3 Clearings in 1! Communication, Wealth, and Intimacy


On Friday, November 16, 3 particular important astrological timings coincide. I have chosen to do a group clearing on this day that will address all 3 points.Purchase 3 Clearings in 1! Communication, Wealth, and Intimacy courses at here with PRICE $50 $30When purchasing 3 Clearings in 1! Communication, Wealth, and Intimacy course, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.3 Clearings in 1! Communication, Wealth, and IntimacyFriday, Nov 16: Three Clearings in One!Communication, Wealth, and Intimacy: 3 Auspicious Timings CollideOn Friday, November 16, 3 particular important astrological timings coincide. I have chosen to do a group clearing on this day that will address all 3 points.First Part: Mercury RetrogradeFirst, Mercury is going retrograde again on November 16. Even if you don’t know much about astrology, you probably have heard about the 3 week period in which Mercury’s motion seems to go retrograde 3-4 times per year. Mercury retrograde is one of the most feared and talked-about events each time it happens.Mercury governs communications of all kinds, so this timing is associated with computer breakdowns, problems with business, arguments, traffic issues, emails getting lost, issues with contracts and legal documents, car troubles, and other forms of relationship miscommunications.My experience with the intersection of spiritual clearing work and astrology reveals that such problems are never being caused by astrology itself, but rather the astrology is revealing the unresolved issues within our own consciousness, and those are more able to outpicture as disruptive life circumstances during these special timing.So the first part of this clearing is going to focus on resolving Mercury retrograde karma within you, so that this period can go better for you from now on, and that the communication issues Mercury represents can be more resolved in your life in general.Second Part: “Visnupati” the Quarterly Day to Activate and Stabilize WealthSecondly, Friday is the last “Vishnupati” event happening in 2018. This event occurs quarterly, when the Sun moves into a “fixed” sign. In this case, the sun is moving into Scorpio (according to the Vedic calendar).Vishupati is a potent astrological timing that is sacred to the energy archetypes known as Vishnu and Lakshmi.These archetypes are the embodiment of sustained and ever-increasing wealth. We are going to clear and activate you into a full realization of their 108 mantras, and clear blocks to sustained wealth in your life experience.Third Part: Venus Goes Direct: Clear Old Relationship Energy & Intimacy IssuesAnd lastly, Venus is going back direct, after also being retrograde for 6 weeks. Venus is a planet associated with wealth and Lakshmi, and so this part of the clearing will intensify the wealth energy we are already working with as part of the Vishnupati clearing.But Venus also represents relationships and romance past and present.When Venus is in retrograde, old unfinished business with our exes may surface, and turbulence and intimacy issues in our current relationships may come more to the surface.During this part of the clearing, we are going to work on resolving the old relationship patterns that have come to the surface during the preceding Venus retrograde period, so that you can feel more resolved and empowered moving forward.Are you interested in? communication skill; communication in general; communication error; communication and culture; communication artsPurchasing 3 Clearings in 1! Communication, Wealth, and Intimacy course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Purchase 3 Clearings in 1! Communication, Wealth, and Intimacy courses at here with PRICE $50 $30