4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun Hadsall


Total Size:Digital products: Get the download link at Account or directly via email.Support: LifetimeDownload: Unlimited Of Course 4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun HadsallPurchase 4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun Hadsall courses at here with PRICE $70 $32When purchasing 4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun Hadsall course, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun HadsallWHY JAPANESE MEN AND WOMEN NEVER GET FATThe “Ancient Japanese Secret” You DON’T Know About That’s STOPPING Your Body From Burning More Stubborn FatDid you know that the Japanese are the LEANEST and HEALTHIEST people on the planet?They are more likely to reach 100 years old than anyone else in the world, a fact that most researchers attribute to their diet.In fact, many call their home “The Land of Immortals”.In addition to their high life expectancy, they are known for their unusually low mortality from cardiovascular disease and even certain types of cancers.THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE: They are 8 times LESS likely to die from coronary heart disease, 7 times LESS likely to die from prostate cancer, 6.5 times LESS likely to die from breast cancer, and 2.5 times LESS likely to die from colon cancer than an average American of the same age.And get THIS: the Japanese have the LOWEST rates of obesity (only 2.9%) in the world, versus 11% for the French and 32% for Americans, according to the International Obesity TaskForce.So evidence clearly proves they live LEANER and age SLOWER than the rest of the world.So what exactly is this Mysterious and FORGOTTEN Fat Burning Nutrition Secret of the Japanese?A strategic diet that contains MORE carbs… instead of LESS.YES, you heard it right!The traditional Japanese diet consists of 85% carbohydrates, 9% protein, and only 6% fat…I’m not advocating you eat like this – NO WAY! You still have to be “smart” about it by using the Carb Cycling solution found below.But it proves once and for all, that despite all the bad press over the years, many high carb foods like potatoes and rice do NOT make you fat.Make no mistake about it. The Japanese diet staples are high carb foods like white rice and Samurais were even known for eating up to 24 different varieties of potatoes!Ironically, to this very day they’re STILL the leanest and healthiest people in the whole world.Eating carbs like this would be considered CRAZY by today’s low carb diet standards.But the Japanese continue to break all the rules and eat carbs. LOTS of them.How do the Japanese continue to eat a HIGH carb diet, while keeping the fat off their body to stay leaner and healthier than the rest of the world year after year?Let me tell you the real truth about the Japanese from the story above that keeps them leaner and healthier than everybody else…Many of the “forbidden” High Carb foods you THINK you need to avoid actually help you burn WAY MORE fat than popular Low Carb Diet Foods you eat everydayDo you really think lean and healthy people, like the Japanese, obsess over choosing low glycemic foods, counting calories and carb grams?Absolutely not: It’s been a part of their culture for hundreds of years.You might think it’s all in their genes, but when Japanese people adopt a western-style diet, they put on weight quickly and gain fat rapidly just like we do.That’s because the Japanese were raised differently than you so they unknowingly have access to a diet secret that doctors and researchers have been missing out on for years…ANY Person At ANY Age Can REPROGRAM Their Metabolism To Burn MORE Fat By Strategically Eating MORE Carbs…But that’s not all. The most important piece of the fat loss puzzle is what’s been known since the days of the caveman.MOST of these foods are NOT what you think they are.As you’ll discover below, most of the lower carb diet foods you think help you burn fat could actually be making you fatter with every bite, while eating many of the high carb foods you try to avoid can actually help you burn MORE fat.You just have to be smart about it.Even though BOTH of these ladies have the EXACT same size 2 body, the physique on the right is comprised mostly of dense, shapely, tone muscle, while the image on the left…isn’t.The unfortunate reality is that 99% of Low Carb Diets result in a significant amount of muscle loss. Although the girl on the left looks “ok”… the girl on the right looks smokin’ HOT.Everything you’ve been told about eating carbs for fat loss is DEAD WRONG.In fact, LACK of healthy carb intake is the primary reason 86% of today’s exercisers and dieters look and feel terrible because it robs you of energy, SLOWS down your metabolism, and STOPS your body from burning fat.Once you understand the REAL truth about carbs and YOUR body…You don’t have to adhere to a strict, complicated diet all the time…There will be NO more struggling to always keep your carbs low…You’ll never have to obsess over counting calories or carb grams again…And you won’t have to deprive yourself at social events and parties in fear of gaining ugly belly fat…Here’s Just a Small Taste of What Will Happen When You Reprogram Your Body Using My Carb Cycling Solution Below…As you’ll soon discover below, Carb Cycling is something that ANYBODY at ANY age can use to ERASE stubborn fat faster, while still eating LOTS of your favorite carbs.That’s the Carb Cycling advantage. It PROTECTS your metabolism and KEEPS your body burning fat for the long haul. See for yourself…Get Results FAST In Less Than 7 Days (Stop burning sugars, Start burning fat)END Your Body’s “Addiction” To Burning Nothing But Sugars and REPROGRAM YOUR BODY—to burn the fat FIRST, not LAST (and keep it off for good) in only one week’s time.Become “fat adapted” and lose up to 11 pounds in the first 7 days.Break your dependence and addiction to the WRONG carbs in the very first week.Use carb-cycling to lose fat FASTER, while making your diet FUN!Get Results FAST In Less Than 7 Days (Stop burning sugars, Start burning fat)PROGRAM Your Body to NEVER Store Carbs as Fat (STOP carb based “fat spillover”)Learn how to eat carbs the RIGHT way to increase insulin sensitivity, while you fight against diabetes and insulin resistanceConfidently know that EACH and EVERY time you eat carbs you’re increasing your body’s fat burning power AND metabolic healthMAXIMIZE your genetic fat burning potential WITHOUT diet plateaus or extreme dietingDOUBLE Your Rate of Fat Burning EVERY Time You Exercise(2 minute fat burning shortcut)Discover a 2 minute shortcut you can use in conjunction with carb-cycling to DOUBLE your rate of fat burning (No extra workout time required).Stimulate Anti-Aging hormones to keep you looking younger and shedding more unwanted weight.Increase Oxygen and Blood Flow to increase your fat burning efficiency TEN FOLD. [3][3]Davis, et. al. Concurrent training enhances athletes’ strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487–1502.SPIKE Your Fat Burning Hormones For Faster and More Consistent Fat Loss (increase thyroid and leptin sensitivity)STOP the hormonal damage of “low carb dieting”, which suppresses your thyroid and leptin levels significantly.RESET the fat-burning hormones that keep your metabolism and body healthy.Increase leptin sensitivity and help your thyroid convert T4 to T3 more efficiently.Build MORE Lean Muscle, for a Sexy and Attractive Body Shape (avoid the “skinny fat” syndrome)Discover why eating MORE carbs is the BEST way for you to get a lean, sexy, attractive body shape.“SPARK” and REVIVE Your Dead Metabolism, While You Prevent the Breakdown and Loss of Lean Muscle.AVOID the muscle loss that accompanies 99% of all low carb diets.Be 100% PROUD OF YOUR BODY again!SKYROCKET Your Energy Levels “Naturally” (increase your brain power and make yourself SMARTER)  Automatically produce more neurotransmitters to help your body AND mind stay sharp during prolonged periods of work, sleep deprivation, and other stressful situations…like everyday life.Discover foods that your body was genetically designed to run on, so you can instantly increase your energy levels and brain power to GET MORE DONE on a daily basis.Get an extra pep in your step, while fueling exercise and other every day activities.It fits PERFECTLY Into Your Busy LifestyleDo you hate having to go out of your way to try and find healthy diet foods every time you eat out or go to lunch? No problemo! We gotcha covered.No need to avoid carbs when you’re living the ULTRA-CONVENIENT carb-cycling lifestyle! You just have to be a little strategic about it.The perfect nutrition solution for anybody who travels, as well as busy moms, and ANYBODY in between. So what in the world is this sensible nutrition solution that can help you “outsmart” your metabolism and conquer weight loss plateaus once and for all? Introducing…The Carb-Cycling Nutrition Solution For Every Person Who’s Frustrated With Strict, Complicated Diets That Constantly RESTRICT Carbs But Deliver ZERO Results…Why is Macro-Patterning™ The Most Sensible Solution to FASTER Fat Loss and Permanent Weight Management?It OVERCOMES the 5 biggest dieting adaptations your body goes through… all of which create weight loss plateaus, stop your fat loss, slow down your metabolism, zapping your body of energy, and suppressing critical hormones.Here they are…Carb Cycling Advantage #1: Manipulate Fat and Energy StoresDiscover how to effectively use all your excess fat and the food you eat everyday MUCH more efficiently as IMMEDIATE energy, instead of storing it as fat.Macro-Patterning™ allows you to manipulate stored energy in your muscles and liver (i.e. glycogen), which means FASTER more efficient fat loss and healthier metabolism.When you crack the fat loss code with carb cycling, you’ll take a few days of the week to lower glycogen levels just enough for your body to grab and burn fat.When you learn the simple science behind the fat loss code and break it forever, you approach nutrition and fat loss with a logic of knowledge (coming from a place of POWER)… NOT the “emotional” attachment to the latest diet of the week.Carb Cycling Advantage #2: Protect and Support MuscleThe very FIRST thing your body wants to do when you diet is shed precious muscle. But it can’t do so if it’s PROTECTED. The only way to get YOUR body to burn fat, instead of muscle, is to make it easier to do so.And when you have more muscle, you can get away with eating LOTS more of your favorite foods because you burn more calories and your energy tank becomes largely EXPANDED.More muscle means a healthier metabolism that loves to burn MORE fat—all while boosting your metabolism and keeping you YOUNGER looking.That’s what makes Macro-Patterning™ so effective. It protects and supports your muscle to help you AVOID the “skinny fat” look.Carb Cycling Advantage #3: Stabilize Blood Sugar and CONTROL InsulinThe third adaptive response that you need to overcome is managing insulin and controlling blood sugar levels.Chronically increased insulin levels and elevated blood sugar promote fat storage, ages you at an accelerated rate, while stable blood sugar and insulin levels make it much EASIER for your body to use stored fat as fuel.You may think this is accomplished by just using LOW carb foods, but quite the contrary. You can still eat many of your favorite HIGH carb foods, while keeping blood sugar and insulin at bay. It’s all about managing 3 simple things: Portion Sizes, Timing, and Combinations.Besides, most of us just abandon these low carb types of plans anyway. They’re not realistic for our way of life.Don’t worry; we leave NOTHING to chance. Once you learn how easy it is to carb cycle, it truly takes all the guesswork out of blood sugar and insulin.Carb Cycling Advantage #4: Produce More HeatThe fourth adaptive dieting response to overcome is the body’s needs for consistent energy.To use fat more consistently as fuel, you’ll need to naturally “heat up” the body. This is done by using carb cycling to balance your calorie intake and regulating your thyroid and leptin levels (fat burning hormones).When you heat up your body by Macro-Patterning™, more energy is used, and your body fat becomes a DIRECT SOURCE OF FUEL.Carb Cycling Advantage #5: Create a “Fat Burning” Energy DeficitThe fifth and final step to MAXIMIZE your fat burning efficiency and give you optimal health is creating a “fat burning energy deficit”, which sends a powerful “signal” for your body to use excess fat you have stored.There are two simple ways to create a “fat burning energy deficit”:1) Manipulate Calories2) Exercise and Move MoreWith Macro-Patterning™, we show you how to use BOTH of these strategies simultaneously so your body knows how to “go get the fat” FIRST.  When we create a healthy “fat burning energy deficit”, the body automatically uses more fat for an energy sourceThe Carb-Cycling Nutrition Solution For Every Person Who’s Frustrated With Strict, Complicated Diets That Constantly RESTRICT Carbs But Deliver ZERO Results…Why is Macro-Patterning™ The Most Sensible Solution to FASTER Fat Loss and Permanent Weight Management?It OVERCOMES the 5 biggest dieting adaptations your body goes through… all of which create weight loss plateaus, stop your fat loss, slow down your metabolism, zapping your body of energy, and suppressing critical hormones.Here they are…Carb Cycling Advantage #1: Manipulate Fat and Energy StoresDiscover how to effectively use all your excess fat and the food you eat everyday MUCH more efficiently as IMMEDIATE energy, instead of storing it as fat.Macro-Patterning™ allows you to manipulate stored energy in your muscles and liver (i.e. glycogen), which means FASTER more efficient fat loss and healthier metabolism.When you crack the fat loss code with carb cycling, you’ll take a few days of the week to lower glycogen levels just enough for your body to grab and burn fat.When you learn the simple science behind the fat loss code and break it forever, you approach nutrition and fat loss with a logic of knowledge (coming from a place of POWER)… NOT the “emotional” attachment to the latest diet of the week.Carb Cycling Advantage #2: Protect and Support MuscleThe very FIRST thing your body wants to do when you diet is shed precious muscle. But it can’t do so if it’s PROTECTED. The only way to get YOUR body to burn fat, instead of muscle, is to make it easier to do so.And when you have more muscle, you can get away with eating LOTS more of your favorite foods because you burn more calories and your energy tank becomes largely EXPANDED.More muscle means a healthier metabolism that loves to burn MORE fat—all while boosting your metabolism and keeping you YOUNGER looking.That’s what makes Macro-Patterning™ so effective. It protects and supports your muscle to help you AVOID the “skinny fat” look.Carb Cycling Advantage #3: Stabilize Blood Sugar and CONTROL InsulinThe third adaptive response that you need to overcome is managing insulin and controlling blood sugar levels.Chronically increased insulin levels and elevated blood sugar promote fat storage, ages you at an accelerated rate, while stable blood sugar and insulin levels make it much EASIER for your body to use stored fat as fuel.You may think this is accomplished by just using LOW carb foods, but quite the contrary. You can still eat many of your favorite HIGH carb foods, while keeping blood sugar and insulin at bay. It’s all about managing 3 simple things: Portion Sizes, Timing, and Combinations.Besides, most of us just abandon these low carb types of plans anyway. They’re not realistic for our way of life.Don’t worry; we leave NOTHING to chance. Once you learn how easy it is to carb cycle, it truly takes all the guesswork out of blood sugar and insulin.Carb Cycling Advantage #4: Produce More HeatThe fourth adaptive dieting response to overcome is the body’s needs for consistent energy.To use fat more consistently as fuel, you’ll need to naturally “heat up” the body. This is done by using carb cycling to balance your calorie intake and regulating your thyroid and leptin levels (fat burning hormones).When you heat up your body by Macro-Patterning™, more energy is used, and your body fat becomes a DIRECT SOURCE OF FUEL.Carb Cycling Advantage #5: Create a “Fat Burning” Energy DeficitThe fifth and final step to MAXIMIZE your fat burning efficiency and give you optimal health is creating a “fat burning energy deficit”, which sends a powerful “signal” for your body to use excess fat you have stored.There are two simple ways to create a “fat burning energy deficit”:1) Manipulate Calories2) Exercise and Move MoreWith Macro-Patterning™, we show you how to use BOTH of these strategies simultaneously so your body knows how to “go get the fat” FIRST.  When we create a healthy “fat burning energy deficit”, the body automatically uses more fat for an energy source.Are you interested in? solution definition; solution synonym; solution definition chemistry; solutionreach;solutions and other problemsPurchasing 4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun Hadsall course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Purchase 4 Cycle Solution for Fatloss – Shaun Hadsall courses at here with PRICE $70 $32