About Page Builder – Talking Shrimp – Laura Belgray


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: Total sizes: – include: Buy now $39 $199, About Page Builder – Talking Shrimp – Laura Belgray Course.The About page is the #2 most visited (and powerful) page on your site.Is yours leaving money on the table?I’ll bet it is. I’ll bet it’s leaving money on the table, on the floor, and every place but your bank account. Two possible reasons it’s leaking out dollars by the day:1. It’s not written in a way that reflects you in your best light and reels in your buyer in an instant (yes, there’s an easy way to do this – I’ll get there).or2. It’s not even finished! In fact, it’s holding up your whole site. Your designer’s been bugging you for it for months, and you wake up every morning saying, “Today I’ll write my About page.” Today turns into tomorrow…and so on.Let me guess…Fast relief for your dull, throbbing About Page headaches.You hate talking about yourself. You can talk about what you do all day long, but when it comes to yourself, you get tongue-tied (or type-tied) and overwhelmed.You don’t know what to include, what to leave out. Are you supposed to put in your whole life story? All your education and fancy certifications?You’re confused by mixed messages. You heard “Your About page isn’t about YOU. It’s about your customer.” But then how is it an About page, and how is it different from a sales page?You have no idea how to structure the damn thing. It’s all over the place.You’ve seen some people have a formal, 3rd person bio, and some have a more conversational page in the “I” voice. Which should it be?Long? Short? Medium? You’re perplexed about how long it should be.You don’t have a big, important “Why” or a “hero’s journey” story where you saw the light and felt the calling. Does an About page have to have that?You’ve struggled to make your official bio compelling and short, but it ends up rambling, boring, and way too long.LET’S END THE AGONY…AND WHIP YOU UP A MONEY-MAKING ABOUT PAGE (AND MINI BIO)It’s time to get ‘er done!With your About page, good enough is good enough. But BETTER makes more money. So I’m going to help you build a better About page — quickly.Here’s the training and workbook that my clients and students have used to build profitable, personable About pages in a day. Sometimes, in an hour.You’ll Learn…How to strike the magic balance between being about you and about your customer. (It varies based on your particular business.)Why you don’t need a big “hell and back” story to impress your readerHow to make silly “fun facts” extra profitableHow long your About page should — or can — beThe Easy, No-Structure Structure that lets you simply fill in the blanksThe “Start With A Bang” Structure that grabs ‘em from the first lineWhat your reader really wants to know in order to get out the credit card — whether you’re a nutritionist, a boutique travel agent, a social media consultant, a private chef, a fine artist, a jewellery designer, or, even a practitioner of horse therapyYou’ll GetVisual examples of the 2 Talking Shrimp structures in action, on About pages that work — plus, my favorite hybrid of the two!A roundup of different-length and different-style About pages to show you the possibilities for your ownA bonus section on Fun Facts With Benefits — how one client embedded hidden messages in her seemingly innocent, quirky tidbitsWorkbook exercises to snap you into action, so you can get your About page doneLoads of examples of official press bios, speaker bios, author bios, and more — road-tested by highly-paid thought leaders, speakers and authors you may know, love and followYour About page and mini bio done; once and for all — in a way that drives the right people right to your buy button