2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma – Jennifer Sweeton


12 Hours 23 MinutesThe latest findings from neuroscience have given us incredible insights into the workings of the brain and its connection to our psychological and physical well-being. Yet in-depth studies on the brain can be difficult for mental health clinicians to interpret -names like “Subgenual anterior cingulate cortex” mean very little to most of us.Purchase 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma – Jennifer Sweeton courses at here with PRICE $299.99 $124The latest findings from neuroscience have given us incredible insights into the workings of the brain and its connection to our psychological and physical well-being. Yet in-depth studies on the brain can be difficult for mental health clinicians to interpret -names like “Subgenual anterior cingulate cortex” mean very little to most of us.And you face a bigger obstacle than terminology. How do you overcome the challenge of applying complicated scientific and biological information to your clinical practice? How does neuroscience help you when you’re face-to-face with clients working on stress, depression, addiction and the other problems they face each day?This recording will connect critical concepts from science and biology to your clinical work with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, substance abuse and trauma.Better still, you’ll go beyond the biological mechanisms that underlie various disorders with detailed instruction on actual treatment strategies you can use with your clients. Through case studies, experiential exercises, and brief lectures you’ll learn to individualize interventions based in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Attachment, and Somatic Psychologies and apply them to the treatment of mood disorders, trauma, addictions, and more.Better still, you’ll have the opportunity to practice the application of what you’ve learned under the skilled supervision of our instructor, and take home detailed handouts allowing their immediate incorporation into your clinical work.Cut through the baffling research and inaccessible jargon, and discover how understanding neuroscience can change the way you view and work with your clients!Analyze the role of the nervous system in mental health disorders and communicate how this knowledge impacts the clinician’s choice of therapeutic intervention.Employ psychoeducational approaches that make the neurobiology of mental health conditions understandable for clients.Establish how an understanding of neuroscience and neuroanatomy can be used by mental health professionals to cultivate motivation and promote engagement in therapy.Evaluate research on mindfulness and articulate how mindfulness can be used as an adjunctive approach in your treatment plans for depression.Communicate how memory malleability impacts your treatment of clients with traumatic memories.Discover how the neurobiology of addiction can help you establish realistic goals with clients with substance use disorders.Establish the role of the neurobiological fight, flight, or freeze response in trauma symptomology.Characterize how attachment impacts key brain networks and informs the clinical treatment of affect regulation and mood disorders.Communicate how research findings regarding the relationship between diet and mental health could impact treatment approaches for various disorders.Evaluate how an understanding of the neurodynamics of habit formation informs the therapist’s clinical approach to foster behavioral change.Appraise the latest scientific research on gratitude and explore the benefits and limitations of using approaches based in positive psychology.Articulate how mindfulness practices can be used in therapy to impact the stress reaction and shift clients to a relaxation response.Get 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma of author Jennifer Sweeton only  price 119$DAY 1Understand the Brain’s Reward SystemHabit formation & maintenanceWhy the brain doesn’t always choose wellThe conscious brain mythBrain dictated actionsImpulse vs routinesReward & habitCoping & stressBrain-wise changeImpulse strategiesSerotoninSolidifying change – from neurons to brain regionsFrom state to trait: Brief experiences to long lasting changeWillpowerWillpower: where does it reside?Role of exerciseMindfulnessA brief willpower workoutThe Body’s Impact on the Brain: Alter Physical State to Manage Stress and AnxietyBody-Brain-Mind TalkThe Vagal NerveHeart rate variabilityInteroceptionBuild stress resiliency & emotional regulationBreath, posture, deep relaxationThe Body-Brain-Mind connection across treatment approachesThe Brain’s Impact on the BodyChronic pain, nociceptors and neurotransmittersDorsolateral prefrontal lobe and the centralization of painThe influence of stress on pain and inflammationPain measurementCBT interventions to reappraise painPain catastrophizingBiofeedbackMind-Body interventions for painHow Relationships Change the Brain: The Neuroscience of AttachmentNeuropeptides: behavior and oxytocinHealing through the social brainThe role of storytellingThe brain in loveBrain behavior of long-term loveNovelty vs. habitEngendering secure attachmentKey brain networksBuild compassion & empathyDAY 2From a Depressed Brain to a Resilient BrainHow the depressed brain gets stuckHemispheric lateralityCytokines & depressionThe neuroscience of guilt & shameOpposing pathwaysBrain intercommunicationGratitude – neurochemistry & practiceNeurofeedback: Research on direct communication with the brainTrauma Treatment and the Science of MemoryGroundingTitrating emotions with mindfulnessThe fight/flight/freeze response in traumaExecutive functioningImplicit memoriesDual awarenessBrain savvy narrativesBreath/Movement/AwarenessThe treatment of shame in traumaThe Addicted Brain: Clinical Implications of the Neuroscience of CravingThe role of the reward centerThe neuroscience of cravingMindfulness & movement based supportsIdentifying false sanctuaries & underlying beliefsDual awarenessOvercome conflict and risk avoidanceThe Aging BrainBrain changes across the lifespanMemory improvement strategiesBuffering from Alzheimer’s DiseaseIs Mindfulness a neuroprotective approach?Nutrition & the Brain: We Are What We Eat!Nutrition for optimal brain functioningThe brain on sugarNutraceuticalsCreating an interdisciplinary teamThe Limitations of Neuroscientific Research and Potential Treatment RisksfMRI imaging – blood flow vs. neuronal activityHow only looking at brain activations produces an incomplete pictureNeuroscientific studies, sample size, and validityAnimal research – directly applicable to humans?Psychotherapeutic techniques – specific limitations and risksGet 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma of author Jennifer Sweeton only  price 124$Tag: 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma – Jennifer Sweeton Review. 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma – Jennifer Sweeton download. 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma – Jennifer Sweeton discountPurchase 2-Day Mastery Course on Neuroscience Informed Therapy: Connect Complicated Brain Research with Accessible Therapeutic Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, Substance Abuse & Trauma – Jennifer Sweeton courses at here with PRICE $299.99 $124