
Abdur Rehman – Power System Fundamentals Pack

Original price was: ₹360,000.00.Current price is: ₹12,782.00.



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Abdur Rehman – Power System Fundamentals Pack
What this course includes?
This Fundamentals Pack includes our four top selling power system courses.
Following are the courses you will get after signing up:
Current Transformer Fundamentals
Current transformer is an essential part of every Power System. We all might know the purpose of Current Transformer but we hardly understand how the current is flowing even though we know about polarity marks but it’s still confusing and complex to have all the fundamentals of current transformer on finger tips. This course combines brief introduction to Current Transformer with its main characteristic and applications. You will emerge with the knowledge in principles, working, applications, sizing of CT that empowers you to have strong grip on the fundamentals of Current Transformer.
What benefits you will get on purchase ?

No Promotional Ads or Content
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Inquire Professional Engineers
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What you will learn ?
Introduction to Current Transformers

7 parts 1 hours basic
What are CTs and where do we use them
Learn about Polarity marks and CT ratio
Connect CTs in different configuration

Brief Intro to Current Transformers

7 parts 0.5 hours detailed
Explore important characteristics of CT
Unlock easy way to model equivalent circuit of CT
How CT should be sized for protection and metering
Importance of CT grounding

Current Transformer Equivalent Circuit Model

3 parts 0.5 hours thorough
Learn how to analyze the behavior of CT
Important parameters of CT
Explore CT burden, winding resistance, and Leakage reactance

A quick word from GeneralPAC
We add value by creating very insightful, highly engaging, and simply intuitive power system video tutorials and courses. Our objective is to sharpen YOUR skills and further YOUR understanding on these concepts.
Our promise is to make the fundamental tutorials available to everyone who cannot afford it. This promise is fueled by our community, our fans, and our sponsors. If you can afford to purchase this course, please be considerate and fair at the checkout window. Remember, our objective is to sharpen YOUR skills and further YOUR understanding on these concepts.
It takes almost 12 hours to complete videos including making of conceptual script, audio and video recording as we put our efforts and time to brainstorm creative ways so that you have a strong understanding on each topic. It’s no wonder why thousands of students and professionals have trusted our video and hundreds of thousands of people have watched, liked, subscribed, and left positive comments on our GPAC YouTube channel.
Lastly, our video tutorials are not here to replace the way we traditionally learn about power systems through classroom environment, or reading textbooks, or learning from peers and tribal knowledge within your career, or hands-on & on-the-job learning. We simply supplement the traditional methods with modern, flexible, and intuitive approach. We believe in providing a platform where students from all community can ask their questions and to provide detailed answers to each question making Power System learning easy and captivating.
What people are saying about

Transformer Series
We create high quality illustrative and engaging educational video tutorials since 2014. Over the years, thousands of students have found our videos well explained and Millions of people have watched our content and thousands of people have been engaged with us.
Shamekh Power
“You are gifted, thank you for sharing your knowledge. I personally appreciated. Thanks, GeneralPAC”
Parminder Dhawan
“This stuff is absolute. Thanks for all the efforts you put in projecting this information in such an intuitive manner.”
“Really enjoy your videos. I’m an electrical engineer and it’s good to refresh on the fundamentals every once in a while”
Power Transformer Fundamental Series
This course will teach you all the fundamentals of Power Transformer. We will start from very basics: introducing transformer winding connections Delta Wye and Wye Wye, how voltage and current quantities are related by phasor diagram, and methods to represent each transformer connections. In addition, you will build a strong concept on circulating currents and voltages. This module consists of three parts, each building upon your knowledge based on previous ones.
What you will learn ?
Introduction to Delta Wye Transformer Connection

17 parts | 1.5 hours + | thorough
Unlock the complex equations of Line and Phase voltage by phasor diagrams
Learn how winding connections are represented in transformer nameplate
Explore methods to learn how transformer connection is represented

Introduction to Wye Wye Transformer Connection

4 parts | 0.5 hours | thorough
How wye connection is made
Different ways to configure wye connected transformer
How voltage and current quantities are calculated
How balanced sets are created by phasors

Introduction to Delta Wye Transformer Connection and Circulating Currents and Voltages

2 parts | 5 Minutes+ | thorough
How to hand calculate current and voltages during a faulted condition.
How to calculate both phase current and voltages as well as sequence current and voltages.
Ways to relate calculated short circuit currents with sequence network diagrams
Method to draw zero-sequence network for a delta wye transformer

Power System Analysis Fundamentals

This course will cover all the fundamentals of Power system analysis. We will start from very basics: principles of Balanced systems, how power factor affects the performance of systems and techniques which we can employ to improve the power factor. In addition, you will build a strong concept on per unit systems and load flow analysis.
What you will learn ?
Principles of Balanced Three Phase Power

2 parts |10+ minutes |in-dep
What does the term “Balanced Power” mean?
Learn important rules for balanced system
Understand the balanced set of phasors

Introduction to the Power Factor

7 parts | 0.5+ hours |descriptive
Explore the ways to intuitively understand behavior of the types of power
Learn the concept behind power factor by phasor diagram
Unlock the techniques to improve power factor
How to decide capacitor size for power factor correction

Per Unit Analysis

11 parts | 1+ hours | thorough
Significance of per unit systems in power system analysis.
Understand the tedious formulas of calculating per unit equivalents.
How to accommodate change in Base Values of components.

Load Flow Analysis

10 parts | 1.5+ hours | demonstrative
Learn basic power flow equations.
Learn steps of newton Raphson method.
Understand how Ybus matrix is derived

Power System Protection Fundamentals

This course will cover the requirements needed to design protective devices and the applications of these devices through a schematic diagram. Furthermore, this course will analyze the effects of all types of faults in power system along with the easy hand on calculations. To develop your strong concept on fault analysis we will discuss how faults can be identified by analyzing waveforms. Lastly, you will learn the most tedious and complex theory of symmetrical components that are found in different types of faults.
What you will learn ?
Types of Protective Relays and Design Requirements

6 parts 0.5+ hours
Design and working Mechanism of a Relay
How relays are designed
Mechanism and Applications of Different types of relays

Power System Selective Coordination Study

6 parts 0.5 hours
Why do we need Selective Coordination?
How to achieve coordination
Learn Time current characteristic curves for different breakers

Fault Analysis in Power Systems

15 parts 2+ hours
Analyze different faults in Power System
Build strong concept on sequence current and voltage quantities
Learn how to hand calculate the current and voltage quantities for various fault
How to analyze faults from high and low voltage side of the transformer

Fault Analysis using Waveforms

2 videos 0.5+ hours
Analyze practical fault event
Learn how to find direction of power flowing
Find out system phase rotation by voltage waveforms
Learn how to find which type of fault occurred
Unlock ways to identify the correct operation of relay as expected

Fault Analysis and Construction Sequence Network Diagrams

Learn about sequence components in various faults
How the sequence network diagrams are derived

Introduction to Symmetrical Components

14 videos 1.5+ hours
Understand the complex theory of symmetrical components
Learn the building of symmetrical components
Understand the A operator for ABC phase sequence

Ayyagari Srinivas
Very simple and easy way of explanation.
Abdirisak abdulkadir Gacshe
Thank you a lot AllumiaX. You are doing great thing to the engineering. Wooow!!
Joshua Liuga Suiramo
You are knowledgeable and skillful in breaking down the complex subject to a simple and easy to understand. I wish I have such a lecturer back in my days at the University. Keep up the good for mankind
Thank you and see you on the other side!