2016 SEORockstars Streaming/Recordings – Marie Aquino


Now, Back to Sales Letter..SEO KEEPS CHANGING AND SO DO OUR METHODSWe Don’t Tell THE WORLD Our Proven TestsBUT, We DO Tell Each Other!Yep.. It’s a Club.. Called Friends on the Inside And Yes, It’s Not Fair… (But You Can Join Us)This year’s event will be capped at 40 tickets.The People Sitting NEXT to You are MORE Important Than the Speakers.Our event is quite small (40 to 50 people) and most attendees make lifetime friends and business partners and connections that you just rarely make at large events.Our Attendees are Hard Core SEO Professionals Many Making Over $100k a Month!But You Won’t Know It Because Unlike Other Conferences, This Isn’t A Bragging Contest, It Is A How Can I Help You Type Of Atmosphere.THIS YEAR’S EVENT WILL BE FULL OF THE USUAL:Amazing, Giving, Ego-Free SpeakersTips and Tricks that you have NOT HeardEasy, Laid Back Networking (you will FEEL Welcome)And the Usual Dori-StyleShenanigans!THE AGENDADay 1: SEO Rockstars Main Event Day 1November 4thTIMEEVENTSPEAKERS09:00 AMThe State of SEO – SEO is always changing and Dori is going to get you up to speed by going through a bit of the past and end with where we are now including pulling segments of recent test results.Dori Friend10:00 AMState of Anything Google (Future of Google, Penguin, Possum, and their Shenanigans) Josh will also share a short clip from his upcoming Google documentary.Josh Bachynski11:30 AMAdvanced Backlinking Strategies Panel -What’s Working 12:00 PMLunch – In House. We are not stopping! 01:00 PMFrom 1 to 34 clients within 18 months (How He Did It) His systems and processes that save his agency 100’s of Hours – Pricing Revealed- and the LOGIC behind it“- SEO is complicated to implement. There’s a lot of moving parts, and the process we’ve created has allowed us to operate efficiently and also expand our products out to self serving SEO products.”Andrew Steven02:00 PM$0 to $4.14 million in revenue (with 35% margin) in 3.5 years (His Blueprint Revealed)- nuff said lol Geoff Frink03:00 PMGetting Clients Panel – Audience Participation – We pull from everyone!Group Effort04:00 PMMastering YouTube Rankings– The Brains Behind a Network of 150K YouTube Accounts Takes You Behind the Scenes to Master YouTube Live, Rankings and Embeds PLUS a little bit of Black Hat Magic Secrets to Add to your Arsenal Holly Starks Cooper05:00 PMMixer – The Good StuffEveryoneDay 2: SEO Rockstars Main Event Day 2November 5thTIMEEVENTSPEAKERS09:00 AMTesting To The Top: Kyle stole the show last year with his methods on testing and was the impetus to starting the S.I.A. (SEOIntelligenceAgency). Kyle will share the most stunning test to date that he has not previously shared with anyone.Kyle Roof11:00 AMHow an SEO averages 40K a month in profits with Zero employees and NO Clients! Tips from the affiliate side of SEO- This is true affiliate SEO- not selling leadsJeff Lenney12:00 PMLunch – In Groups of 4 to 6 – Cozzy Up! Groups01:00 PMLocal Ranking: Secrets to Building your own Network for massive rankings on multiple keywords in mulitple cities. This White Hat Hack will amaze you like it did us.Carolyn Holzman02:00 PMLocal Ranking: What just changed and what do we need to do about it. Jason is the “Local Guy” whose course we are publishing, but you can get him right here. You have a question about Local Ranking in Google, get it answered today!Jason Wright03:30 PMPanel – Local Q & A – Audience Participation – We pull from everyone!Group Effort06:00 PMPARTY TIME!EveryonePRE-DAY: Speaker/VIP DayNovember 3rd – the day before the main eventMasterminding and Networking with Dori and the Speakers.AKA- rubbing shoulders with the Best of the Best in the industry.This day will NOT be recorded.Full day of networking, brainstorming, shenanigans, food and full cocktail glasses (or wine or beer glasses)The past 4 years I’ve done this AFTER the event but this year we are breaking the ice and cutting to the chase early so we all have more time to network with each other.Come with me on our speaker day activities, rub shoulders, eat meals, & drink cocktails with the best of the best in this industry. THIS is the absolute BEST opportunity to network, make the relationships that SEORockstar is known for. (aka call a buddy up and say WTF and they understand what you are talking about!) LOL ; )INCLUDES● 1 Ticket to the Main Event November 4th and 5th, and..● 1 Ticket to the VIP Speaker Day on November 3rd, 2016WHY YOU NEED TO BE THERE:Hands down, I recommend everyone to always grab a chance to do the “VIP” time. It is the intimate type of events where you can forge the TRUE relationships. Of course, during the main event there will be time to network, but I’m making it super easy for everyone!Most VIP opportunities offer a dinner or an evening happy hour networking event. To me – that is not enough time. Not only is it not enough time, but unless you are the most outgoing person in the world, it’s hard to get to know a lot of people during a dinner or a cocktail party without seeming obnoxious.So, I am going all out here and making this day a blast, so you can make sure you can talk to whomever you want to and enjoy your day!WHAT TO EXPECT:● An ENTIRE day with the Speakers and VIPs.● We will start with food and drinks and then proceed to have fun all dayTHE ENTIRE EVENT IS 100% NO PITCH!It is 100% jam-packed with SEO Knowledge Bombs. You will hear things you have never heard about before. We will be busting SEO myths and delivering SEO Test results and Case Studies that will only be shared at the event.THE SPEAKERSI pride myself on seeking out and wrangling the “underground ninjas” that are out there doing some really amazing things but don’t leave their bat caves much. I love luring them out and having them share all of their goodies. I don’t believe in having big “gurus” at events that I know hold back on the good stuff. And let’s face it, the big names don’t really “do” SEO anymore anyway so they can save their sales pitches for another event.It gives me great pride to see so many of the past SEO Rockstars that are out there now, doing some really amazing things. I love finding them and helping give them a little bit of fame. (And getting all of their tips and tricks out of them before they are too cool to share it all.)On top of everything you will learn SEO-wise, you will also walk away:InspiredFired upWith New FriendsNew business partners (I love hearing about all of the deals and connections that are made at the events)And ready to kick ass and take names!With a bout of Confidence from your new knowledge that you probably have not felt in a long time.But also let me intervene here for one minute. This is not one of those ordinary “feel good” events. I do not hire or ask any speakers to come and share their “story” with you for 45 minutes and then give you 5 minutes of content. Nor do I hire celebrities to come and boost anyone’s self-esteem or to pose for selfies. There are places and times for those types of events, but this is for people that want to hear all about SEO!It truly is one of the highlights of the year for me and it is sure to be one for you as well.LISTEN TO MASSIVELY TESTED, PROVEN SEO RESULTS FOUND NOWHERE ELSE!These are GAME CHANGERS and will ROCK YOUR WORLD!Dear SEO Extraordinaire,Let’s be real…:heory is bullshit.I admit I love hearing the “science” of SEO… listening to Google conspiracy theories… and the latest search engine gossip sucks me in more than an episode of Orange is the New Black…But I don’t base my rankings around the theory & gossip and I certainly don’t base my business around it… because in the end, it’s all worthless.I only base my SEO strategy on what is tested and proven!Since 2011 when Panda started smashing up and eating web businesses, it’s been a SEO blood bath, but unlike thousands of people who left SEO, or the dozen of gurus that have popped up since then, my buddies and I have made it through and are STILL HERE. And..THIS IS THE 5th SEOROCKSTARS!!And the only thing I can tell you is that you have GOT to test because I can honestly say that my buddies and I are on the “bleeding” edge of it AND have documented data that goes against everything that Google tells us! Crazy stuff! (and I know, right? Google not telling us the truth?) CRAZY, CRAZY STUFF! So we know..EXCLUSIVE and RARE OPPORTUNITYto get the absolute latest SEO trends and “Recipes” while spending a close intimate weekend with me (Dori) and some of my super genius SEO buddies.I’ve been to TONs of events and the small events always serve me best for TRUE nitty gritty learning. Being swallowed up in a sea of hundreds of people is NOT what SEO Rockstars is about.We keep it small for a reason.It is a true community and you WILL meet some amazing people!There are no “clichés”.You will feel welcome and at home.And you will feel free to walk up and talk to anyone. Really.(It is hard to describe but once you have been to an SEO Rockstars event you will “get it” and say “oh yeah Dori DID say it would feel like this; no snooty people allowed.”)For me personally some of the most important people I’ve met in this business have come from live events and I know for a fact I would not be where I am today without attending all of those events.Tag: “2016 SEORockstars Streaming/Recordings – Marie Aquino” Review. “2016 SEORockstars Streaming/Recordings – Marie Aquino” download. “2016 SEORockstars Streaming/Recordings – Marie Aquino” discount.