ll show you how to find and create campaigns like I have done, which have lasted for up to 6 months or longer…QUESTION:I’m really excited about this software, but I am kinda concerned that I might not be able to use it. I’m am NOT very tech savvy.. can I still properly use the software?ADRIAN’S ANSWER:Absolutely. The software is 100% Facebook compliant PLUS it’s super simple to use. I’ve actually done quite a few demo videos to walk you through it step by step once you get inside the Tee Advantage Members area. You get 50 campaigns already done, which is amazing! You really don’t even have to know how to use the software if you leverage the done for you campaigns.