50 Most Popular Entrepreneurship Books Ever (2021)



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50 Most Popular Entrepreneurship Books Ever (2021)
Most Entrepreneurs know that they must use PRO Strategies to Scale their Business….
But they operate their Business like Amateurs
Lacking long term strategy
They are so busy trying to make just enough money to survive from month to month that they can’t think about clear  long term strategy to scale the business.
They are stuck in the hamster wheel of day-to-day grind.
Doing more but NOT making more
More sales, more campaigns, more offerings… more is their mantra!
Working harder. Working longer.
But doing more only leads to LINEAR growth – not Exponential SCALE.
Scaling up is a non-linear game.
Lacking systems & processes
They are busy doing everything in the business – operations, fulfillment, marketing, sales, finance…
But they lack the systems, processes and team to truly scale the business like a PRO.
Building a house of cards
The business feels shaky like a house of cards.
It does not have the foundations to withstand the challenging times that every great business must endure.
Online Entrepreneurs just can’t continue to struggle with these issues… Right?
We need proven strategies and frameworks to scale our business to the Next Level
Fortunately for you… I’ve created a super easy solution that has helped 65,000+ Entrepreneurs…
I extracted the most powerful lessons from each of the 50 Best Entrepreneurship Books
I created Concise and Actionable Video Summary of every book
All You need to do is this:

Watch our 15 minute Video Book Summaries from our library of 50 Greatest Entrepreneurship Book Summaries
Pick one of  over 300 actionable ideas, tips, tools, strategies and frameworks
Implement the idea
Scale Your Business as a result

Imagine the day when you have finally proven your doubters wrong
They finally RESPECT you
Imagine growing your business to the point that you finally earn the respect of the top players in your industry… the people you used to once look up to and learn from.
People now look up to you. Your peers respect you.
You are a Winner
Imagine your business numbers growing exponentially…. and hitting the mark where you know you’ve finally made it.
You are now a Business force and icon to reckon with.
You know you are legit.
You are FREE!
Imagine traveling around the Caribbean or Thailand or Bali or wherever you want… while your team is scaling your business with the systems and processes you installed in the Business.
You are hopping from island to island with your family…. enjoying the fruits of your labor and posting videos on Insta
You know you have earned every moment of it.
I did it too….
Because of applying the principles I learned from the greatest entrepreneurship books, I doubled this Business (2000 Books) in 2019…. While I  took 8 international trips….running my business from different parts of the world like Thailand, Bali and Mexico.
Hanging out with friends in Uluwatu on a Monday afternoon
3:30 PM: Working hard from the beaches of Koh Phangan, Thailand
Enjoying the Rice fields of Bali… while the business continues to make money
How would your Business be different if you could:

Grow your business using the same strategies used by Billionaire entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, Michael Dell and many others? They have taught those strategies in their books and I have extracted them for you
Easily launch new products/services using proven strategies and frameworks taught by star entrepreneurs?
Have your Business running and generating revenue on Auto-pilot… all because of the systems and processes you have learned from these great books.
Never be stuck in business again – because you NOW have access to the most powerful business ideas, strategies and frameworks that can help you break through even the most challenging business problems in a matter of minutes… not years.

I know how frustrating and confusing it is especially when you feel you’ve tried everything….

Reading random blogs from unknown sources and applying random business hacks
Listening to fake online gurus who haven’t built a legit business themselves
Creating plan after plan – but not getting results from those plans
Taking one course after another – hoping that the next course will be the answer to your prayers.
You don’t have the time and money to waste on things that just aren’t working…like branding, logos, fancy websites and random business coaches who can’t make money in their own business
You have a tightness in your chest, knowing that next month you’ll need to generate revenue – all over again!

You may have been struggling with inconsistent growth, broken systems and up and down numbers… until NOW.
There’s a Secret Behind the Success of Some of the Most Successful Entrepreneurs Today
And it’s time for you to be let in on their secret…
Did you know that Elon Musk read all the books in his school library by the age of 14?
Do you know that Jeff Bezos runs his own Executive Book Club where he discusses the best business books with his executives?
Do you know that Warren Buffet reads over 5 hours a day.. even though he is over 80 yrs old.
As you can see… the greatest Entrepreneurs out there read like crazy. They read voraciously because they know that books have all the answers they need to get to the next level.
* 1 of the Books summarized in the Entrepreneurship Summary Pack is Jeff Bezos’ favorite business book of all time.
I understand that you are busy trying to grow your business and you may not have the time to read a new 400 page Business book every week.
Instead of wasting years and years trying to figure it out all on your own or listening to fake online gurus…..
Why not learn from the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and business thinkers?
Great entrepreneurs and business thinkers have already shared their blueprints on building great businesses….
All their knowledge is captured in the greatest and most highly-rated Entrepreneurship Books ever written.
Instead of reading a book for 2 months, you can watch our summary videos explaining the most powerful and actionable ideas from the book in a matter of 20 minutes.
In less than 20 minutes from now, you can download the most important and actionable ideas from a great business book into your brain – and start applying them.
Unlike trying to follow some random online guru, the Entrepreneurs Book Summary pack has proven advice from the most successful and well-known entrepreneurs out there.
How different would your day to day life be if you had:

The confidence to move forward without wondering “what plan should I be executing on?”
A more consistent source of income so you don’t have to worry if you can turn on the heat next month or not
More passion and a sense of purpose. So you can feel excited to jump out of bed every morning…. Ready to take the business to the next level

We spent over 1000 hours creating the Entrepreneurship Book Summary Pack…
1 Step 1 – We curated the 50 highest rated entrepreneurship books of all time
2 Step 2 – We Read studied those 50 book with full focus – highlighting and taking detailed notes
3 Step 3 – We extracted the 5-10 most actionable and impactful ideas from each book
4 Step 4 – We explained those ideas in simple, actionable videos – summarizing each book in 15-20 minute videos
5 Step 5 – We organized and packaged all those Book Summaries for easy access in the Entrepreneurship Book Summary Pack
Dear Frustrated Entrepreneur,
Do you wish to get answers to your business challenges from verified and reputable Business Leaders?
Would you like to get instant answers to Entrepreneurial challenges like….

How do I validate my business idea?
What all do I need to do to get started in Business?
How can I start a legit business without flushing all of my life’s savings into it?
How can I turn my idea into a thriving business?
Strategy and Leverage
How do I separate myself from the competition?
What is the best strategic move I need to make right now in order to grow the business?
How can I create massive results with minimal effort?

Product Launch

How do I launch a Product?
How do I create buzz for my product?
How do I get more people to buy my products?
What is the right product to launch at this stage of my business?
How to innovate in a crowded marketplace
How to find breakthrough ideas that drown the competition
How to make money from your innovative ideas

Systems & Processes 

What kind of business systems do I need at the current stage of my business?
How can I design my business to run itself?
How do I install high leverage systems?

Lifestyle Business

How do I create a Business that supports my dream lifestyle rather than the business running my life?
How can I build a Business that I can run from any corner of the world?
How do I get the business to generate cashflow on demand?

Scaling Your Business
How can I scale my Business rapidly?
What did Billionaire Entrepreneurs do to scale their business and create massive value?
How do I get lots of customers quickly with +ve ROI

How to win in Business
How to handle the painful ups and downs of business and never quit
How to develop a Million $ Mindset
How do Billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson think and execute?

What if you could finally crush your Competition with:

A clear vision of exactly how to grow and scale your business rapidly
Power Strategies to launch innovative products, acquire plenty of customers, grow your team and make big profits
Streamlined systems and processes to automate your business so that you can make $$$ while you sleep.
Winning Entrepreneurial Mindset that Billionaires have been using to grow their giant enterprises.

We Crafted the Perfect Solution for You
We extracted the Most Powerful and Actionable Strategies, Ideas, Tips, Tools, Techniques and Frameworks from the 50 Best Entrepreneurship Books ever written
In less than 3 minutes, you can have access to over 300 proven strategies on:

 Starting a Business
 Launching Products
 Growing & Scaling
Lifestyle Business
Business Strategy
 Business Systems & Processes
 Entrepreneurial Management
 Pricing Models
 Finding Customers

You deserve to have a fast growing, wildly profitable business – not a frustrating, money-draining business that feels like a soul-sucking endless job.
Never again lose your appetite or get heart palpitations or spend sleepless nights wondering how you will generate revenue next month to keep the lights on.
In less than 3 minutes, you can unlock the secrets to fast business growth of some of the Top Entrepreneurs out there.
50 Entrepreneurship Book Summaries

Video Summaries of the 50 Best Entrepreneurship Books
15+ Hours of Video Content
300+ Actionable Entrepreneurship Tips, tools, strategies and tactics at your fingertips.

Put the financial worry and stress behind you.
Stop worrying if the business will survive another month…. because you have put in powerful systems and processes that you learned from these great books.
Stop worrying if you will need to get a regular “9-5” job someday because business might not work out.
Now you have access to proven Business principles and strategies that have been used by entrepreneurs to build Billion $ Businesses.
Think of all the people who doubted you….. All the people in your life that didn’t believe that YOU could build a great business.
Picture their faces when they see you growing your business and enjoying your life …. while they are grinding it out.