Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Panache Desai Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai courses at here with PRICE $99 $42Accelerating Your Soul Set Point – ReclaimingAnd Living Your Divine PurposeSmash through every barrier and live your unlimited potential. Panache delivers the most powerful, energetic invitation to live a life of authenticity, joy and peace, to rediscover purpose and passion and to believe from your soul in the possibility of all things.Access your untapped potential.Expand your energetic frequency, live your most authentic soul signature and catapult your soul set point to call into being the life you’ve only ever dreamed of. You are encoded for magnificence and this powerful audio series empowers you to break through the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting to your greatest life and living your divine purpose.What are your reasons for not living your most authentic expression?“I’m too busy.”“I’m too old.”“I’m stuck in a rut.”“I’m not worthy of a wonderful life.”These excuses can no longer hold you hostage because they exist at only one level of reality. When you open your heart and being to the possibility of energy and frequency – all things become possible. It is here where Panache empowers you to accelerate your soul set point and bring into being the greatest expression of you!BREAK FREE AND LIVE A LIMITLESS LIFEPanache Desai is a modern day messenger here to remind you of the brilliance you are; that you are loved, you are magnificence and everything you’ve wanted to experience in your life has always been inside you. It’s time to drop the struggle, cease the judgment and be available and open to live a life that is in resonance and harmony with you.Accelerating Your Soul Set Point facilitates the complete and total empowerment of your highest expression. Evolve beyond the limitations you’ve placed upon yourself and expand into your greatness.When you accelerate your soul set point, you begin to:Step out of inner conflict and into greater harmony with yourself.Access true self love.Tap into your greater potential.Live your life with grace and spaciousness.This audio program provides an anchor to the soulful quality that exists within us so we can meet everything we experience with peace and grace.Get Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai, Only Price $42Item 1. Accelerating Your Soul Set Point – Reclaiming And Living Your Divine PurposeThis item contains a MP3 Audio Program that is immediately available onlineYou will receive ten 60 minute MP3 audio chapters of inspirational, powerful material.Each chapter is broken down into 4 inspiring yet simple to follow sections:TEACHINGINTEGRATIONACTIVATIONDAILY PRACTICEEach section was created to:EXPAND your awareness of all that is possibleCREATE a greater receptivity to what is waiting just beyond your comfort zoneACTIVATE your dormant possibilitiesEMPOWER you to put into use all that you are calling into beingCHAPTER 1. ACCELERATED ACCEPTANCEDo you worry about the perceived mistakes you’ve made? Are you haunted by your past? Do you believe you’re unworthy of abundance, fulfillment, and love? You are not your past, your believed missteps, or the judgments others have placed upon you.The divine loves you wholly and unconditionally – exactly as you are. Expand out of stagnating self-doubt into energetic harmony with your limitless potential. Step into living whole-heartedly from your most authentic self.CHAPTER 2. VIBRATIONAL TRANSFORMATIONSo often we place our greatness in the future in hopes maybe one day we’ll be free to embrace it. But what if you could stop the emotional struggle and manifest our divine appointment right now? When you hold onto old wounds or deny your emotions, vibrational density builds up and blocks the flow of energy. Uncover the key to forming an authentic relationship with emotions, how to remain centered amid the chaos, and come into peaceful neutrality so that whatever is going on “out there” is not disturbing the still pond that exists inside your heart.CHAPTER 3. SOULFUL SURRENDERStress is like a roller coaster hurtling you forward at a thousand miles an hour. The more you’re tossed, turned and clutching the safety bar, the less fun you’re having. Resisting what’s happening around you creates a buildup of fear, anxiety, worry and stress leading to ill health, unworkability, and breakdown. To move into abundance, love or health you must learn to let go and embrace your own rhythm and unique expression.Say good-bye to the need for control. Eradicate the stress by lovingly harnessing the full potential of your soul set point.CHAPTER 4. SHATTERING INNER SABOTAGEWhen you say to yourself or others, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m not lovable”, “I’m not good enough,” you cut off your own energy flow, disqualifying the infinite nature of your being and your divine potential. When you integrate the energies that keep your unconscious conversations and patterns in place, they rob you of your greater magnificence and impede your ability to live a fulfilled life. Step away from “I am not,” love yourself unconditionally, and live in your brilliant “I am “ potential.CHAPTER 5. ACHIEVING INNER HARMONYOne of the greatest aha moments of all is to recognize the role of triggers, irritations, challenges and difficult characters in your life. They are inviting you to evolve into your most empowered expression. Embrace your greatest challenges and see clearly how the world is actually on your side. The universe is your teacher. Every heartbreak, joy, fear, and insecurity is working to push you into your highest self.CHAPTER 6. THE TAO of TRANSFORMATIONYour humanity is the doorway to your divinity, and you unleash your greater potential the moment you fully accept who you are. Your story, homeland, or generation may be unique to you, but when you feel everything inside yourself there is to feel, you activate your inner brilliance and become a clearinghouse for humanity’s greater potential.CHAPTER 7. MASTER CLASS ON BEING HUMANThis is your vibrational invitation to see your life like never before. Sometimes spirituality is not about learning – but unlearning. Release your old conditioning and experience every energy and emotion you encounter. When you feel your anger, sadness, and joy, you begin to see the world with childlike wonder and gain a visceral access to the real reason you’re here.CHAPTER 8. ACCESSING VIBRATIONAL SOLUTIONSDo life’s difficulties seem to have no end? It’s time to activate the most powerful support system available to you. When you surrender an issue to the Divine, the Divine does not just listen. It actually conspires to bring the answer into being. Open up to a new level of conscious awareness around your ideas of the Divine and discover new ways to worry less and live more.CHAPTER 9. BEING THE GREATEST CONTRIBUTIONLearn the real secret to being an asset to the world as you transform simple involvement to fully embodying your greater presence and becoming the change you wish to see. Your greatest contribution arises while living in connection with yourself and being in presence with the truth of who you are.CHAPTER 10. LIVING YOUR BEST LIFEWhile we may find joy in a new car, fancy handbag, or beautiful home, deep down, we know that true happiness is not about accumulation of things. It’s how we live life in each moment. Activate one of the most powerful energetic shifts of all and don’t wait one minute longer to live your best life.Get Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai, Only Price $42Tag: Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai  Review. Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai  download. Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai  discount. Purchase Accelerating your Soul Set Point – Panache Desai courses at here with PRICE $99 $42