
Abhinav Singhal – Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Masterclass

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Abhinav Singhal – Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Masterclass
Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 Masterclass

Build real world understanding of Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, value drivers and best practices to implement
What you’ll learn

Understand what do terms like Digitalization, Industry 4.0, Society 5.0 mean
Build a deep understanding of 7 core Industry 4.0 technologies (AI, IoT, Blockchain, AR/VR, RPA, Cloud, 3D Printing) and their applications in business
Learn the key business drivers of digitalization and a framework for crafting digital strategy
Practice a hands on case to implement digital transformation in a company and address the practical challenges involved
Learn best practices, tip & tricks across various industries and functions to identify, design and implement digital initiatives

Top companies offer this course to their employees

This course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide.

Update: It is one of the highest-rated courses on Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 at Udemy with students from ~100 countries and all 6 continents. Thanks a lot for the overwhelming response !!!
Digital transformation is a very popular topic these days. But what does it really mean and how can you identify the right digital technologies to create value at work and successfully implement them?
This course offers the right balance between the insights and best practices from top tier consulting firms and practical wisdom of what really works in a large corporate. The course content has already been vetted with digitalization experts across multiple events, forums and training sessions before and brings you the best of their collective experience. The course is filled with many cases and quizzes to reinforce your learning, covers digital use cases across 20+ sectors & industries, and includes a full case study in the end to design and implement a digital transformation program.
The course is structured in four sections:
Section 1: Introduce
What is digital, exactly, and what does it mean for individuals, companies and the broader society?

What do terms like Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 mean?

Section 2: Learn
What are the most relevant digital technologies (AI/ML, IoT, AR/VR, RPA, Cloud, Blockchain, 3D Printing) and how do they work?

What are their applications, use cases and limitations today?

Section 3: Challenge
How can companies create value from digitization?

What are the value drivers and principles for crafting a robust digital strategy?

What percentage of digital transformations are really successful? What are the top reasons behind their failure?

Section 4: Apply
What are the best practices in creating a digital transformation roadmap?

How to secure commitment for resources, manage stakeholders and scale up beyond the pilot phase?

What are the different models for external partnerships (e.g., incubators, accelerators) and open innovation?

By the end of this course you will be able to:
Build a strong foundation of key digital technologies

Know how to apply them at work and create value for the company

Design and implement a successful digitalization program

Who this course is for:
This course is relevant for senior managers and executives who are involved in crafting digital strategy and leading digital transformation program for their companies

It is equally useful for anyone who wants to learn about digitization and how can technology create value in their profession today

Course content
Course Overview
Course Overview
Get a preview of the key concepts which we will be discuss in the course and some ground rules to get us started !

Introduce What is Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0

The 3Ds – Digitisation, Digitalization and Digital Transformation

In this lecture we will first reflect on the learning objectives for this section and then understand the difference between the commonly used terms like digitisation, digitalization and digital transformation
Digitalization for Consumers, Enterprises and Governments

In this lecture we will understand how is technology is affecting individuals, companies and governments through various examples and case studies. We will also understand the meaning of terms like Society 5.0 and Smart Cities.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0

We will end this section by understanding the meaning of Industry 4.0, its underlying drivers and how does it tie back with all the concepts we have introduced so far.
Introduce – What is Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0?

For each of the caselets below select the option which best describes it

Learn What are the key Digital Technologies _ their applications

Overview of Industry 4.0 technologies

In this lecture we will first reflect on the learning goals and then introduce a simple framework to classify key technologies behind digitalization and Indusry 4.0 today
Industry 4.0 Technology 1 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)

We will understand how AI/ML work, how do they compare with human intelligence today, what does it main for future of work and key use cases and applications
Industry 4.0 Technology 2 – Internet of Things (IoT)

We will understand how does IoT work, what is edge computing and key use cases and applications
Industry 4.0 Technology 3 – Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR)

We will understand how AR/VR work, what are the common devices and key use cases and applications
Industry 4.0 Technology 4 – Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We will understand how does RPA work, what processes are most attractive for RPA and key use cases and applications
Industry 4.0 Technology 5 – Cloud Computing

We will understand the basics of Cloud Computing, difference between SaaS, PaaS and IaaS models and key applications
Industry 4.0 Technology 6 – Blockchain

We will understand how does Blockchain work, see it in action using a video and key use cases and applications
Industry 4.0 Technology 7 – Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

We will understand how does 3D Printing work, benefits over conventional manufacturing, applications and adoption today
Summary – Industry 4.0 technologies and relative adoption

We will end this section by reflecting on the relative market size and adoption of the 7 technologies and outlook for next 5 years
Learn: What are the key Digital Technologies & their applications?

For each of the caselets below select the most likely underlying technology/technologies

Challenge Why is Digital Transformation even relevant

Five Value Drivers of Digitalization

In this lecture we will first reflect on the learning objectives, then understand what do we mean by value and how can digitalization create value for companies
Value Driver 1 – New Platform based Business Models

Understand the basics of platform business model and examples of how companies are creating value from it
Value Driver 2 – Accelerate New Product Development

Understand how digitalization can help accelerate new product development process, meaning of agile and MVP approach and reasons behind the rise of startups over the last decade
Value Driver 3 – Provide Superior Customer Experience

Understand the basics of customer experience, customer journey, omnichannel offerings and use cases and applications of technology to create value from it
Value Driver 4 – Generate Data Driven Insights across the Value Chain

Understand the various sources of data which can be leveraged to create unique insights and use cases and applications of creating value from having a unified view of data across the supply chain
Value Driver 5 – Reduce Operational Costs and Improve Efficiency

Understand how technology can be used to reduce costs in manufacturing and back office processes and various use cases and applications with benchmarks
Summary – Case Study of Digitalization in Banking Industry

We will summarise the five value drivers by applying them in the context of banking industry
Reality Check – What are the chances of success?

We will end this section by looking at some data on how many digital transformation initiatives are truly successful, what are the common reasons of failure and look at best practice examples of companies who have truly managed to transform
Challenge: Why is Digital Transformation even relevant?

For each of the questions/caselets below select the best option

Apply How to implement a successful Digital Transformation program

Introduction to the Case & Digital Transformation Framework

We will introduce the case for this section and also look at the core elements of the best practice digital transformation framework for this section
First Task

This lesson will introduce the challenges associated with the first element of the framework in the case and introduce the first task for the participants
Building Awareness

In this assignment we will reflect on the challenges of building awareness as outlined in the case and come up with ideas/ways to address them for a successful digital transformation program
Success Factor 1 – Awareness

In this lecture we will look at some best practices to build awareness and outline the challenges for the next element
Creating Engagement

In this assignment we will reflect on the challenges of creating engagement as outlined in the case and come up with ideas/ways to address them for a successful digital transformation program
Success Factor 2 – Engagement

In this lecture we will look at some best practices to create engagement and outline the challenges for the next element

Ensuring Focus

In this assignment we will reflect on the challenges of building focus as outlined in the case and come up with ideas/ways to address them for a successful digital transformation program
Success Factor 3 – Focus

In this lecture we will look at some best practices to build focus and outline the challenges for the next element

Securing Commitment

In this assignment we will reflect on the challenges of securing commitment as outlined in the case and come up with ideas/ways to address them for a successful digital transformation program
Success Factor 4 – Commitment

In this lecture we will look at some best practices to secure commitment and outline the challenges for the next element. This will include defining operating model, securing talent, partnerships, IT infrastructure , funding and stakeholder management

Creating Agility

In this assignment we will reflect on the challenges of creating agility as outlined in the case and come up with ideas/ways to address them for a successful digital transformation program
Success Factor 5 – Agility

In this lecture we will look at some best practices to create agility and also to shape a digital first culture given the future of work
Summary – Recap of the five Success Factors & Case Closing

We will recap the five elements critical for success of any digital transformation program and close the case by creating a sample digital transformation roadmap
Case Study of Domino’s Digital Transformation Journey

Video Case Study of Domino’s Digital Transformation journey and key learnings from it
Apply: How to implement a successful Digital Transformation program?

For each of the caselets below select the most likely success factor NOT addressed

Key Takeaways & Closing

Recap of key concepts discussed in the course and five summary takeaways from the course
Final Task – My Reflections & Learnings from the course

Please write down your key learnings from this course and record it in a journal

Bonus Content

Keynote, AI Summit UK 2020 – Bringing AI to the shop floor
Learn about the state of AI in manufacturing and industrial sector today and key opportunities and challenges to address