3Rs Royalties, Retainers, and Recurring Revenue Complete Virtual Program – Kim Krause Schwalm


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: https://archive.is/wip/sQmmTBuy now $29 $350, 3Rs Royalties, Retainers, and Recurring Revenue Complete Virtual Program – Kim Krause Schwalm Course.Introducing…The 3 R’s: Royalties, Retainers & Recurring Revenue— The Ultimate Freelance Business-Building Intensive The 3 R’s: Royalties, Retainers & Recurring Revenue is a 3-part virtual training program. It’s the ultimate freelance business-building intensive… and it’s unlike anything you’ve seen before.This virtual training program is designed to show you just how easy it can be to land royalty, retainer, and recurring revenue deals in your freelance copywriting business.The entire program was recorded LIVE on interactive group calls with detailed slides. Every word was captured on transcripts for easy reference. And a fourth Q&A call was thrown in at the last minute.Throughout these no-holds-barred calls, Kim and Chris walked a small group of copywriters step-by-step through the system they use to land these kinds of deals… leaving no stone unturned. No filters, no secrets withheld–just the down-and-dirty details no one tells you (and that you usually have to learn from the “school of hard knocks”!)Kim and Chris not only did a deep dive into the topics of landing royalty, retainer and recurring revenue deals… they also answered all of the attendees’ troubleshooting questions in real time. It’s all recorded for you on video – and you can see how these strategies were implemented in real life negotiations.This isn’t one of those “just follow the instruction manual” type trainings… this program gives you the strategies–along with the tools– you need to overcome any obstacle standing in your way of landing bigger and better copywriting deals.Here’s a quick overview of what’s covered in this program:Training Session #1How To Jumpstart Your Freelance Earnings With Recurring Revenue Deals This is where you start building the foundation for your copywriting business—and open the door for other forms of ongoing or passive income.It starts with finding the right clients… turning them into REPEAT clients… and building a steady stream of cold, hard cash that comes in month after month like clockwork!In this module, you’ll discover…What a recurring revenue copywriting deal is… and how to set your business up so you can get paid over and over again.A simple process for turning any “one-off” copy job into two… three… even five more gigs without having to hard sell or pressure your clients. (Do it right… and they’ll be ecstatic to send you as much work as you can handle.)The 5 steps to finally landing all the recurring revenue deals you can handle. (Works even if you’re just starting out and are brand new to copy!)A set of “non-negotiable” criteria for finding copywriting clients who WANT to reward copywriters with recurring revenue arrangements. Plus one HUGE RED FLAG you need to watch out for (If they start talking about ________, they might as well have “DANGER DANGER” flashing over their head).Should you take the time teach your clients about copy? The surprising advice Kim & Chris give to anyone who’s working with less informed clients.this areaThe 9 characteristics to look for in a good client. Once you know what to look for, it’s easy to find the clients who are serious and actually have money to pay for your talents.The best (and worst) places to look for high quality copywriting clients who not only have money to pay you… but are EXCITED about throwing big sums of money at writers who do a good job.What do you do if you don’t have any samples? Here’s a simple way to have a portfolio that will blow away any potential client within the next 30 days.The simple “client-getting” exercise that helped propel David Ogilvy from a fry cook to owner of The World’s Largest Advertising Agency. Even if you want to stay a freelancer your entire life, if you spend a few minutes doing this… you’d be amazed how many “dream clients” you can land.Where copywriting clients hang out in droves…and why rookie freelancers ignore the gold mine hidden right under their nose.How to get close to clients and important decision makers at the companies you’d like to work for. (Most of the time, they’re hiding in plain sight… and you can get an “in” a lot easier than you think.)What you should NEVER do when a prospective client contacts you. This common negotiation-killing mistake ruins your pricing and reputation.The 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES copywriters make when they look for clients. If you’re doing any one of these things… clients will run in the opposite direction, fast!The one piece of advice you need to hear if you’ve ever doubted yourself or your abilities to help a client. (Once you hear this, your imposter syndrome will start to subside… and you’ll start to believe in yourself and your skills.)What are the most common pain points big companies have? (Once you know these 8 pain points, it’s like playing with cheat codes. You’ll know exactly how to steer any conversation in the right direction… which will make getting the gig easier than ever before.)A case study breakdown of how Chris turned one copywriting job into 3 more jobs with the same client… without having to pressure, hard sell or look needy. In fact, after he did this… these clients only want to work with him. He explains how YOU can flip the script and become your client’s “go-to” copywriter.What do you do if you DON’T have “conversion percentages” to show potential clients? Can you still get hired? As it turns out… there’s an easy way to flip this question back into your clients and get hired even if you don’t have a laundry list of tested campaigns to fall back on.5 big marketing problems every client has that they want help solving. Know these… and you’ll look like a “conversion genius” in their eyes.How to go from just being another “order taking” copywriter who writes anything a client sends them… to being a “problem-solving” copywriter who gets paid big bucks not only to write, but to advise and strategize.The one Netflix show every copywriter needs to watch at least five times if you want to fast-track your career. Yes. Five times! (Chris swears by this.)How do you get clients if you’re just starting out? Even if you’re starting from scratch, Chris and Kim lay out a few foolproof strategies that can get you copy gigs in the next few days.Should you ever offer to work for free? Kim and Chris get into a little spat on this topic… but the stories they share can radically change the trajectory of your copywriting careerCongrats, you got the job! But… how do you keep your clients happy? Focus on these four things and you’ll have clients coming back to you again and again.Kim’s biggest career regret…and how freelancers can easily avoid her mistake (hint: it costs you NOTHING to do it and it can build your business MUCH faster).How to avoid giving “desperate vibes”–even if you’re a rookie copywriter and have never worked with a client before.Why Chris was able to accelerate his career faster than most other copywriters… and his best advice that’ll help you start working with better clients who pay big fees even faster.The secret to winning any client’s respect… and to finally start getting paid what you’re truly worth.4 ways to avoid being labeled a pain in the ass copywriter. How to keep yourself “refer-able” in an industry where everybody talks.Questions to ask yourself if you ever get offered an “in-house” gig. There are a lot of factors to think about. And you need to consider the things Kim and Chris discuss hereAnd much more!Training Session #2How To Find And WIN High Four-Figure Retainer Deals This is where the rubber meets the road. No more waking up in bed sweating over how you’re going to pay the bills. No more desperate trolling for clients online or at networking events. No more hanging onto your day job while you grind away at night on low-paying freelance gigs.Get a few of these lucrative retainer arrangements under your belt and you can rest easy, regain your dignity, and say “Buh-bye” to that pain-in-the-neck boss!In this module, you’ll discover…Why clients WANT to retain copywriters. If you can do any one of these five things for a client, they’ll want to keep you paying you forever.Have retainer deals been hiding right under your nose this entire time? Chris opens your eyes and reveals dozens of “once-hidden” retainer opportunities you can pursue immediately… no matter where you live or what kind of copy you write.Hookers, hitmen, and… $10,000 copywriting retainers? Discover the one surprising place where you can find a plethora of hidden copywriting opportunities. (Most people would NEVER think to look here.)How many clients do you need to get to $100k/year? A lot less than you think. (Here’s a hint: you can count the number on one hand. Learn how to negotiate the kind of deals that make hitting your income goals a breeze.)How to build a “moat of security” that will keep you booked, busy and bursting at the seams with client work for the rest of your life.The one daily habit that ALL of the world’s most successful copywriters share. Start doing this TODAY and you’ll be amazed where it takes you!How to land well-paying retainer gigs even if you’re brand new to writing copy. Just follow these 4 simple steps.How to spot (and land) a retainer gig with a big name client who can accelerate your career and fast-track you to the big leagues of copywriting.Want new retainer gigs to show up in your email inbox on a monthly (even weekly) basis? YES, it’s possible. You can make this happen in as little as 20-30 minutes. Kick your feet up, sit back, relax… and cherry-pick the clients you’d love to work with.What to type into your search bar to find dozens of hot and fresh retainer gigs that are waiting to be filled by writers like YOUA step-by-step breakdown into how Chris landed one of his dream clients… and how you can do the same.Where to find high-paying copy retainers on Facebook. The best part? You won’t have to post “value bombs” 10x a day and get mass-unfollowed by your friends and family membersTwo popular websites most copywriters avoid like the plague… even though they are brimming with high-quality, high-paying copywriting retainer gigs.A simple way to beat out 99% of the other copywriters you’re competing with so you can WIN more gigs, with a lot less stress.How to ACE an interview with a client… and the questions you should ask that make you stand out, get remembered and ultimately win the gig.What to NEVER do when you’re on the first interview call with a client. Most copywriters do this… and it ruins their chances of ever getting hired.What do clients look for when they’re looking to hire a writer to join their team? These 4 things are very high on their priority list… and you NEED to know them if you want to have a shot.3 “word-for-word” scripts you can use on a call with a potential client that immediately PROVE to your clients that you are the best copywriter for the job. You can read them off these slides… and watch your clients eyes light up.What happens if a client asks you a question you don’t have an answer for? Here’s how to navigate that situation, avoid looking like an idiot and come out looking like a true professional who they’ll still want to hire.How do you actually close the deal after talking with a client who’s interested in hiring you for a retainer? Follow this 73-word script and clients will be whipping out their checkbook to pay you.How to turn a one-off gig into a retainer deal. (hint: dangle the carrot)The 4 types of retainer deals. How to structure each deal. How to introduce the offer to a client. And the pro’s and con’s of each one.The easiest type of retainer deal to close… and exactly what to say that will get clients to say “yes.”What happens if your client starts to scope creep your retainer deal? Use this kind of retainer deal structure to make a killing anytime they start asking for more work.Want to stop trading time for money? Learn about the one kind of retainer that’s perfect for fast writers who want to get all their work done and spend the rest of their time lounging around.Want to stop writing so damn much but STILL get paid a ton? Discover one type of retainer deal that’s perfect for writers who know a thing or two about strategy.One thing you should do each month with your retainer clients that keeps them happy and gets them excited to keep paying you. Works like a charm… and it’s a true win-win.What should you include in your retainer contract? Chris and Kim are NOT lawyers… but they reveal a few important things they like to have in all of their agreements with clients.How to get your current retainer clients to introduce you to other, high quality clients in their network.The secret to getting people to refer you new retainer clients. (It’s sound too easy but it really works!)The best retainer model for rookie copywriters. Chris says “it’s so easy for the client to understand and say YES to this… it takes almost no negotiation skills, whatsoever.”And much, much more…Input your text in this areaTraining Session #3Generating True Passive Income Through Royalty Deals This is the “holy grail” of freelance copywriting and consulting. It’s entirely possible to have fat 4- and 5-figure checks stuff your mailbox (or hit your bank account directly) while you’re lolling on the beach or hanging out in tapas bars in Barcelona… or simply cutting your hours in half so you can make it to your kids’ soccer games and school performances.It’s like the old 80s’ tune by Dire Straits, “Money for Nothing”…except it’s for something. In some cases, something you wrote several months if not YEARS ago! (Yes—for real: Kim’s had several controls that have paid her steady royalty income for as long as 10 years!) We’re going to spill all the secrets on how to negotiate and score the best royalty deals—and which ones to AVOID.In this module, you’ll discover…The one thing you MUST do if you want to start earning big royalty checks.3 ways to maximize your chances of writing a promotion that beats the control and starts earning you royalty checks.Common royalty percentages that most clients feel comfortable paying. Follow these guidelines so you don’t cheat yourself out of money that SHOULD be yours!Four types of copyw