2006 Info Summit (unedited) – Dan Kennedy


Dan Kennedy has announced a three-dav Inío-Summit 2006 m June. Those who sign up before Jime 5 will save $500.Kennedy’s Info-Summit announcement page has two options and two different sales pages. Kennedy’s sales letters are for those who are:involved in the Information Marketing businessnot currently involved in Information MarketingKennedy also provides an option to go directly to the registration form.Sales LettersSales Letter OneTlie sales letter for information marketers begins in tills maimer:“DRUNK WITH POWER… .that’s what a lot of the Information Marketing entrepreneurs following my lead are – literally drunkwith their power, impressed with the relative ease with which they make such large incomes.andthe liberated lifestyles they live. Their feelings of superiority are justified, yet limiting at the same time, as they may interfere with searching for even better, smarter, more profitable ways of doing business or even bigger opportunities. So this letter is both a friendly caution and a special invitation I hope you’ll accept. (And if you hurry, 111 put $500.00 cash in your pocket as a reward for decisiveness.) Please read this letter in its entirety. It’s important.It’s not exactly water into wine.but it is money out of thin air”.Sales Letter TwoTlie sales letter for those not currently involved in internet marketing begins as follows:“GREEN WITH ENVY.. .that’s what you’d be if you fully grasped the incredible incomes of the Information Marketingentrepreneurs following my lead..the relative ease with which they make such large incomes.andthe liberated lifestyles they live. Consider, just for example, one recently grumbling about ONLY making about $150,000.00 net profit from about 7 days’ work putting together mailings and then delivering the product. Believe nie, if you could be a fly on the wall in my meetings with my info-marketer clients, you would turn neon green with envy. I, however, have a better idea. Why envy us -when you can join us? (And pocket $500.00 cash if you hurry.)It’s not exactly water into wine but it is money out of thin air”.Get 2006 Info Summit (unedited) – Dan Kennedy, Only Price $247Tag: 2006 Info Summit (unedited) – Dan Kennedy Review. 2006 Info Summit (unedited) – Dan Kennedy download. 2006 Info Summit (unedited) – Dan Kennedy discount.