Aaron Doughty – 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge (Bonuses Included)


Aaron Doughty – 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge (Bonuses Included)How Would You Like Me to Hold You by the Hand as YouThe Abundance You Want, The Love You Want… The Success That You Want, Is Going To Be Determined By Your Vibration…YOU’RE ABOUT TO…FIND YOUR TRIBELooking for likeminded people to connect with? This challenge will be the greatest way to become a part of a high vibe tribe and feel supported as you raise your vibration.ATTRACT LOVEDiscover the secrets behind the love frequency and how to use it to effortlessly attract more love into your life or to amplify your current relationships.ATTRACT ABUNDANCEInstantly remove blocks and limitations so you attract abundance into your life fast without having to “chase” it or work hard to get it.LET GO OF FEARDiscover how to quickly sweep away fear and renew your mind, body, and spirit using this one powerful technique.TAKE BACK YOUR POWERIf you’re feeling powerless right now, then raising your vibration is the key to taking back your power and living life on your own terms.SHIFT INTO 5DStop being affected by 3D problems around you and shift into 5D where you can create your own reality of love, peace & joy.IF THESE SOUND FAMILIAR,THEN YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE…You Feel Overwhelmed, Stressed Or Like You Are You Going CrazyThis Raise Your Vibration Challenge will help you navigate through The Great Awakening that we’re all going through right now as a collective and the whirlwind of emotions that come with. When you’re in high vibration you’ll no longer be affected by these outside energies and circumstances. Instead, you’ll be able to create your own dream reality quicker and easier than you thought possible.You’ve Raised Your Vibration Before But You Always Seem To Fall Back Into Low Vibration Or Your Old DefaultThe same thing happened to me for a while. I would starting raising my vibration and have some cool breakthroughs but then would fall back down to the default. That would leave me confused wondering if it’s all worth it. The key is wiring in that dominant vibration consistently to make it permanent. Thats why this process is 21 days and included very specific ways to unlock your natural high vibration. 21 days will give the amount of time and energy it takes to make THIS vibration the new normal. Now THIS is a new normal I can get behind lol.You’re Unclear About Raising Your Vibration And Don’t See How It Can Help.Maybe you’ve heard about the benefits of raising your vibration for years, but every time you try it, it never seems to “work”. In this challenge I’ll explain clearly the science of raising your vibration – and you’ll quickly realize that you can do it too. I’ll also breakdown the benefits of each technique so you can start using the ones that are most helpful to you.WHY SHOULD YOU RAISE YOUR VIBRATION?Everything in the universe is energy and vibration, including YOU. The law of attraction states that like attracts like so your vibration influences the experiences, people, and situations you attract in your life.When you are in low vibration you will attract negative people or situations into your life and you’re likely to feel fearful, tired, angry and stressed all the time.When you’re in high vibration, you are able to see the positives in the world around you. You will be in a state of appreciation which opens you up for all the blessings to come into your life.You will experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy.  And you will be attracting more high vibrational people, emotions, and experiences into your life.During these times, it’s more important than ever before to raise your vibration. When you do, you will be free from fear and able to handle anything that comes your way with ease.HOW IT WORKS21 Daily LessonsFor the next 21 days, you’ll get a new lesson on raising your vibration from me every day.  Each guided meditation, method and lesson will help you raise your vibration in a way that fits into your daily life.Different TechniquesThroughout the 21 days, I’ll teach you many different techniques to raise your vibration from a meditation practice to forgiveness and healing. You might be surprised by what you love the most!Exclusive Member PlatformInside your members area, you’ll find all the lessons, training videos and guided meditations, along with checklists, downloads and my best resources for raising your vibration.Lifetime AccessYou’ll be able to return and review the material whenever you want. Whenever you are feeling low vibration, just log in to the members area and watch one of the lessons to instantly feel better!Community in High ViberHigh Viber is where you will find the videos as well as your fellow participants going through the challenge. This is where you can connect with other members and stay accountable during the process using the power of group energy.High Vibe Tribe AlumniHave access to the exclusive High Vibe Tribe Alumni facebook group, where I will be hosting monthly live meditations! This group is full of people committed to raising their vibration. Together, we will help motivate and support one another to become their best self.IN JUST 21 DAYS I’LL HELP YOU RAISE YOUR VIBRATION TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL, HERE’S HOWDay 1: Intention and AwarenessDay 2: Meditation Practice EssentialsDay 3: Anchor and Breaking Patterns​Day 4: The Amazing Power of Grounding​Day 5: Somatic Breathwork Release Session​Day 6: Exercise and Physical Body​Day 7: Forgiveness and Healing​Day 8: DEEPer Healing​Day 9: Letting go of Labels​Day 10: Letting Go Technique​Day 11: Letting Go of a Ex/Person​Day 12: Letting Go of the Outcome/Control​Day 13: The 5D Shift (never be the same)​Day 14: Self-Image and Stretching​Day 15: Changing Your Story​Day 16: The Simple Secret to Reality Shifting​Day 17: Connecting to Your Higher-Self​Day 18: Money Beliefs​Day 19: Love Beliefs​Day 20: Top Books​Day 21: PERMANENT SET-Point Wire inTHE RAISE YOUR VIBRATION CHALLENGE IS PERFECT FOR YOUIF YOU’RE READY TO…STAY ACCOUNTABLEYou don’t have to change your life alone! With the help of my structured teachings and the support of the High Vibe Tribe, you’ll always be held accountable to your goals.LEARN TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONIf you’re new to raising your vibration, this challenge will give you the step-by-step directions you need to feel confident! You’ll love it so much that you’ll keep coming back for more.FEEL HIGH ON LIFEYou’ll be amazed at how good it feels to be in a high vibration state. When you feel good, you attract miracles into your life, feel inspired to take action and much, much more!FEEL GROUNDEDBeing grounded is more important now than ever before. You’ll discover a variety of ways to ground yourself that are proven to improve your sleep and lower your stress levels.BECOME A MANIFESTING BEASTRaising your vibration is the key to making law of attraction work. You’ll discover my step-by-step formula on how to raise your vibration instantly to attract what you want in life.TURN SETBACKS INTO COMEBACKSWhen you start raising your vibration, your response to setbacks changes. You’ll start focusing more on the solutions than the problems and you’ll discover that everything is always happening for you.Here’s What You’ll Get When You Join The “Raise Your Vibration” Challenge Today!21 Days of Video Lessons from Aaron Doughty ($297 Value)​Access to the Community in High Viber ($97 Value)​Access to the High Vibe Tribe Alumni Facebook Group Where Aaron will host Monthly Live Meditations ($297 Value)BONUS #1: The Raise Your Vibrational Set-Point Event Recording ($197 Value)​BONUS #2: The Ultimate Somatic Breathwork Ceremony Video ($97 Value)There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.