
Abbey Ashley – Savvy System Ultimate

Original price was: ₹449,550.00.Current price is: ₹4,731.00.


Abbey Ashley – Savvy System Ultimate

How many of these can you say YES to?

You’ve searched “work from home” on Google more times than you can count

You’re tired of minimum wage job opps, and you DON’T want to impose sleazy sales strategies on friends & fam

You’re suffering from information overload! There is so much advice out there that it’s hard to follow exactly what to do

You tried stepping out, but no one is even asking about your services in spite of marketing yourself daily

You just want a SIMPLE solution of how to get started that takes you step-by-step (and actually works)

Imagine if this was your life

You’ve launched your own successful service-based business.
You know exactly how to land paying clients.
You have the freedom to work on your terms.
You have all the tools, steps, and contracts needed to easily sign clients and protect yourself legally.
You can spend more time with your family and live your dreams.


The step-by-step program for successfully launching your own Virtual Assistant business & landing paying clients—with no experience needed!

You could spend months researching how to start your own biz…

What services should I offer?
How do I set up a website?
What legal responsibilities do I have?
How do I package my services?
What price should I be charging?
How do I sign and negotiate contracts?
Where do I find my first client?
How do I develop a marketing plan?

but seriously…who has time for that?

A Step-By-Step Proven Method that Works!

It’s the same method I used to launch my Virtual Assistant business and replace my income WHILE on maternity leave. It’s the method I used to have 4 subcontractors working under me so I could make money while I was out playing with my kids.

No more confusion about what you should do.
No more frustration with researching for hours with no answers.
No more giving up and eating an entire plate of brownies in the corner by yourself in exhaustion.

I know you’re busy.
I know you want to launch your business FAST and start making money for you and your family. The most difficult part of running your own Virtual Assistant business is knowing how to START.
Here’s the good news.
I’ve successfully helped launch and grow Virtual Assistant businesses around the world, and I’ve developed my expertise into an easy-to-follow course.

I’ve helped working moms quit their 9-to-5’s to stay home with their kids.
I’ve helped men and women start working while traveling the world.
And I’ve seen THOUSANDS of students finally believe in themselves and know they have something powerful to offer.

The SavvySystem began in mid-2016 and now over 4,500 students have used it to launch their own at-home business.

What you’ll learn inside the SavvySystem

This self-paced course contains easy-to-follow lessons, templates, scripts, and assignments

MODULE 1: WELCOME TO THE SAVVYSYSTEMI know what it’s like to show up every day at a job you hate.
I know what it’s like to stay at home with the kids, but secretly wish you could be working from home too.
What if I told you that there is a way that you can make money from home, on your hours and on YOUR terms?
I’ll show you the basic structure of how to build your Virtual Assistant business from scratch with the “Launch From Scratch Blueprint.”

SavvySystem Introduction
Setting Expectations
Getting the Most Out Of This Course
Virtual Assistant Dictionary
The VA Template Vault

MODULE 2: DISCOVER YOUR SKILLSETYou have something unique to offer. One of the most difficult parts of establishing your VA business is realizing that you have value to offer.
Yes – I’m talking to you.
Do you really believe that people will pay you $30, $40, even $60+ per hour for your unique skills?
In this module, we will break down your experience and discover what unique skills you have to offer as a Virtual Assistant. I’ll show you what marketable skills should be next on your list to develop.

Let’s Talk Services
10 Ways You Can Offer Services Now
To Niche or Not to Niche?
Deciding on Your Services
Mindset Minute

MODULE 3: PRICING AND PACKAGESThere are 1,000 different ways to package your services as a Virtual Assistant. Which way should you choose?
Should you charge by the hour? By the project? Will you work on a retainer? What the heck is working on a retainer, anyways?
We’ll work together to package and price your services in a way that is competitive to the market, suited for your skill-set, and structured to generate consistent monthly income.

Mindset and Money
Packaging Your Services
Your Premium Package
Pricing Your Packages
Get Clients Now

MODULE 4: BRANDING ACADEMYFrom the start of your business, you’ll want to develop a solid brand that will reflect your business.
What will you call yourself?
What colors will represent your biz?
Should you have a logo?
I’ll answer these questions and more as we work together to develop a solid and recognizable brand for your business.

Discovering Your Brand Personality
Intro to Canva
Your Business Name
Branding Elements
Logo Creation
Branding Board Creation

Developing a system that is clear to you and your clients will help you streamline your processes and appear more professional.
During this module, we will develop a portfolio and onboarding system for your clients. We will discover what the best way is for you to interact and work through projects.
This is the true “meat and potatoes” of the business that you’re not going to find from reading countless, outdated blog posts!
Let’s systemize your VA Biz!

Your Processes
Your Facebook Page
Proposal & Portfolio Creation
Onboarding Your New Client
Claim Your EIN

But not if you handle it well.
In this lesson, we will set up your bookkeeping method to decide what the best process is for you to invoice your clients and receive payments. We’ll also answer all your questions about paying taxes as an independent contractor.

Let’s Talk Money, Baby!
Dealing with Unpaid Invoices
Let’s Talk Taxes
Developing Your P&L Spreadsheet

MODULE 7: LEGALITIESLet’s get your butt covered.
Legally, that is.
I want to make sure that you are covered in your contracts and know your legal rights as a Virtual Assistant. We’ll establish your contracts and answer your questions about negotiations and alterations to your contracts.

Intro to Legalties
Understanding Your Contract
Live Outside of the USA?
Choose Your Legal Entity
State Requirements & Insurance

MODULE 8: MARKETING 101One of the biggest hurdles you will cross in your Virtual Assistant business is landing your first client. It’s scary.
What will they think?
What questions will they ask?
Where do I even find my first client?
By the end of this lesson, you WILL have your first paying client. Guaranteed.

Let’s Get Marketing
Value First Marketing
Organizing Your Leads
Facing Objections
Follow Up is Key
Nail the Sale: Discovery Call Training
Accessing Proposal Reviews

MODULE 9: THE ULTIMATE MARKETING PLANYou’ve started marketing yourself using value first, but now what?? Follow these steps to find quality clients FAST!

Personal Outreach Template
Finding Jobs on Facbook
Your Core Groups
Marketing Research Meetings
Local Networking Events
Freelancing Websites
Mastering LinkedIn
Job Search Sites
Craigslist for Clients
Conferences and Live Events
Instagram for Marketing
High End Client Targeting
Asking for Referrals

MODULE 10: WEB DEVELOPMENT 101You don’t need to hire that fancy web designer just yet! We’ll give you the rundown on how to design a website that works for you and not the other way around.

Your Website Options
Website Core Components
Purchasing and Linking Your Domain
SqareSpace Your Site
Submit Your Site

MODULE 11: THE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT LIFESTYLECongratulations! You’re officially building a thriving VA business! Now what?
Working as a Virtual Assistant has the potential to totally change your lifestyle and present some adventures along the way. In this module, I’ll be covering some of the challenges you’ll encounter and how to plan for success!

You’re a VA! Now What?
Dealing with Difficult Clients
Asking for Testimonials
It’s About Time
Self Care and Balance
Transitioning to Full Time
How to Fire a Client
Vacation and Planning Extended Leave

MODULE 12: RAISING YOUR PRICESOnce you’ve completed the SavvySystem, you’ll have a Virtual Assistant business that you can be proud of. You’ll be working on your own terms doing the work that you love to do.
We’ll set you up to have continued accountability and support in this final lesson, so you can continue to grow your business beyond the course.

Choose Your Adventure (Where Will You Go From Here?)
Your High End Service
Transitioning to High End Services
Overcoming Objections & Getting Paid what You’re Worth

MODULE 13: BUILDING A TEAMYou’ve built a successful VA business and you’re ready to SCALE! In this module, I’ll cover everything you need to know to make your FIRST hire and set systems in place for ultimate productivity!

Intro to Outsourcing
How to Start Subcontracting
How to Hire the Perfect Team Member
Project Management Platforms
Workflows and SOPs
Parting Ways With A Subcontractor


Your Journey Doesn’t End Here
Scaling Your Agency Model
Scaling as an Online Business Manager
Scaling Your High End Service
Scaling Through List Building

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email  [email protected]