Activate the Consciousness to Receive the One Thing that Seems to Be Missing From Your Life (Vishnupati, November 2019


Activate the Consciousness to Receive the “One Thing”that Seems to Be Missing From Your LifeYou specify the one thing you want to attract when you sign up, and I perform a karma clearing on your behalf at a rare and highly-potent peak time for manifestation consciousnessThis is also one of the most important times of the year to do prosperity clearing and activation work. We will do that for you too.At this moment, if you felt fully plugged-in to the Spiritual Source of your Being, you would absolutely know that you could attract whatever seems to be missing in your life — a job, a promotion, more money, a relationship, a healing, etc.But it is the accumulation of of our past negativity (our karma), the inherited limitations of our ancestors (ancestral karma), combined with our present-moment limited thinking and action that creates limited results.All spiritual traditions say that, in order to manifest like God, we have to have the consciousness of God. But in order to have the consciousness of God, we have to surrender all our inner limitations and let God fill us with manifestation power.We need to develop the consciousness of Divine Supply, the consciousness that God has already done everything, and given everything to us. We should be sustained in life, in everything. We shouldn’t want for anything, but feel easily and automatically every Divine Desire we have instantaneously and immediately fulfilled.But how many of us actually feel that way right now? Why don’t we feel that Divine Sustaining Power? How many problems in life arise because we don’t sense or trust Divine Good within us, behind us, and clearing the path before us?I would say: all problems arise from our sense of disconnection from Spirit, from God, from Divine Good within us.What do you feel is “missing” in your life right now? Did you know that, in Spirit, none of our legitimate needs can ever be truly missing, even though they may not yet be appearing completely in physical form?In the East, this sustaining power of the Divine is known as Vishnu. Vishnu is a Divine Archetype that means health and longevity, always enough money, enough opportunities and ideas, and the perpetual inner sense that the Universe has your back and is always supporting you. Vishnu isn’t a theoretical god. His energy represents practical manifestation, getting your needs met right now in physical form.The special blessing power of Vishnu opens 4 times per year for a 9-hour window of special manifestation energy. Astrologically, this special window of high-energy opportunity is known as Vishnupati. It is a powerful influx of Vishnu’s energy into the earthplane, if we can take advantage of it.Saturday’s happening aligns with the Sun’s transit into a fixed astrological sign, in this case Scorpio. In astrology, when things happen in fixed signs, the energy of stability, rooting, and blossoming is present–basically, the energies of manifestation.The upcoming peak time for this window is Saturday, November 16, starting at 2:38pm Eastern US Time. Clearings done during this time have at least a 3.5 times greater benefit for helping you manifest than spiritual work done at other non-peak times. When you do karma clearing and energetic activation work during this time, your consciousness becomes flooded with the Divine Light of manifestation.In this November 16 clearing, I am going to ask you specify one thing that you feel is “missing” in our life, and we are going to do a clearing for you so that your consciousness can be more open to receiving that thing physically, and to allowing Spirit to create it through you. When you sign up, you can specify to me the item that you want me to focus the clearing on. (If you sign up you family members, you can specify individual intentions for each of them, if you choose)During this clearing, we will also:Perform a 20-point Vishnu puja on your behalf, using traditional and modern karma-clearing techniquesWe will activate, clear, and install several major prosperity mantras into your soul software, allowing you to effortlessly vibrate at their frequency ongoingly.We will also activate you and clearing karmic blocks to Mantras dedicated to different forms of VishnuThe chanting of mantras can provide you the necessary means for accessing the positive and powerful energies of the day:Om Vishnave Swaha is an all-encompassing mantra for wealth and health.Om Narayanaya Swaha is the most powerful of all mantras of Vishnu.Om Govindaya Swaha and Om Gopalaya Swaha are for bringing prosperity and enlightenment.Om Trivikramaya Swaha brings benefits of the three worlds – earth, space and hell.Om Sudharshanaya Swaha is for protection against the evil and destroys bad karma.Om Ramaya Swaha is for bringing peace and removing negativity.Om Krishnaya Swaha is for attracting miracles.The advantages to performing karma-clearing work on on Vishnupati include:strong connection to Vishnu and financial prosperityhighly auspicious for activations and clearings with Vishnu, who can give prosperity blessings on these power daysWe will perform for you:Karma clearing and activation with Vishnu in the form of how he descended to the Earth plane as Venkateshwara (Lord Tirupati, the Supreme Lord of Wealth). Venkateshwara is the protector of the Kali Yuga and can shower wealth, wellbeing, prosperity, pleasures, and spiritual enlightenment blessings upon those who connect powerfully with him.During this clearing, we will be invoking Lord Vishnu using a mantra which has the power to give you wisdom and make you more intelligent and smarter:Mahabuthir Mahaveeryo Mahashakthir MahathyuthihiAnir Deshya Vabhu Shreema-Naméyathmaa Mahaa-Thri-Dhrukactivating within your consciousness and doing karma clearing with the 1000 Names of Venkateshwarawe will be invoking Vishnu in the form of Achyuta Narayana, the one who always protects those who take refuge in him. He has the power to bestow wealth, knowledge, good health, luck, longevity, and Moksha (salvation).Activating Vishnu and performing karma clearing at  Sri Uttara Guruvayoor Powerspot, Chennai for the purposes of granting good health and family well-being to youWe will be performing 4 sacred activations by working with 4 unique Vishnu names from the Vishnu Sahasranama for invoking his desire-fulfilling, wealth-bestowing, health-boosting, and wisdom-granting blessings‘Siddhartha Siddha Sankalpa Sidditha’ can fulfill all your earnest desires‘Artho Nartho Mahakosho Mahabhago Mahadhanaha’ can help you gain stable wealth and comforts‘Poornah Poorayita Punya Punyakirtir Anamayaha’ can cure diseases and help overcome health disorders‘Maha Buddhir Mahaveeryo Maha Shaktir Mahadyutihi’ can make you gain wisdom and make you more intelligentKarma clearings and activations for the 8 forms of Vishnu Wealth Blessings, performed at 3 powerful vortexes:  a clearing and activation for Vishnu’s Vamana Avatar. According to traditional practice, it is believed that this activation can help you overcome financial challenges and receive the gift of 8 types of wealth blessings.  Blessings include: Name, fame & success, Peace of mind & happiness, Landed property & luxury, Luck & prosperity, Material wealth & desire fulfillment, Knowledge & skills, Health & longevity, Good family & fortuneWe will perform these activations and karma clearings for the 8 forms of Vishnu Wealth Blessings at the following powerspots:Kalattu Vamana Powerspot, Kerala – solve personal problemsUlagalandha Perumal Powerspot, Kanchipuram – get rid of ego and develop nobilityDasavatara Perumal Powerspot, Kumbakonam – get relief from Navagraha Dosha (9 Planets Afflictions)karma clearing and activation of the Narayaneeyam at Kerala Powerspot: Narayaneeyam is the condensed version of the elaborate and extensive Srimad Bhagavatam, one of the 18 main Puranas in the Hindu scriptures. According to the Powerspot tradition, chanting the sacred hymn Narayaneeyam (Hymns of Glories of Vishnu) which sings the praise of the Supreme Protector, Narayana (Lord Vishnu in the form of Guruvayurappan) can bestow 25 types of blessingskarma clearing and activation of the 16 Dravya Abishekam with Purusha Suktam: this sacred ritual to Lord Vishnu with 16 unique sacred offerings and chanting Purusha Suktam (Hymn of Praise of the Cosmic Being) found in the oldest of the 4 Vedas, Rig Veda, can invoke overall affluence, happiness, longevity, and liberation blessingsBrihaspati Kavacham (Armor of Planet Jupiter) Chanting: Each of the 10 avatars of Vishnu is related to one of the Navagraha (9 planets), and Vamana avatar is related to the benevolent planet Jupiter. As the dwarf Vamana transformed into a giant form and measured the entire universe, he is related to the expansive energy and wisdom of Jupiter. Hence, it is propitious to worship Jupiter during this power time. Chanting Brihaspati Kavacham, a sacred hymn for Guru (Jupiter) can fulfill wishes, grant victory in all endeavors, and overall protection.You see, you’re not just missing a particular manifestation that you want — you are really “missing” the consciousness of that thing within yourself. By “consciousness”, I mean the faith and belief, the inner knowing, for something to happen. Until or unless you develop that consciousness, you will not be able to create and attract what it is you want. Consciousness always precedes form.Vishnupati happens 4 times per year, though the specific configurations of energies that come together for each particular celebration only happen every 60 years. All of them are important to take advantage of for your growth and spiritual development.Feel the support of the Universe behind you, and sense that everything you need for this life is being provided to you. If you can just do that, you can manifest everything. Saturday’s clearing is designed to help you do that.Get Activate the Consciousness to Receive the One Thing that Seems to Be Missing From Your Life (Vishnupati, November 2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane, Only Price $25Tag: Activate the Consciousness to Receive the One Thing that Seems to Be Missing From Your Life (Vishnupati, November 2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane Review. Activate the Consciousness to Receive the One Thing that Seems to Be Missing From Your Life (Vishnupati, November 2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane download. Activate the Consciousness to Receive the One Thing that Seems to Be Missing From Your Life (Vishnupati, November 2019) – Michael Davis Golzmane discount.