300K+ In 5 Days Case Study – Katrina Ruth


Rambly as fuck and possibly not at all appropriate for a sales page, but I share some important points about the real ‘how’ of the 300k in 5 Days Case Study in this 16-minute livestream replay! I’m taking you behind the scenes of a week (well, 5 days!) in the life of my biz, and showing you ALLLLLLL the things!How I make moneyWhat the mindset and idea-creation of bringing a launch to life looks likeHow I get myself in SUPERFLOW to ensure that the results I want are DONEEXACTLY what my manifestation process looks likeThe critical importance of surrendering and fully letting go of the ‘how’ and even of the entire outcome itselfWhat ‘showing up’ really looks likeA typical day for a multi-millionaire who does whatever the fuck she wants (me!)And so much more besides!Are you ready for this gorgeous???This is going to be fucking PHENOMENAL!AND, just a sneaky quick heads up before you keep reading:::SUPER low cost as well. Yep, superflow for super low! Haha. I’m running a BRAND NEW online workshop for you.It’s happening later this week (deets further along).It will be FULLY recorded, and available to you to keep the replays and downloads of for LIFE.It will take you behind the scenes of 5 days in my biz, as well as what came BEFORE that in order to ROCK those 5 days.It will show you exactly how I allowed in over $300,000 of sales IN said 5 days, and over 150k of RECEIVED cash in the same period … exactly what I did, in ALL ways, inside AND out, and exactly how YOU can replicate this process into YOUR business –Your money –Your FLOW –And really, every part of your life!‘Cause let’s be honest …Getting into superflow isn’t just about letting the MONEY flow, it’s about receiving killer results in ALL areas!When life is working for you –That means it’s fucking working for you!Cash money flow like WOAHSoulmate clients signing YOU upEverything basically just done with the click of your fingersEPIC energy and high vibes the whole way throughAnd rocking your body and life goals at the same time!See, the secrets of superflow and the TRULY successful peeps are simple:We know you can have it all.All at once.Always.We refuse to accept anything less.AND we know we don’t have to hustle PUSH for it, we get to hustle FLOW … and basically?Just motherfucking receive.Wanna know something cool???I had already decided I was promoting this as 300k in 5 Days, but when we did the math it was actually more than 300k in 5 Days … and XXX in 6 Days … and more still in 7 Days … I mean, this shit just keeps going … but in the end I decided to stick with the 5 day title as I like the sound of it.Point being:I’m not just here to show you some sort of quick fix wonder.I’m here to show you a way of doing business and life that is exactly what you’ve always KNOWN is available to you.Ready to receive with ease, PLUS have all the fun and flow doing so??Yes?!PERRRRFECT.Here’s what we’re covering in this badass workshop! It’s a LOT! Who knows how long it’ll even go for! As long as is needed, I imagine.1) Wording of Successful Manifestation:Exactly how you MUST term things in order to believe AND receive … and no, this is not just ‘state it as though done’. That’s manifestation 101. We’re talking about connecting to what YOU specifically need to say for YOU.If you feel as though you’ve ‘tried manifestating’ and it doesn’t quite work for you, then what I share in this segment ALONE will return your investment to you 10-fold and beyond!2) Gettin’ EMOTIONAL, with Purpose and Intent:How to use emotion to proper your results into the NOW and make them ACTUALLY as though ‘done’. It’s not enough to say it … claim it … even say you BELIEVE it. You have to ACTUALLY believe you can believe it (see point #1), and you have to also feel it.I’ll show you exactly what I do to get into the VIBE as well as the VIBRATION of already being there, because without that? Well, you’re very unlikely to GET there.3) THERE IS NO HOW!This is probably THE most critical ‘missing link’ aspect of successful manifesting and receiving with ease. The biggest way we limit ourselves is simply not asking NOW for the things we see inside of us, because of some STORY that says that’s too much … crazy … howwwwww … I can’t … not yet.I want to show you how to not only be clear and decisive, and connect with an intention which is aligned and that you can believe and also FEEL, but I want to share with you how you can TRULY surrender the ‘how’ and let the fuck go of worrying about it.THIS IS AVAILABLE TO YOU. I set the CRAZIEST big ass dreams and goals, and then I truly don’t fucking worry about it. This enables me to be in the now and do what I need to do! So, we’re going to talk about the ‘how’ of surrendering the how 4) Daily Manifestation Practices:Exactly what I do, and exactly how I do it; my daily practice around claiming and RE-claiming what I know is done and what I choose, including my favourite manifestation ‘hacks’. This is gold! And it’s quite astonishing how much it works when I DO it versus, well, does not work when I let resistance beat me and I don’t do it!So – we’re gonna do it!5) Showing the Fuck UP:What the day to day of ACTION needs to look like, for all of this to work. Which is about … faith. Leaning in. Knowing there is NEVER anything you have to do, but yet there is always action to take. Look – success Kindergartner style is following a list and a plan. The next level is following ONLY soul guidance, faith and flow. Yes, this takes a little practice. Yes, you can let go though and start now. Let me hold you as you do that … and as I talk you through how I do it.6) My Day, Revealed:I’m going to take you through multiple examples of what a typical day looks like for me, from dawn till dusk and beyond. EVERY bit of it, so you can fully understand what I DO and what the day of a multi-millionaire who is ONLY about soul desire and purpose looks like! I think this is probably worth signing up for the entire workshop for as well!7) IMPORTANT: WHAT NOT TO DO TO LET $$$ ROLL!!Okay, so basically this is don’t sell shit that doesn’t excite the PANTS off of you. Or else!! lol. Seriously though … AND, I know that this ultimately comes down to believing in YOU, and having clarity around your true message and purpose work, as well as how best to share and SELL it. So – we’re going to talk about that. Get you clear as FUCK on the fact that the niche is YOU, and yes you CAN sell that as well as any other fucking thing you want.No point showin’ you how to superflow if what you’re trying to do super sucks energetically!!8) Being ALWAYS in the Energy State of Superflow and Receiving:I don’t even have anything to add with that. It’s just … freaking essential. And I want to kick your ass on it as well as show you how to tap into that all day and ERR’day, for you.9) Practical Shit!!I nearly forgot to mention this! Yes, I’m going to take you through the exact SALES process of what I did. I mean, you KNOW that the mindset and vibration is what gets these results. But, I know it’s still helpful for me to share the ‘what I did’.So I will! Of course!10) What to Do When You Still DOUBT …Fear not, doubt does NOT have to stop you.In fact, I specifically wrote the following in my journaling when I wrote about what I’d achieved from this past week:“what is the work I did?the work of deciding!but, the thing is, I still doubtedi still felt like ‘how can that happen?’I kind of didn’t believe it!actually I DIDN’T believe itnot reallybut, I decided to ACT IN FAITH ANYWAYmeaning, I locked it ini wrote it as ‘done’I asked for it anywayand okay, I DID believe it was POSSIBLE, of courseI definitely released it, surrendered that it may not happeni was specific with iti meant iti put it into writingi wrote affirmations and intentions to support receiving like thatand then I showed upas far as showing up, what did I do?I did what felt like flowAND I leaned into ‘the work’ that I knew I HAD to do”So, I want you to know that yes even for me (and gosh, I know that sounds a bit big-noting of me, but I think you get it …!), even for ME there is still doubt.Uncertainty.Fear.When I aim BIGGER than normal.And?I do what I know that I know that I KNOW works ANYWAY, as far as how I have ALWAYS allowed and received.My goals and dreams might get bigger and crazier with time …My process remains the same.And it freaking WORKS.Actually, it works easier and easier with time, even though what I dream of and decide INTO does indeed get bigger and crazier!It can be the same for you.It WILL be.It’s done You ready? You in? Oh, the bonus!Okay, cool … here you go!BONUS: Soul Desires Meditation Pre-WorkFor all of this to work it MUST be based on accessing your actual soul desires and requirements, namely what is actually aligned as fuck for YOU.Warning: this is probably WAY MORE COOL SHIT than what you’re currently allowing yourself to dream of! AND way deeper. It might also be, that when we drop into your TRUE soul desires, you get to let GO of a whole bunch of stuff you thought you had to do or aim for.Which just makes it even more easy and fun!In this pre-work audio meditation I’m going to talk and walk you through exactly how to access your deepest and MOST true soul desires, and how to get really fucking specific with them, so that, well, what we do in the workshop is based on something real and awesome!Get 300K+ In 5 Days Case Study – Katrina Ruth , Only Price $47Tag: 300K+ In 5 Days Case Study – Katrina Ruth  Review. 300K+ In 5 Days Case Study – Katrina Ruth  download. 300K+ In 5 Days Case Study – Katrina Ruth  discount.