Can you spend approximately 1 hour per day at 1 of 2 specific times during the day which are actually the London market and/or the New York market opening times? (PST would be midnight or 5am, EST would be 3am or 8am – adjust for your specific time-zone) Because believe me, that’s all it takes to earn $300. per day scalable to $600. or more without anymore effort or time spent! I’m not trying to be a smart ass but if you’re not willing to invest this little amount of time and a couple of hundred dollars in your future, you’re wasting both your time and mine, so let’s just part as friends.But if you’re still with me, “GREAT!” because I’ve been trading for over 20 years and this beats the heck out of any part-time or full-time regular J.O.B. and any type of Internet Marketing on your computer – for time spent, ease of effort and low investment. You can even practice before investing for free without spending a dime. All you need is a laptop, internet connection and my extraordinary software system! “30 Pips Daily” Many even accomplish it with an iPad, iPhone or something similar!BTW, the only reason that I’m still doing Internet Marketing is because friends and family talked me into selling my systems about 8 years ago and because I provide unlimited email support with each one, I might as well keep you up to date with the latest strategies also. My selling price doesn’t nearly compensate me for the time I put in for their creation. Nuff said, back to the important stuff. (heh,heh)For you guys that are familiar with trading forex and have been spending hours on your charts going up and down with wins, losses and instability, that’s all over now; because from now on you will be trading like a business and making profits like you have never dreamed of.For you newbies, learning how to trade forex with the “30 Pips Daily” system it is so much easier, faster and less risky than any other business you could ever attempt. Plus I’m here with unlimited email support to help you with any questions or problems you may have along the way. Here are a few pics of trades that this system can generate every time.OK let me take a minute to explain the above pic. To trade this system as a rock solid business of your own, you only need to place one trade per day at 1 of two specific times (namely the London or New York opening.) Doing this you will see a generated winning trade almost every day, just with the gbp/usd. If by chance you don’t have a gbp/usd generated trade within the first hour, you can check out the eur/usd. In the above pic there were two long (buy) trades generated. One on the gbp/usd within a 1/2 hour on the London open and one within 15 minutes on the N.Y. opening.What you do is place your trade and then place the robot manager on it which is provided in the system, then go to bed or shopping or whatever. It will automatically close out at 30 pips profit for $300. on a standard contract or take you out at a 30 pip stop-loss which will happen very seldom. Hence, there are at least 20 trading days in 1 month so there is your $6000. profit for that month. I strongly suggest that when you are ready to scale up, just make the same 1 trade with 2 standard contracts for a profit of $12,000. monthly.With my highly customized indicators and robot, you should find one of those trades everyday at one of those 2 market openings. This is why I prefer to call it a rock solid home based business rather that just forex trading and definitely not gambling in any way shape or form. This is and you should look at it this way, a bread and butter home based business and more, accomplished in about an hour per day and about 20 days per month. Is that awesome or what?One more thing, for you diehards that prefer to monitor a trade for a long time. In this case your manual exit would be when the trend line through the candles turns to the opposite color completely and an opposite alert arrow pops up. I demonstrated this scenario in the N.Y. trade above.If you decided to monitor and disengage the robot, you can see that an opposite coral colored alert arrow popped up about 2 hours into the trade but the trend line did not completely change colors, it is both aqua and coral color so you stay in and you would get out where I have the hollow yellow arrow about 3 hours later.You would have been monitoring a trade for a little over 5 hours. Now this is NOT what I designed the system for but I know some of you guys like to do that so I explained it.Lastly, one thing I would like to note is that on the London trade, if for some reason you got in late, the robot would not have taken you out for profit where I have indicated but you also wouldn’t have even come close to your stop-loss so that trade would have continued and you would have been taken out automatically on the second candle after the N.Y. open and still made your $300. bucks.OK, I don’t want to bore you so here are a couple more pics of potential trades generated on other days and even on the eur/usd.ANOTHER 2 WINNING GBP/USD TRADESA winning long (buy) trade generated on the opening candle of the London and a winning short (sell) trade 30 minutes after the N.Y. open.AND TWO WINNING EUR/USD TRADES Here is the EUR/USD showing two short (sell) winning trades. The first, 30 minute after the London open and the second, 45 minutes after the New York open. Bear in mind though, it is always better to trade the gbp/usd if possible. Less chance of losing a trade by it hitting your stop-loss before 30 pips profit have been made. Folks, these trades are generated daily, that’s all there is to it. Seems simple because it is simple! I know you don’t want to spend all day looking at these pics so I was planning to show a video of me placing a trade. But I don’t think many would be interested in watching me place a live trade and then a few hours later, a shot of the closed trade by the robot and it definitely wouldn’t serve much of a purpose so instead I decided to show a couple of videos that explain exactly what we look for to place a valid trade and when we avoid placing a trade. These video links will also be in the User Guide with the system. So let’s get on with the flicks!Ex. Video  #1 BOTH TRADES ON THE NEW YORK OPENEx. Video #2 – 1 TRADE LONDON OPEN & 1 TRADE N.Y. OPENOK! Now that I’ve got you all hyped up (I hope) comes the bad news. Not really bad news but I like to call it caution news. Most of you are aware that all technical trading systems are not infallible. Well there is something we need to especially watch out for when trading the 30 Pips Daily system and that is Monday mornings. At least in my part of the world. It might be a little different depending where you live but we are talking about the first London and first New York session after the week-end market closings. They can be tricky and sometimes not even tradable. The next 2 pics demonstrate this.A Good Monday Morning After The Closed Week-End As you can see there was a great trade with the GBP/USD right at the London open. If you were slow, you could have even gone in on the next candle and still won the trade. There was also a decent trade on the New York open, although you would have had to wait about 1 hour and 45 minutes for it. On a Monday I like to see my trade generated within about 1 hour but for you hardcore guys, you might stick it out for 2 hours at the most. No trade by then, I suggest taking the day off. Remember, you really only need 1 trade per day and that is what I strongly suggest you stick with unless you are making up for a possible loss. Otherwise when you decide you want or need more profit, you just increase your risk or in other words the amount you place on the trade. That’s the way the big boys do it and the banks seldom lose. OK, the other side of the coin.A Bad Monday Morning – No Trade No trade setup on the London until 2 hours and 45 minutes after open and it was a loser but you should have been long gone before that! No trade on the New York for the first 2 hours. Day off, take a break, get your head cleared and ready for a good rest of the week trading. Just trying to be honest and letting you see how this can be a business. This is how you do it. You don’t want to be trading one trade after another until you eyes are cross-eyed and you have gone up and down and in the end have accomplished nothing. Besides trying to sell you a trading system, I’m trying to show you how it is traded to win!Okey Dokey, I’ll leave you with a few trades before last Christmas. Even on Christmas eve, 30 Pips Daily performed like a champ!British Pound USD Less Than 2 Weeks Before ChristmasEuro-Dollar Trades Christmas Eve I don’t know if you are all aware of it but a forex technical trading system that performs well during the Holiday season, says a lot for it.Version 2 of 30 Pips Daily Forex System You can see that it is traded almost the same as version 1 except the RSI/MOM combo has been replaced with the conf which needs to be the same color as the candle to verify a valid trade. It makes it easier and faster to confirm a generated trade and is just as accurate. Both templates are included with the system and you can trade either one. The whole system is new for 2019. I personally prefer the updated v2 template. More is explained in the User Guide that comes with the system.Well my friends, we are at this point again where the ball is in your court. Don’t just purchase another trading system but get yourself a real thriving business that only takes usually less than 2 hour per day of your time. Work at home. Work in your PJ’s if you like. The easiest way I know to make big bucks without having to invest a ton of money. I’ll be here with unlimited email support for as long as you have the system or the good Lord takes me home. Here is what you will receive for such a small investment.Get 30 Pips Daily – Trader Ed , Only Price $37Tag: 30 Pips Daily – Trader Ed  Review. 30 Pips Daily – Trader Ed  download. 30 Pips Daily – Trader Ed  discount.