6 in 1 Ultimate Social Media Traffic Solution


Unlock The Six-In-One Solution Which Will 6x Your Social Media Effectiveness – Whilst Cutting Your Time Spent in HALF.…Leaving You To Attract Prospects Faster, Make More Sales, And Grow Your Business On 6 Major Social Media Sites – All From One Easy To Use Platform… Dear Fellow Customer Hungry Marketer,In the next few moments, I will be releasing information to you that will change how you market your business on social media – forever. Giving you the power to 6x your social media impact across ALL platforms, gain more customers AND, most importantly, make more profit, all from just ONE clever piece of cloud software.We all know that Social Media dominates our lives. It’s everywhere we look… But that’s good news for you – as it also means it dominates your customers and prospective customers lives too. And you don’t have to very look far to generate new customers and look after existing ones – so long as you have a strong presence across all social media.Your social media reach has NEVER been more important. Without a doubt, Social Media has become a must-have ingredient in your marketing mix, for the simple reason that most prospects and customers now literally live on different social media. And that means it’s the easiest way to GET IN and KEEP IN your customer’s faces. So regular social media marketing is ESSENTIAL to attracting prospects, servicing your customers better, making more sales and growing your businesses. But here’s the fly in the ointment –There is such an overwhelming amount of social media platforms these days – utilizing them all is ESSENTIAL to reaching  your new prospects and customers. So to ensure you get maximum reach (AND maximum profit!) You have to be ALL over EVERY social media platform.It’s an undisputed fact that prospects favor certain social media platforms over others – but this is different for every single customer.But, I know, I know, it’s a daunting task to manage;  or market on each one of them manually;– And still be effective – without spending too much time, energy, personnel and resources Especially if you are managing your businesses social media on your own. It’s a big task –  And a time consuming one at that.In fact, SumoAll state simply – the more you post, the more engagement you get. Simple.‘Now and again’ updates just aren’t enough.The prospects and customers using these popular social media platforms, are addicted to constant, regular (relevant) content.They crave it, they demand it, you must give it to them regularly, or they are gone.Without constant content, posts, chats, interaction and other activities on your business social media accounts, your prospects and customers will simply disappear, or go to your competitors.SumAll recommend you post to:– Twitter 3 times a day– Facebook twice a day– Instagram twice per day– LinkedIn once per day– AND write 2 new blog posts per dayFor maximum social media engagementThat’s A LOT of work.SO MANAGING MULTIPLE SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS IS TIME-DRAINING – EXTREMELY TIME DRAINING – BUT ALSO ESSENTIAL So how do we get around this?There IS a solution that will allow you to effortlessly manage your major social media accounts from one central platform, with zero stress.And in just a moment – you’re going to be granted exclusive early accessto it.​Why?Well, we know it’s a huge challenge to you and many other marketers, and business owners, to constantly and simultaneously post, chat, manage, educate and deal with prospects and customers on your major social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tumbler and Different blogs. But we ALSO know it’s essential.According to research, 97% of those using social media to attract more prospects, service their customers better, make more sales and grow their business using social media marketing will failBecause they simply don’t have the time to cover all platforms often enough to get results.And if you’re in that 97%, reaching your goal, and having the time, the freedom, and the resources to do the things you love becomes impossible.Now with this software I CAN make you more time. I CAN cut down the time it takes you to manage your social media in half – AND 6x your impact, reach and customers at the same time.Making sure YOU don’t fall into that 97% of failures.How?   EasyWith this:Introducing:Social DaddyThe #1 Most Fully Featured Time-Saving, Result-Boosting Social Media Management Software On The Planet.The amazing Six-in-one social media management software that allows you to effortlessly manage your major social media accounts from one central platform, with zero stress. in 3 very simple steps.CREATE Quickly And Easily Compose posts using our onboard tools.POST Schedule and Make Social Media Posts across Multiple platforms in one single dashboard – and post with just one click. Your Social Media Management has NEVER been easier or faster!ANALYZE Insightful ‘at a glance’, detailed analytics to so you can get the very best results from every single one of your campaigns.Save time. Save Effort. Get BETTER Results.Why post to just 1 social media platform when you can post to 6 in the SAME time?Here’s Just a FEW of the Awesomely Powerful, Time-Saving, Effectiveness Boosting Features You’re Going To Experience as Soon as You Get Started With Social Daddy: (And THIS is JUST for Starters!)Setup scheduled, auto post to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress, Skype from one placeReceive Real-time message notification from ALL your social media accounts.Cross Delete your posts instantly from Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr & WordPress with just one click.1 click social share from ANY social media platform to the otherManage and respond to customer queries using Facebook Messenger Chat Bot1-Click Facebook Mass comment1-Click Mass Facebook group postManage ALL Your Facebook pages all from ONE dashboardMass private message to ALL your page fansFACEBOOK AUTO ENGAGEMENT BOTThe Holy Grail of Social MediaDrive Traffic to your new Offers with Social Daddy Auto Post CampaignNow Checkout, This Unique Twitter Features.VIEW YOUR TWITTER TIMELINEGet Live, by the second Updates of your twitter feeds.SEND DIRECT MESSAGE TO YOUR TWITTER FOLLOWERSMass message all followers with just ONE CLICKMANAGE YOUR PAGESManage ALL Your Twitter Accounts from ONE central dashboardCREATE AUTO POST CAMPAIGNSMass Retweet Mass ReplyGet brand new leads from twitter using the integrated twitter scraperINTERACT EASILY WITH YOUR INSTAGRAM FEEDView, Like and Comment on Images within your instagram TimelineSETUP AUTO FOLLOW CAMPAIGNuse Socialdaddy to Auto-magically Follow all users with a particular keyword in their bio.AUTO-UNFOLLOW USERS WHO ARE NOT FOLLOWING YOU.EASILY VIEW INSTAGRAM POPULAR FEEDBROWSE AND EXPLORE USER PRWHO ARE FOLLOWING YOU AND WHOM YOU ARE NOT FOLLOWING.VIEWTIMELINE OF INSTAGRAM ACTIVITY FROM YOUR FOLLOWERSCommunicate with thousands of audience across all your pages from one dashboard.Now Checkout, This Unique LinkedIn Features.SCHEDULE AND AUTOPOSTSchedule and Post Directly to your Linkedin Company Account, complete with Images and Text.CROSS SHARE POSTS FROM YOUR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS TO YOUR LINKED PAGEPOST AND RESPOND TO COMMENTSPost and Respond to Comments on Your Unkedin Company Account’s Updates.GENERATE TRAFFIC FOR YOUR NEW PROMOTIONS MASS POSTING NEW OFFERS VIA COMMENTS ON ALL YOUR EXISTING UNKEDIN POSTSThe Unique WordPress Features.PUBLISH NEW POSTS TO WORDPRESSCROSS PUBLISH NEW P< WORDPRESS TO YOUR MEDIA ACCOUNVIEW TRAFFICS STA WORDPRESS WEBSITE.CREATE AND POST NEW ARTICLES TO YOUR TUMBLR BLOGS.VIEW DETAILED ANALYTICS ON POSTSAND LIKE COUNTS.RESPOND TO COMMENTS ON YOUR PUBLISHED POSTSEASILY SHARE POSTS TO OTHER NETWORKS.And we know first hand exactly how Social Daddy will transform your business.It’s transformed ours.We’ve been exactly where you are now.Social Daddy was a huge solution that literally saved our social media marketing efforts, and CHANGED our entire business.Just like it is doing now for many others who joined our beta programme.Before we created the business-changing solution presented by SocialDaddy, it was an absolute nightmare trying to keep all our social media profiles up to date, chat with customers, post content to attract prospect and make meaningful attempts to make sales on social media.Managing our social media accounts was literally sucking the life and money out of us,And that was not even just doing it ourselves.We were also paying lots of freelancers to help us with content and posting on our different blogs, sites and social media accounts.We spent way too much time and resources, trying to be current and effective on all popular social media –And failed.Then we created Social Daddy.The all-in-one Social Media Platform that allows us to engage all top social media platforms from just one spot, and generate business on demand, using social media.The turn-around in our social media effectiveness and results was spectacular.As you can see here: Now, you can UPDATE, POST, CHAT, INTERACT, EDUCATE and MANAGE your followers and prospects all from one central location, with minimal efforts.Making Your Social Media Marketing Faster,  Easier And 6X More Effective.As you can see, we at Mobisoft have created a one of a kind, powerful solution that's currently changing businesses' social media marketing experiences for the better –Saving thousands of marketers like you, thousands of hours in their social media management – AND 6-xing their results as they go.Expanding their reach, growing their customer base and building their businesses faster than ever before.So you could do it the old, hard, time consuming way…Manually jumping from social media platform to social media platform…Desperately trying to cover all bases…Spending hours per day tirelessly logging in and posting on each individual platform…Multiple times per day…Over and over again.Or you could simply do it the faster, easier, more effective Social Daddy way:Step 1: CREATE       Step 2: POST       Step 3: ANALYZEAll with just ONE click – from just ONE dashboard.Save time. Save Effort. Get BETTER Results.With Social Daddy.Let’s have a closer look at these extremely powerful features you’re going to have in your social media arsenal as soon as you get started with Social Daddy:Cross Delete your post at once from Facebook, Linkedln, Instagram,Twitter, Tumblr & WordPress11 click social share from platform to the otherManage Your Facebook pages (with comment, reply) & groups (with comment, reply)1 Click Facebook Mass comment for trafficSetup Scheduled auto post to InstagramTwitter Send mass message to followersTwitter Mass ReplyAuto respond to your teams’ queries and enquiries on Slack using the slack BotView and delete your WordPress postReceive Real-time message notification from your social media accountsManage and respond to customer queries using Facebook Messenger Chat Bot1 Click Mass Facebook group postFacebook Mass message send to you page fansTwitter Account Manage (Sending direct message if available, reply, retweet)Mass RetweetGet new leads from twitter using the twitter scrapperManage and receive messages from LinkedInsend messages with Emoji with 1 click.And Here’s Why We Are Beating The Competition Hands Down:As you can see; we’re better and cheaper – with WAY MORE features than anyone else out there on the market.And the number of people this helps continues to grow much faster than we ever imagined.Our simple to use software solution is providing extraordinary results, for Marketers and Business Owners around the world, when it comes to social media marketing.Results like THIS:We have carefully designed your Social Daddy Solution to ensure it hasEVERYTHING you need to help manage your social media accounts more efficiently, use most popular social media to attract better prospects, interact with your customers, make more sales, and grow your business better than ever before –– Without the time, effort or stress of EVER needing to jump from one social media account to another every few minutes.And yes, you did tread that right.BUT that is ONLY for this exclusive launch period ONLY.The very second it’s over you will no longer be able to get started with Social Daddy for such a low one-time fee.In fact, you won’t be able to get it for a one-time-fee at all.Due to the massive on-going costs a quality service like this costs to run on a daily basis, we simply just wouldn’t be able to cover our costs by selling Social Daddy at this cost for any more than 5 days.In fact, we’d lose money. So YES we genuinely want to help businesses like yours, but we all know losing money in business ISN’T sensible.So, the very second this exclusive launch period is over, the price of this full, unrestricted Social Daddy package will revert to it’s usual selling price of $199? per month.That’s $199? each and every month. But buy clicking below here –You are giving yourself completely unrestricted access for just a one time investment of: And your membership will be grandfathered and locked in – so you will  NEVER have to pay another cent EVER AGAIN.