Academy of Sacred Geometry – Scott Olsen – Nature’s Elegant Ratio and the Canon of the Human Body


File Format: [Webrip – 50 MP4]File Size: 8.342 GBDelivery: Digital DownloadPurchase Academy of Sacred Geometry – Scott Olsen – Nature’s Elegant Ratio and the Canon of the Human Body courses at here with PRICE $450 $73Academy of Sacred Geometry – Scott Olsen – Nature’s Elegant Ratio and the Canon of the Human BodyCourse outlineDay 1VISUAL BACKGROUND: PYTHAGOREAN & PLATONIC TRADITION; DIVIDED LINE; PLATO’S GREAT MYSTERY IN THE TIMAEUSFOUNDATIONAL DRAWINGS: BASIC POLYGONS – TRIANGLE, SQUARE, HEXAGON, PENTAGON, VESICA PISCIS, OCTAGON, DECAGON, & DODECAGONROOT & GOLDEN RECTANGLESTHE SEVEN TRANSFORMATIONAL NUMBERS (INFINITE & IRRATIONAL)FIBONACCI AND LUCAS NUMBERS: NATURE’S METHOD OF DIVINE PROPORTIONMEASUREMENTS OF PARTICIPANTS (VOLUNTARY)PRIMER ON RATIO, PROPORTION & APPLICATION OF THE THREE GREEK MEANS: ARTITHMETIC, HARMONIC & GEOMETRICDay 2VISUAL INTRODUCTION: THE NEW GOLDEN PARADIGM: HOW IT MANIFESTS THROUGHOUT NATURE & THE COSMOSAPPLICATIONS OF THE GOLDEN MANDALA, RECTANGLE OF GENESIS & VESICA PISCISTHE GOLDEN CHALICE OF ORION: WORKING WITH THE DESIGN TEMPLATE AS A TOOL THAT INTEGRATES andRESULTS OF MEASUREMENTSVISUAL INTERLUDE: MATHEMATICS OF HARMONY & THE GOAL OF EUCLID’S ELEMENTSCONSTRUCTING GEOMETRIC SOLIDS: 5 PLATONIC (REGULAR) & 13 ARCHIMEDEAN (SEMI-REGULAR) SOLIDSOVERVIEW & SUMMATION OF THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF HARMONY MATHEMATICSDay 3Advanced Principles of Sacred Geometry & THE CANONS OF HUMAN PROPORTION: THEORY & PRACTICE with Scott A. Olsen, Ph.D. and C. Lance Harding, Ph.D.Our focus will be the ideal Canon of the Human Body using sacred geometry. Participants will become familiar with canons from ancient Egypt (including the Old Kingdom, Amarna, and New Kingdom), Greek and Roman canons, Byzantine Christian, Medieval and Modern canons. Specifically we will examine and employ individual canon studies from Vitruvius (and his 10 measurements of the man in the square and circle), Leonardo da Vinci (geometry of his man in the square and circle), Cesariano (two drawings of man in the square and man in the circle), Desiderius Lenz (his canon of male and female geometry compared with Vitruvius), and Corbusier (golden proportion modular). Finally we will study both Harding’s application of the Golden Mandala to various historical works of art and design, and Olsen’s construction of the Golden Chalice of Orion (fusing together,, , , , and 1/) in one very practical design template.Note: Workshop participants should bring a sketchpad, straight-edge, good pair of compasses (in American lingo simply called a compass), and pencils (regular & colored), and/ or pens, sharpener & eraser, transparency paper, masking tape and scissors. We will have some extra compasses, straight-edges and pencils available.In this Advanced Workshop we will penetrate into the very sacred mysteries of the Canons of Human Proportion. These secrets were revealed during the initiatory experiences in the halls and temples of the ancient mystery traditions. But it was absolutely forbidden (on penalty of death) to reveal these tremendous revelations to the un-initiate. Having trained with the best sacred geometers in the world, studied the ancient traditions, and undergone our own inner revelations, we shall weave together what we know of these ancient mystery schools, and the deep insights and epiphanies engendered into the SECRET MYSTERIES OF NUMBER. And because “the whole Universe is enfolded into each part,” as David Bohm used to say, it follows that understanding the human canon allows one to know the Universal Canon. This is one Workshop you will not want to miss!ESOTERICA 1. SACRED GEOMETRY & INITIATION INTO THE EGYPTIAN & ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIESTWO CANONS OF EGYPTIAN PROPORTIONPOLYCLITUS & THE GREEK CANON OF PROPORTIONVITRUVIUS THE INITIATE: 10 MEASUREMENTS OF MAN IN THE SQUARE AND CIRCLETHE RENAISSANCE: THE CENTRAL ROLE OF LUCA PACIOLI’S DIVINA PROPORTIONECESARIANO, DURER & LEONARDO DAVINCI’S VITRUVIAN MANESOTERICA 2. THE SECRETS OF SYMMETRY & ASYMMETRY: DEEP INSIGHTS FROM SCHWALLER DE LUBICZ’S THE TEMPLE OF MAN, AND THE MAHATMA LETTERS IN THE BRITISH LIBRARYDay 4ESOTERICA 3. HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE, FRACTALIZATION & THE GOLDEN SCIENCESTHE CANON OF PROPORTION OF FATHER DESIDERIUS LENZTHE PHI CANON OF ADOLF ZEISINGLE CORBUSIER AND THE PHI MODULARMODERN CANONS OF KEITH CRITCHLOW & PAUL RICHERESOTERICA 4. THE ESOTERIC TETRAKTYS, AND GEORGE HENRY FELT & THE ROOTS OF THEOSOPHYESOTERICA 5. DIVINE PROPORTION: RESONANCE, MICROTUBULES AND THE GREAT MYSTERY OF CONSCIOUSNESS & ITS TRANSFORMATION* Workshop participants should have a sketchpad, straight-edge, good pair of compasses (in American lingo simply called a compass), and pencils (regular & colored), and/ or pens, sharpener & eraser, transparency paper, masking tape and scissorsThe Golden Section, Natures greatest Secret By Scott OlsenSale PagePurchase Academy of Sacred Geometry – Scott Olsen – Nature’s Elegant Ratio and the Canon of the Human Body courses at here with PRICE $450 $73