
Academy of Financial Trading: Foundation Trading Programme Webinar

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Lesson 1:The Foundation of Your Foundation

a. Why Trade?

The old style of buy and hold of Trading made inexperienced traders look like they are trading “experts” Jusqu’à la publication of As many people who bought and held on to bank shares in 2008’s global crisis would agree, CFDs are not working now. CFDs allow traders to trade short as well long. The current state of There are many global markets. of Both buying and selling opportunities are discussed.

Academy of Financial Trading: Foundation Trading Programme Webinar

Lesson 1: The Foundation of Your Foundation
a. Why Trade?

The old style of buy and hold of Trading made inexperienced traders look like trading “experts” Jusqu’à la publication of The global crisis of 2008 is not working now. Many who bought bank shares and sat on them would now agree. CFD’s allow traders to trade both long and short. The current state of There are many global markets. of Both buying and selling opportunities are discussed.

b. What to trade?

This article examines tradable instrument (forex, commodities and indices, individual stocks), and examines each one individually to understand unique characteristics and interdependencies.

c. Trading?

In almost all other areas of Participants in trade and business want to understand each other of It is important to know who the other participants in trading are. Trading is a complex business. Most traders don’t take into account and don’t know the identities of other traders or who the most dominant players are. With this in view, new traders learn how trade against the market movers and how to swim with it.

Lesson 2: The Mechanics of Trading
What is leverage? What are the risks and benefits of leverage? This is a candid assessment. of Leverage, how it opens up markets to all and how we can use it to our advantage. This is an important topic that is often overlooked. of high global market volatility. Without leverage, most traders wouldn’t be able trade. Although leverage can give individuals the opportunity to make money by giving them financial trading access, it comes with a constant risk. Inexperienced traders should learn how to leverage their assets to their advantage. All of Clear demonstrations and simplified terminology are used to calculate trade sizes and trade risk for each market.

Lesson 3 – Candlesticks – Shining Light on Opportunities
Technical analysis is about trading, accepting and seeing. This is trading what is in front of You are not what a pundit or an analyst predicts. This lesson covers the basics of price action, reading candles, dojis, engulfing formations, and counter retail trade.

Lesson 4: Technical Charting 101- Building Your Own Trading Toolkit
This lesson is extended to create technical channel and trend trading strategies that highlight breakouts, support, and resistance. Counter retail strategic entry and exit techniques are also developed for each trade. This session builds on the technical lessons and focuses on descending/ascending triangles, volatile measuring indicators and oscillators. It also focuses on Fibonacci Retracements and Fibonacci retracements. There is a special emphasis on counter-retail techniques that can both avoid and exploit the common mistakes made by retail traders.

Lesson 5: Trading Platform Software + Demo
This lesson will teach students how to download and install a trading platform. We also demonstrate how to use it. This allows students to practice their trading techniques and strategies on a demo account, before investing real capital. This allows students to see the market’s reaction to certain actions, how trades are executed and how charts move in real-time.

Lesson 6: Become a Counter Retail Trader
This lesson combines all of The previous lessons in Technical Analysis focused on very simple methods. of Counter Retail Trading Opportunities – our speciality. Some of The methods include an examination of Moving averages, cross-overs and simple, exponential, and correct order MAs all have one goal: to find the confirmation to trade we need. This is the only lesson. of It is the best and it should not be missed.

Lesson 7: Psychology of Real World Trading
Trading is not an area for emotion or surprise. Every trade entry and exit must be pre-planned. This information is recorded in the trader’s journal. It is important to know why you have entered or exited a particular trade. Your capital is at risk if you make winning trades but don’t know why. Real life examples and explanations of The difficulties that real traders face every day are discussed. Practical steps are shown to reduce the psychological difficulties that traders face every day. This can only be done by having a good understanding of These are the reasons these problems started. Every successful trader must keep emotions under control and have numeric trading goals and targets. They also need a realistic plan that suits their lifestyle. Both good and bad results are part of the trade. of If the plan is correct, there shouldn’t be a bad trade.

Lesson 8: Risk Management – Protecting Your Capital
Trading Like all forms of art of investing carries risk. Profits may not flow through this risk. An understanding of The interconnectedness of our inseparable and interdependent nature of Profitable trading is based on balancing risk and return. We will now introduce traders to these concepts. of They must manage their risk so that they minimize their losses and maximize their winners in a preplanned format.

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