
Aaron Ross – Predictable Revenue The Ultimate “Cold Calling 2.0″ Course & Library

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Predictable Revenue The Ultimate “Cold Calling 2.0″ Course & Library, Aaron Ross – Predictable Revenue The Ultimate “Cold Calling 2.0″ Course & Library, Predictable Revenue The Ultimate “Cold Calling 2.0″ Course & Library download, Aaron Ross – Predictable Revenue The Ultimate “Cold Calling 2.0″ Course & Library review
Aaron Ross – Predictable Revenue The Ultimate “Cold Calling 2.0″ Course & Library
This 12-Week Certification Course and Ultimate collection of outbound training materials and guides is for anyone who wants to assess themselves or learn the specific steps of what a world-class prospector should do each day: how to send emails, make phone calls, keep your accounts organized, and be successful at outbound prospecting. Call for remote coaching support & in-person onsite training.
Why Certify Yourself Or Your Team?
What Important Technique Are You Missing?

Assess Strengths and Areas of Improvement.

Increase Training Consistency.

Understand Account-Based Prospecting & Differences From List-Based Prospecting.

Learn Or Refresh Key Approaches: Referral emails. Personalized Emails. Email Response Handling. Mapping Calls. Voicemail Techniques.

Overlooked Essentials: Account Mapping. Staying Organized. CRM/SFA Practices. Key Metrics. Time Management. How To Make Part-Time Prospecting Work. Day In A Life

Meet Other Predictable Revenue Customers & Practitioners.

Assessment Overview:
Nail your Niche

Ideal Outbound Customer Profile

Improve email & phone response rates

Initial qualified opportunities in 60 days

Steady creation of qualified opportunities 6 months

Recurring revenue in 6-12 months

Three Capabilities
Engage – Know who & how to reach key people, who can drive bigger deals..

Intrigue – Non-threatening conversations that stimulate interest, curiosity & next steps

Convert – Move the prospects through a repeatable process to predictably build your funnel + Scale – Build a process & team that breaks your lead generation and talent bottlenecks

Part 1 Key Topics:
Nail A Niche & ICP

Introduction: “Deep Dive 25”

Primary Skill Building: Email Prospecting Process and Guide

“Day In A Life” & Time Management


Topic Examples: Email Prospecting:
Client Guide: Predictable Revenue Email Templates

Writing & Customizing Email Templates

Response Handling – Email Organization & Sales Systems

Simplifying Messaging To Intrigue Prospects & Differentiate

Establish Realistic Email Benchmarks & Metrics

Part 2 Key Topics
Primary Skill: Phone techniques (ie Mapping & AWF calls)

Secondary skill: Social Media & Personalized Emails

Converting Emails To Phone Calls

“Popular Point Of Pain” Positioning

Dashboards, Tools, Apps Tuned

Part 3 Key Topics
Primary Skill: “Deep Dive 25” + “Selling The Dream”

Passing The Baton (Prospector -> AE Handoff)

Outbound Pipeline Conversion Rates

Quality Control

Follow Up Processes


Course Curriculum

Intro: For Management & Team – How to Use This Course & Program Overview


Hot Coals Video 1.30 Mins: Stuck in the Coals?

How to use this course

Terminology Overview PDF

Project Plan – Solution Specifics (Outbound: Example Funnel Metrics)

Outbound Project Timeline – Example Review with your Coach

How Wpromote Doubles Outbound Sales Each Year (5-10 min)

We Highly Recommend you Watch: “Nail Your Niche” Video

Predictable Revenue Playbook: New Update in Process

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Management 01: Building an Outbound Team – Could it fail, What does take to Succeed (101 Video Course)

Build your Business Case: ROI, Revenue & Costs

Chapter 01 Videos: Introduction, Should I Do Outbound, Why It Could Fail, What Does It Take To Succeed.

Chapter 02 Videos: Results, Where Do I Begin, People, How Do I Pay, Goals.

Chapter 03 Videos: Onboarding, Territories, Quality Over Quantity, Why Hire, Conclusion.

Video For Management: Build your Team & Specializing Your Team (28 mins)

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Management 02: Great SDR’s, Hiring Process, Comp Plans, Onboarding, Territories.

Hiring: How to Hire Great Prospectors (Quick Review)

Hiring: Recruiting Process by Paul Fifield of Ceros to Hire Sales Stars & Speed Up Results

Hiring: Prospector/SDR Comp Prospector comp: article on Quora

Hiring “A Great Exercise for Hiring a Prospector”

Hiring “Sample Interview Questions”

READ: Why Your Salespeople & Prospectors Need Territories

Case-Study: tackling Territories & Outbound resulted in higher Revenue.

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Management 03: Management Checklist before Onsite!

First Steps for New SDR: First training Goals!!

Metrics – Why we use Dashboards

Read: NAIL your NICHE chapter 1

Video: How to Setup Salesforce Basics: (Account Status, Data Setup + Transcript)

Management: Program Checklist Homework – (Pre-Onsite!)

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Module 01 – Getting Started 1: Nail your Niche, Personas, Outbound Emails, Phone Techniques.

Read Chapters 1 to 4 “Predictable Revenue Book”

Read “Nail Your Niche” Chapter 1 From Impossible to Inevitable Book

Quick Videos 1: Introduction Email 101, Cold Calling, Responses, Sending Enough Email.

Quick Videos 2: Reasons People Respond, What Not to Send, Referral Email Breakdown, When to Send Email.

Quick Videos 3: Negative Responses, Positive Responses, Personalized Emails, Body of Email, Insightful Questions, Conclusion.

“High Response Email Templates”

First Action: Jump in & Send your First Emails ?

5 short emails tips to get you started.

How to increase Email Responses

Initial Email Templates – Mass, Personalized, Customized, Enterprise.

Advanced / Direct Email Template Crafting & Sequencing

Example Cadence: Email, Phone, Social Media, Other….

Prep Video: Sell Ideas Not Stuff (2 mins)

Mapping Calls vs. Are We a Fit Calls – Key Differences

Mapping Calls Read Guide pptx

Prepare – Talking Points for Mapping Calls On-Site Live Training

Prep Video: Why “Nail your Niche” / Arc of Attention / Enrollment vs Pitching makes all the difference.

Review: How Do I Find My Niche?

Review: 5 Aspects of your Niche

Prep: for Nailing Your Niche – Workbook / Exercise

Personas / Psychographics: Workbook

Management & SDR(s) Prepared:

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Module 02: – Getting Started 2: Deep Dive 5-25 & ICP – Walk Before You Run!

Video: Deep Dive 5-25 Project – Walk before you Can Run

Action: Deep Dive 5-25 Project Instructions

Deep Dive 5-25: Customer Interview Guide

Overcoming Fear of Sales Calls

Personality Types – how different folks communicate

BDR MASTER WORKBOOK: Tracking Activities to Opportunities

Read: Mapping Calls Guide pptx.pdf

Mapping Call Cheat Sheet

3 Things every Enterprise Customer Wants to Know

Customer Success Case-Study Interview Questions

Review: Your ICP & Personas (Detailed)

Homework: Ideal Customer Profiles: Guided Workbook

Deep Dive Workbook Updated

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Module 03: Email Crafting – What To Do With Them
0. Message Mastery – Checklist for creating engaging email, voice-mail and telephone conversations

Review: High Response Email Templates

Review: Jump in and send some first emails

Review: Predictable Revenue: How To Increase Email Responses

B. Direct Email Template Crafting & Sequencing – Advanced Level

C. Keyword or Key Phrases

D. How to Kill a Word – Patrick McLean

E: Brainstorm First Email Template

F. Build Your Email Templates Workbook

Weekly Homework!!!

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Module 04: Learning: Success Requirements & Tripling Your Sales

STEP 1 Video: Success Requirements 1) Specialise your Roles – 2) Follow the Process (& transcripts)

Step 2A Video: Success requirement 3 “Smart Targeting” (& transcript)

Step 2B Video: Success requirement 4 “Moving Accounts through the Funnel” (& transcript)

Step: 3 Video: Success Requirement 5 “Quality of Target Prospects” (& transcript)

Step 4 Videos: Tripling Your Sales

Step 5A: Review 5 Step Outbound Process

Step 5B: Outbound Day In A Life – Day Planner

Weekly Homework – Update Your Workbook!

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Module 05: Advanced Email Crafting


Video 1: Red Herring

Video 3 Smash My Phone

Video 2 Email Template Obsession

E. If I had more time I would write a shorter letter

F. Types & Templates: Email Common Response Handling

G. Signature Template

H. Email Personalized/Direct Templates

I. Objection or Insightful Questions

J. 101-sales-email-templates_attach

K. Example Personalized Email Templates

L. Nurture Status Responses & Nurture Campaigns

4. Having Trouble Getting People On The Phone? (Email to a 10 min Qual. Call with a Decision Maker)

5. How To Break A Rep’s Bottleneck – “I’m not hitting quota. What’s wrong?”

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Module 06. Email Metrics (A/B Testing – Where’s the Bottleneck)

Step 2: Email Testing Order of Operations

Step 3: Loop in, CTA, and Handoff Follow up Cadence / Calibration

Step 4: Metrics: Objection Deflection: Great email response training

Step 5: Email Template: Objection Handling Tactics

Step 6: Email Objection Handling Tactic (Insightful Questions)

Comprehensive Milestones 1-5 Report

Domain, Web, and Email Hosting Explained

Email Deliverability – Prospecting Domains Managed by Predictable Revenue /

SMTP Sending Limit (Ramping & Email Sending Limits)

365 Works Hosted Email Service & Setup

Google Apps Hosted Email Solution Setup

Spam Scoring & Email Deliverability Apps

Spam Spam Spam

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Module 07: Phone Techniques Mapping Calls

Mapping Calls training video guide

Overcoming Fear of Sales Calls

Personality Types – Understanding Communication Styles

Mapping Calls Read Guide pptx.pdf

Mapping Calls Playbook: Be Prepared Conversation Starters & Talking Points

Mapping Call: Cheat Sheet/Script

How to Leave a Voicemail Message

Example Mapping Call Recording #1 Alicia & Aaron training

Example Mapping Call Recording #2 (clio – live calls with coaching from aaron)

Example Mapping Training Call Recording #3 (Clio + Mobileworks)

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Module 08: ‘Are We A Fit’ Calls & ‘Sales Qualified Lead’ Criteria


-Are We A Fit- AWAF Call Guide v4

3.15 scoping process.tiff

Green Flags – AWAF

7 Tips For “Are We A Fit” Calls

How to Make Prospecting Enjoyable

AWAF Calls + Ideal SDR-AE Practices

AWAF: Qualification Criteria Sale Accepted Lead/Opportunity

Homework: Pass The Baton (Qualifying an Opportunity)

AWAF Calls : Be Prepared / Call Flow Table / Objection Handling

Insider Sales Secrets and Why You Need to Feed the Squirrels

Objection Handling Guide


Keys to Successful Pitching

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Module 09: List Building, Targeting, Finding & Appending Companies & Contacts.

Step 1: Predictable Revenue: Building Your First List

Step 2: List Building Drill Down

Step 3: List Building & Advanced Resources – Company Insights, Contacts, Analytics etc..

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Module 10: “Prospector Sales Stacks” Apps, Tools, Software…

Prospecting software / tools / apps /data etc.

Sales & Marketing Technology Stack: blog post (tools & apps)

Predictable Revenue’s Acceleration Software: (Classifying & Answering Emails)

Predictable Revenue Acceleration Software – Product Client Playbook

Predictable Revenue Acceleration Software: Wiki Platform Support FAQ’s

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Module 11: CRM Part 1 SFDC Setup
Video: 3 mins Why Track Aaron (& Transcript)

Video: How to Use Salesforce: Data Setup SFDC (& Transcript)

CRM – “Configuring Your Sales System For Cold Calling 2.0” guide (Fields, Dashboards & Declutter)

Key Metrics & What To Put On Your Dashboards

Organizing Tips for Views and Workflow

Video: 8 Tips To Use SalesForce Effectively (& Transcript)

*Manage by Dashboard (build Reports & Dashboards – how to Documentation & Videos)

SFDC Deduping by Aaron

CRM Data Cleaning & Data Migration – tools

Video: Inbound lead dashboard configuration – by Aaron (& Transcript)

Video: Mass Email SetUp SFDC (& Transcript)

Video: BCC Email to SFDC (& Transcript)

Video: SFDC Aaron Undeliverable Email (& Transcript)

SFDC Opportunities Sales Stages/Process

Assignment – What Gets Measured Gets Managed

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Module 12: CRM Part 2 – SFDC (Account Status & Email Response Handling)

Video: SFDC Account Status ML (& Transcript)

Video: SFDC Mass Email Negative Response (& transcript)

Video: SFDC Mass Email Positive No Contact (& Transcript)

Video: SFDC Mass Email Response Handling (& Transcript)

Video: SFDC Mass Email Undeliverable ML (& Transcript)

Video: SFDC Positive Response ML (& Transcript)

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Module 13: CRM Inbound / Configure SFDC Dashboard / Lead Scoring / Funnels / Qualification Improvement


A/B Significance Test

Lead Funnel

Video: Create an Inbound Lead Dashboard

Lead Scoring: Marketo cheat sheet

Review: career path inbound outbound

Build a Bridge Between Sales and Marketing

Marketo Example Marketing Solutions

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Module 14: Time to Build Your Company Playbook

Time to Start Create Your Workbook: Example Playbook WorkFlow – (work as a team to build best practices!!)

Example Predictable Revenue Playbook

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Module 15: Why is Customer Success a Revenue Generator?

Customer Success is not about increasing customer satisfaction, but creating revenue growth.

Read: Customer Success (Flip to Slide 17) – Predictable Revenue ebook

Read: Customer Success (for more information & case-studies)

Customer Interviews Guide: Sample Questions

How to Write a Case Study (longer explanation)

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Module 16: Bonus Reading Materials – PR / Impossible to Inevitable / Revenue Funnel Science

Predictable Revenue Book

Read: From Impossible To Inevitable

Revenue Funnel Scienc