Addiction and Recovery Update 2020: The Latest Clinical Takeaways from Neuroscience Research – Kevin McCauley


Research in neuroscience provides an evidence-based and comprehensive understanding of addiction that fits well with the experiences of people needing, seeking, and in recovery. There are several insightful and well-articulated arguments challenging the disease conceptualization of addiction, but two important areas of research – epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology – greatly advance awareness of how environmental stress creates vulnerability to addiction.This lecture reviews the most up-to-date science of addiction, the current arguments for and against addiction’s conceptualization as a disease, and how the principles of recovery management counter the pathophysiology of addiction and improve a recovering person’s chances of achieving long-term recovery.Appraise the latest neuroscientific explanations of substance use disorder pathophysiology and interpret Substance Use Disorder symptomology in light of this research.Investigate and analyze the arguments for and against the conceptualization of addiction as a brain disease.Analyze elements and evaluate examples of Recovery Management, post-treatment support/aftercare, and Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care.Utilize the principles of Safety Culture and Chronic Disease Management to solve common problems in early sobrietyI. Addiction: a disorder of reward learning, decision-making and self-awarenessDefinitions of AddictionThe American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Definition of AddictionThe DSM-5 Symptomology of Addiction (Substance Use Disorder)The Five Current, Leading Neuroscientific Explanations of AddictionGenetic Vulnerability (Blum)Incentive-Sensitization (Robinson and Berridge)Pathology of Memory and Learning (Kalivas)Stress-induced Allostasis (Koob and LeMoal)Pathology of Motivation and Choice (Volkow, Goldstein)The Debate about Addiction’s Definition as a DiseaseII. Recent Advances in the Pathophysiology of AddictionEpigenetics: a new understanding of heritability of addiction & recoveryThe Overkalix Study and transgenerational trauma transmissionNicotine primes cocaine use (Kandel and Kandel)Psychoneuroimmunology: the Gut-Brain-Immune LoopInflammation and Psychiatric DisordersThe Role of Microglia in brain disease and repairImplications for the Disease ArgumentIII. Recovery Management: a Safety-based approach to sobrietyAltering Health Disparities by Improving the Social Determinants of HealthProfessional Health Programs: What Makes a Good Aftercare PlanTreatment and “Recovery Literacy”Recovery Management Check-UpsActive Linkage to Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC)Recovery ResidencesPeer-based Sobriety Support (Kelly, Kaskutas)Relapse Safety PlanningUrine Drug Testing (Monitoring)Vocational Rehabilitation and The Collegiate Recovery MovementAddiction Medicine SpecialistsHow Recovery Management informs Medication-Assisted Treatment“Hedonic Rehabilitation”Get Addiction and Recovery Update 2020: The Latest Clinical Takeaways from Neuroscience Research – Kevin McCauley, Only Price $48Tag: Addiction and Recovery Update 2020: The Latest Clinical Takeaways from Neuroscience Research – Kevin McCauley Review. Addiction and Recovery Update 2020: The Latest Clinical Takeaways from Neuroscience Research – Kevin McCauley download. Addiction and Recovery Update 2020: The Latest Clinical Takeaways from Neuroscience Research – Kevin McCauley discount.