20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova


WANT TO TURN YOUR BUSINESS INTO A FREEDOM AND IMPACT CREATING MACHINE?APPLY TO THE 20K NATION MASTERMIND. FOR EXPERTS WHO WANT TO GO VIRAL AND MAKE A BIGGER IMPACT Grow Your Audience, Sell More Digital Products, Collaborate with the top experts in the industry while staying true to yourself — and taking weekends off again.Hey, are you here because you want to join 20k Nation and be part of the Viral Bundle System™ experience but you don’t want to read the full page?Cliff Notes:  20k Nation is an application only inner circle for experts, course creators and online business owners who are committed to growing businesses that change the World and make a lot of money selling digital products, consistently.We’ve been around for 5+ years and we have always curated top industry experts collaborating together.Apply to join us now (while we have limited spots available) and get FREE access to the $2000 Viral Bundles System (where we will teach you how to create, launch and scale your own $30 digital bundle, what I have coined a “viral bundle”), which has helped us bring over 3000+ paying customers in 5.5 months. Choose to join us MONTHLY and have recurring access to the Viral Bundles System™ for the duration of your membership OR join us ANNUALLY, save 25% OFF ($591) + get LIFETIME access to the Viral Bundles System™ + a FREE call with Katya (worth $1300).  The Viral Bundles System™ course and system is currently developed LIVE, which means you get to SHAPE it! I expect version 0 to be completed within 1-3 months but 3 modules are already available! Alright.. now let’s do some proper details, shall we… Social Media is a wonderful idea, until you find yourself at the edge of a cliff, screaming into the void.It sounds dramatic, but it’s what so many do. Scream at the top of their lungs. Hoping somebody would listen. Cause nobody’s famous enough until enough people listen. Now if they could only scream loud enough…20K Nation puts a stop to that.No void. No competition. No screaming. Unless you’re very excited or into metal, that is.We join forces to go further, faster. We prop each other up. We aim for world domination, together.No voice is lost. No spark not fanned into a fire. Get 20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova, Only Price $197INTRODUCING 20K NATION*20k Followers. $20k Months. 20 Hours A Week.  Together. *We used to be called Peri10K. Since then, it turned out there was life beyond Periscope. It also turned out $10K was the new broke. So we upgraded the name to match the evolving concept.We are a group of thought leaders and changemakers committed to building a business that serves both the world AND our own lives.We’ve been around since 2015, and in that time we’ve had hundreds of business owners ditch their dusty freebie collections and find sustainable success online at last.OUR MISSION IS SIMPLE:Grow Your Audience And Profitable Business Through The Power of Viral Content, Viral Products and Collaboration. Because If you want to grow an audience and build a profitable business you need my VIP Framework which includes 3 things –VIRALITY | IMPACT | PROFITSVIRALITYIt’s the ability to create content that attracts massive attention. Without VIRALITY, you will not get eyeballs and build an audience. And without audience and traffic you have no leads or customers to serve.IMPACTGetting attention is dope but you need to be able to IMPACT and INFLUENCE those people and pre-qualify them to not only bring leads and customers, but most importantly, bring the right customers. PROFITSTo create undying loyalty and sustainability in your business, bringing customers is not enough. The real PROFITS are in your ability to recognize and grab the opportunities to serve these customers even deeper through high end services. NAILING ALL THREE ELEMENTS IS THE PATH TO BECOMING, WHAT I CALL, A CREATOR OF IMPACT.WHY ARE WE CALLED “20K NATION?” Because you may not know this, but 3 years ago when I hit my first $20k month, my business changed forever. It was my first $20k month that when I finally got out of a small-time hustle and turned it into a business. It was after that I was able to delegate all the stuff I am bad at, slow at or miserable doing. It was after that my business got healthy, and my expenses were covered, and I had enough to both live a beautiful life and reinvest into my growth. $20k months helped me finally get the influence and recognition I always wanted. It was after that I started to take back the time I needed to enjoy my location freedom and recharge my batteries, so I can come back to work inspired and ready to reach for these new heights and eventually… industry leader status. $20k months was my magic number. Yours might be bigger or smaller. What I would ask myself if I was you is this time next year, where could your life be? The 20k Nation Mastermind is here to be your support system and the business family you always wanted. We know where you’re going, we know the best route, and we’ve got the wheels you don’tA WORLD CLASS COMMUNITY OF HIGHLY PRE-VETTED PEERSIMPLEMENTATION AND MENTORSHIP LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN BEFOREALLTHE VIRAL MARKETING AND SALES TRAINING YOU NEED UNDER ONE ROOF.A UNIQUE VIP SYSTEM TO HELP YOU BUILD A MAGNETIC BRAND THATATTRACTS OPPORTUNITIES INSTEAD OF HAVING TO NEEDILY CHASE THEM.A BUSINESS MODEL BASED ON YOUR UNIQUE GIFT INSTEAD OF HAVING TO COPYEVERYONE ELSEWe’ll get you where you need to go. You just have to be willing to collaborate and serve and be open to receiving the support you need. Get 20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova, Only Price $197HERE’S WHAT YOU GET: Global and Highly Pre-Vetted Community It’s not talked about much, but the most crucial part of running an online business? Rubbing your shoulders with the right people. Laptop isolation is real (especially nowadays). And it’s not that easy to talk about conversion rates with people who barely see the online world outside Buzzfeed.With us, it will NEVER be a problem.You’ll meet some of the most exciting people in your entire life, from best-selling authors, to TEDx speakers, to award-winning entrepreneurs, to inventors, to artists.All been handpicked, so they’re all genuinely good people, too.And they stick around, so we must be okay.You’ll soon have someone to meet up for a real hug and a coffee wherever in the world you go (well not for a few more months). If there’s more than one of us in town? It’s party time (self-isolation parties??)Monthly Group Coaching Call KatyaOnce a month, you get a chance to hop on a group call to ask any implementation or ideas question you might have for the crazy brain behind the operation. Want to talk about your content? I’ll help. Need to clarify your messaging? Here for ya.Got a video idea you want to run by me? Just ask!These calls are for you to get all the clarity I can help you with. And we try to get as many people the chance to have a hot seat. 3 hours every month at a US and Europe friendly time zone – together. Replays recorded of course.Monthly Mastermind Call with the CommunityUntil experience teaches you to trust your gut, it’s hard to just go with your next great idea.You need other people to say it’s great, too!And you DEFINITELY need others to tell you if it ain’t that great, and what to consider instead.Once a month on a Zoom call, you can tap the power of the several dozen top shelf brains that call 20KN their home for pretty much anything. From naming your offerings, to marketing strategies, to handling difficult clients like you’ve been a business shark all your life.Your only job is to show up and tell us what’s going on. And just like the coaching calls, these get-togethers also do run for 3 hours!The 20K Nation Blueprint Once you’ve created your viral bundle, then you’ll dive into the 20K Nation Blueprint, which is a 12 Sprint System designed to give you quick wins in the marketing and sales areas of your online business, catapulting you right into that top 5% income bracket.The Blueprint makes sure you don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.It’s a highly strategic system built on the very specific step-by-step actions that I’ve used to ensure my own success and the success of many clients, taking us to $20K a month and way beyond.We’ve done this enough times to know there’s no niche it can’t work for. Love coaching. Health and Wellness. Marketing and Business Growth.This is how you go pro.This is how they learn your name.Monthly Q&A with Katya Don’t worry, I’m not just giving you a bunch of videos to watch.You’ll have a monthly Q&A in the facebook group to ask me ANYTHING that’s on your mind (well.. almost anything). And because of the craziness in the World right now and the fact that industries are moving with the speed of light – WEEKLY Q&As for the next 2 months to make sure you’ve got the support you need.Get 20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova, Only Price $197Tag: 20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova Review. 20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova download. 20K Nation Membership The Viral Bundles System – Katya Varbanova discount.